Will he go down as the worst president in American history?

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he will go down as the last


All hail God Emperor Trump!

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Until the next one. There are no good presidents; just terrible ones, bad ones and jokes. They all suck.

No president can be worst than Woodrow Wilson.

Draining the swamp... but gas-lighting a malicious spirit at the same time...

Maybe its all inevitable, an unavoidable cyclical manifestation the human legacy.

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This unironically

I try to understand people who honestly think like that. I've come to the conclusion that in these peoples minds, the US has had two presidents, Obama and Trump and out of these two, the cool beige-colored man is not the worst US president in history, and thus the orange man must be worst.

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How so? We are doing great. Only niggers are doing bad and thats pnly because Democrats keep telling them they are doing bad.

No, the nigger went down as the worst president in the history of the United States. Hillary had potential to become even worse.

nope, this:

No bad Sven it's
>brown man great

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Last president of the US
First Emperor of the American Empire

Best President in my lifetime really.
Not saying much tho, they all blow really bad.
Obama was the worst, Bush Jr just as bad really.
Trump still sucks Saudi muslim and Israeli cock but other than that he has done great work despite a treasonous left wing house and 9th circuit judiciary.
I will vote for him again as well as as hard right a candidate as I can find.


Based Swede

Already better than most presidents

go ahead and compare sjw retardation pre and post Obama then tell me if Trump is the worst ever.

why because he supported you?

No president is ever going to go down in history as worse than Abraham Lincoln or even Obama. There is pretty much nothing Trump can possibly do to top either.

I would argue Germany is way worse off after Merkel.
You will be doodoo brown and muslim in one generation, which is like double the nigger.

So far Bush Jr. managed to do more damage than Zion Don, but there's still time to change that I suppose. But he'll certainly go down as the stupidest.

Everything is a popularity contest with you faggots.
Leftism really is just an expression of a weak effeminate mind


How so? Ive doubled my retirement funds in 2 years, bought a house, making shit tons of money, no new wars, and he put based Constitution judges on SCOTUS and many federal appointments that saved religious liberty.
Tell me how he is worse than Obama that put us into 2 more wars, put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt, and flooded Europe with shitskins.


He will ultimately be remembered in the same way Augustus and Charlemagne are, a great man who tried but eventually failed to hold back the darkness that comes when a great culture grows old and degenerate. Such men are heroic, if flawed the way all men are flawed. Such men fail to "fix" they world they are trying to save because the root of the problems are beyond any one man's ability to change, because the root of the problem is human nature itself.

He will also be remembered as the last US president that anyone had any respect or affection for. After Trump leaves office, it will be the reign of the bad emperors for the foreseeable future, until the country breaks up into smaller states.

most probably yes

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He’ll be viewed as the man who betrayed White America’s last grasp by nationalists.


No. Lincoln fucked us with niggers. Wilson and FDR let us get fucked over by jews. Every president since Wilson has been a NWO ZOG whore.

He is just placating you whilst they fill up secret bases around the USA with foreign soldiers.
Why do you think so many people have went missing exploring national parks?
Trump is making sure enough illegals get in to destroy us.
Trump is the worst president ever.

he's no better or worse than anyone else to hold the office in the last 40 years

at least he hasn't gotten the country involved in any more foreign wars and instead is focusing on the traitors within establishment politics

Still mad your parade got rekt?

Eisenhower and Coolidge make Trump look like a massive pussy.


No. That's Lincoln. Then FDR. Then Wilson. Then LBJ. Then Obama.

He is literally worse than that faggot nigger

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>VPN fag detected

after he annexes Israel, he will be a legend

no retard, I know what you are most probably writing about, but only in a mind of a american mutt being against Dotard Trump is equal with being a "discord tranny"

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He will be remember as the one who took the most kikes semen in his rectum.

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Nope. He will be known as the best president in history.

Okay you have convinced me. Im voting for her.

This. Spot on

Agree here as well. Bush Jr should be in there too for the Patriot Act

No. Obama will be impossible to dethrone.

>Will he go down as the worst president in American history?
Sorry meme flag but that position has been filled.

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And he has a close runner-up

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Roosevelt easily rivals him for the first spot. Sold us out the fucking soviet commie kikes.

When they start accumulating dna to create Serpentor, Trumps will be among them

worst president? without question. forget the racism. forget the immigration thing. as leaders go he just sucks ass. scared of putin and kim. verbally sucker punches women, the elderly and the disabled. dodges the draft, 5 times. never tells the truth. fucks his own daughter. cheats on his wife. doesn't go to church. can barely read or write. i mean damn he is subhuman. as niggers go trump is the lowest of them all.

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>brown man bad
>orange man can do no bad
Right wingers have broken brains

No, you dumb fucking retard. He will go down as the greatest president. Or the last.

yup he's a complete retard
all he has done so far is lie to the American people while siphoning money out of your country and into Israel's coffers.

Trump did not expect to become President, he was just doing it to create publicity and buzz for the "Trump" brand, and it would have worked, early on even the Leftwing media was treating him sort of like a silly circus spectacle.

