>Strong, military state
>Strategic coastline
>Full of whites
Holy shit I think I found the newest /ourcountry/. Long live based Eritrea
>Strong, military state
>Strategic coastline
>Full of whites
Holy shit I think I found the newest /ourcountry/. Long live based Eritrea
Other urls found in this thread:
>cucks Ethiopia out of a coastline
nothing personal, kid
I've been there a couple times for Protestant bullshit. Women are nice though fucked a couple.
its a win win if we build the ethnostate there
Jow Forums pussys are too quick to dimiss places as shithole when they already live beside blacks in muttistan
Niggers you mean.
>full of whites
You know there are tens of thousands of these disgusting niggers here in the UK, right? Each and every one of them is a weakling defector from military conscription that uses human rights law to stop themselves being deported back to their shithole.
>fucking valves
Jow Forums is now an Eritrean valve mining forum.
change my mind.