Post#1 I will be giving Jow Forums the ammunition it needs to take down the Zionist Jews for good. I have no doubt this thread will probably be censored, neglected or removed. I meditated on this, trust me. I was thinking of not sharing this information, but I decided to share it anyway.
Who am I? I was educated as a Catholic Priest for 2 years. I belong to a hold out parish in communion with the Holy See but in a state of holding out. We practice authentic Catholicism by the book and we condemn all wrong doing. We are mostly ex-military men with strong faith and Christian values. I am also an user and I have been since I was 15. We practice Christianity as it was practiced in the 3rd Century in the Middle East. We are more closely associated with Orthodox Christians.
Once upon a time the Jews had a Priesthood. During the last Temple the Jew that committed a mortal sin would take an animal to the temple to be sacrificed to God by the Priest. Then the sinner would be sprayed with the blood of the animal by the Priest and the sinner would eat the animal to erase the sin. This is an exegesis of Passover which is another Covenant of the Jews.
During the times of Josephus which was shortly after the legend of Jesus Christ, the Romans went to war with the Jews in their own land. I am referring to historically true events. Josephus was a historian and a Jew with Roman citizenship and he documented the events that occurred. The Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and they burned the genealogical documents that were required to prove the lineage of the Priesthood.
According to Jewish law a man of the Priestly bloodline must prove on paper by means of genealogical documents that he directly descends from Aaron or Levi who were the first Priests of the Mosaic Covenant. If the man cannot prove it, he is thrown out of temple.
Today there is no Temple or Priesthood among the Jews, all they have are Rabbis which are only teachers. They do not have the authority to absolve sins. Many Jews today have changed their God to Moloch or they practice an antifaith.
You can go up to any Jew and ask them if they have a priesthood and they will either ignore you or they will tell you the truth.
The way the Zionists appear to the dumb Protestants in America, is that they parade under the title of 'God's Chosen People' when today, they are not. All is as God wills it. If they were God's chosen still then they would have a valid priesthood today and they don't. They know this. The Protestants are so dumb and uneducated that they fall for the Zionist garbage and assist in Jewish endeavors thinking they are doing the right thing. This is what leads to war and death. The Zionist movement aims to reclaim historically lost lands and they are using the stupidity of the American Government to help them in that war. In numerous instances the Israeli military has fired against American vessels and killed American soldiers, they are idiots.
There is a huge difference between Orthodox Jew and Messianic Jew. A Messianic Jew is a person with valid descent from Jacob who also believes Christ was the Messiah and has also received the Sacraments of His church. The Messianic Jew would never adhere to the Zionist movement. An Orthodox Jew is a person with valid descent from Jacob who adheres to the Orthodox Jewish Faith and believes the Messiah has not come yet which is why they are always looking for the one among them that has the power of resurrection.
All of the previous statements are facts.
Long story short, Jews have no priesthood or temple because one could say God Himself destroyed it, and they use dumb Americans to help them in their fruitless wars.
Samuel Brown
Here is a big truth about their religious practice which they actively promote...
This thread has a lot of info of their past and how they actively pursue for power.
Alexander Morris
Exactly my point.
Kayden Gonzalez
Asher Reed
I saw redpill pic about tortures of children. That it's for blood full of adreno something. Maybe this related too? Child feel pain and this guy suck his blood full of that adreno thing.
Joshua Ortiz
Here's a compilation in their involvement in trafficking business