Since his plan failed (hype without actually being elected) and he won, due to Hillary's gross ineptitude, he has been doing nothing other than creating an environment for his family (sons and daughters) and his corporation to flourish over the next generation. He isn't grooming Ivanka or Jared for politics, he's just giving them a seat behind the curtain so they can learn all the ins-and-outs of politics to make it easier for them to navigate that landscape from the perspective of future business dealings within the Trump Organization.

I don't doubt Trump cares for America, but if you think he gives a fuck about blue collar, low-class idiots, you're delusional. He's somehow who admires success above all else, he doesn't care about things like determination, hard work, willpower, etc. he cares about results, he cares what you have accomplished. So if you're a blue collar low-class mutt, in his view you haven't applied yourself, you haven't accomplished anything, and quite frankly he's right to think so.

Trump will go down as the least effective President of all time in regards to what he has delivered to the American People, but probably the greatest President of all times in terms of enriching himself, his family, and his business, for many generations to come.

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You are ridiculously stupid.

Obama already owns that title


he could never be the worst president because he isn't the president. he is a nigger in true definition who caters to his nigger base. the only thing right about him is putin tamed his gag reflex. now its kim's turn to school him.is2.Jow Forums.org/pol/1565728007844.jpg

Roosevelt gave people a handout and you didn't see as many old ladies eating catfood, he also denied blacks from participating in the new deal

Objectively speaking, or just what the (((((history books))))) will say?

Trump appears to be stupid, but he's not, far from it. Appearances can be deceiving.

Every time a republican president takes office the media predicts he will go down as the worst president in history. Somehow leftists believe that Trump is worse than Bush and his illegal war that killer millions of civilians now because he says mean things.

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>if you think he gives a fuck about blue collar, low-class idiots, you're delusional.
he's closer to being that than anyone else up there besides Bernie,

the family only has money since the Grandfather, unlike these other silver spoon clowns who have had money for centuries

Bernie vs Trump

Brooklyn vs Queens

the winner will bring the dodgers back to Brooklyn

All presidents are the same. The only difference is Trump is setting up the US for a NatSoc uprising. He isn't the cause of that though, it's just a consequence of the actions of the left and right politicians, so I can't even give him credit for that.

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I should have said "he's a conman" instead of "retard", because I agree, he's not stupid, but he's not helping any Americans other than his own family members.

>Trump is worse than Bush
no 9/11, no read my lips, no subprime mortgage, no weapons of mass destruction search,

so far it seems America is ahead

>orange man bad

>not helping any Americans other than his own family members.
yeah but we're better off for lack of his knowledge of how to use the system to rape and kill

If you think Trump cares about blue collar workers then either Trump's an idiot or you are. "I want more legal immigrants than ever before" is going to destroy the country in more ways than one and take everyone but millionaires with it.

Too late, a nigger already beat him to it.

Churchill wanted to drop troops in Yugoslavia (D-Day) and stop the soviets from pushing towards Germany. Roosevelt chose France effectively letting the parasites spread over half of Europe including half of Germany. Fifty fucking years...
He kept jap-Americans in concentration camps, shipped them back to Japan. He was a fucking commie kike and that alone is enough to hate his ass.

Not even fucking close.

Hard to beat


kek, those image dimensions.


He signed Federal Reserve in to existance.

Obama: hold my beer

Yes. For the simple reason that he will fail and his enemies will write the history books.

He will be remembered fondly, and in ten years Democrats will lionise him just like they now do with McCain.

>Leftism really is just an expression of a weak effeminate mind

That would make Princess Ivanka very unhappy and impede her ability to sell shitty fashion accessories.

Trump will be top 3 'Modern' Presidents in a decade
He'll also be beloved by the media the next time a Republican wins office (Just like Bush/The Bushes and McCains have been.)

History will be kind to him. Whether people want to admit or not, he's woke up a lot of white people. He might not be the one to lead us to the light, but he's started the flame. And for that, he will be remembered fondly.

White """people""" will be forgotten in history along with your clown leader lol

>implying that *merica won't be totally deleted from history

I don't like his stance on Isreal or Saudi Arabia and how he always seems to pull his punches when he has the commie bastards dead to rights on an issue, or tries to appease them by doing stuff like advancing the cause of globohomo abroad, or giving them small wins on guns or the border. Or how he has his own shady ass history with deep stater creeps like Roy Kohn. And sometimes he talks like a retarded grandpa.

Despite all that, probably the best pres. in our lifetimes. The damage inflicted on the commie left has been massive, causing them to lose whatever veneer of pretence they used to be able to hide behind. His antics, for good or ill have forced them to expose themselves to the point where even normies can perceive the agenda at play, and has damaged them psychologically. Atop that his behaviors have helped to highlight which people on the right are traitors to be disregarded or rooted out.


Nah bro. The title of President will be used years after the collapse, just like the title of Holy Roman Emperor in Germany.

Nope. What you paypiggies at shareblue think?

memeflags will die in a fire

Memeflag death by rope?


one thing is for sure.
love or hate him - he has eclipsed Obama in ONE TERM!!!

the guy certainly doesn't feel like another 'please clap' republican.