Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. He won’t appear again, last week’s was his final show

Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. He won’t appear again, last week’s was his final show.

Fox is just figuring out how best to announce this in the next few days.

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nice source you got there


he was flying too close to the sun in recent months that's for sure, wouldn't surprise me but OP is still a faggot

There are no white supremacists

>no sauce
>op faggotry on full display

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Go to bed Don Lemon, you're drunk

>Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News.

He was always kind of a dim bulb. He never seemed to have any ideas of his own, just parroted back what he heard the other hosts saying.

>source: dude trust me

After the Fredo incident you have to be a fucking retard to think Tucker won't be coming back. He was returning regardless but now they'll have Tucker back from fishing this week.

Oy Vey! Time to go on an extended vacation, goyim.

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It is summer. No news. No politics. Perfect time to get some R&R. OP is a fag.

Nice try, Rabbi.

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Tucker is useful as a containment method for whites who feel they are being attacked. If Tucker is gone and replaced with Ben Shapiro all of those Tucker watching normies will get radicalized even more

Hi Fox News employee
OP is a faggot as usual
Tucker is alive and well and /ourgoy/

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Don’t insult don lemon, he proved to everyone how easy it is to get a fully semi-automatic assault rifle within minutes

Theyre making too much ad money from his shows to get rid of him

>Ivanka: Daddy Murdoch get rid of the bad goyim Tucker Carlson

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He will be replaced by a kike because some of the alt right likes him.

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Plus, he said that he's built a studio in Maine. If fox fired him, he's going to immediately start broadcasting, except this time he'll be off the chain. Meaning mass scale red pilling. Fox hasn't fired him so far because he has that knife to their throat.

He'll be back, he's a highly paid assassin who as part of his deal gets some time after a job. Epstein never saw it coming.

Tucker Carlson starting his new show on OANN next month.

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>Tucker Carlson
Bulshit you antifa nigger

What other hosts?

not happening considering they mentioned his name multiple times on his show and even played a taped interview of him last night.

I have to wonder how easily he'd be able to build an independent network. With the internet and all it has never been easier. But I doubt he'll actually do it and truly go full red pill. Push comes to shove he's just another toady working to contain and water down white resentment.

You're full of shit, but it will happen this year. Murdoch's kids are leftists and Tucker is getting a little too independent

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That would be a shame for Neocon News Network to lose their last draw. A network with Tucker, Judge Janine, Lou Dobb's mummy, would easily smash the rest of the ziocon fools. It would be cool to see Hannity go full neon zionist evangelical though. See Sean Hannity do a snake charming/speaking in tongues event live on fox news in order to try to summon more public support for endless zog war

You can't be redpillled and a protestant user

Digits confirm

Tucker Carlson is the Fox News manager.

>Tucker’s replacement

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Then FOX is done and I won't watch ever again. Tucker is literally the only one on msm speaking the truth at this point

>tucker Carlson goes on YouTube and gets 2 million subscribers

And jewtube bans him the next day.

Dylan Roof wrote a letter to him several months ago saying this would happen... Doubt it will, there'd be consequences

This board indulged in qanon fantasies and are mostly christcucks, you can get them to believe pretty much anything as long as it's contrarian and obscure

>fox got rid of it's top viewed show
Yeah because they want to go bankrupt right?

It’s possible. He’s gotten awfully woke for 8 PM on cable news

>listening to fox news in the first place
Fox news, ladies and gents. The same news outlet that backed and pushed for boomers to vote for trump.

The news outlet that is currently shitting on vidya. The same news outlet and president that's talking about gungrabs and who's own daughter is crying seal tears about "muh violence".
The same president who sucks kike cock every chance he gets.
The same president that's letting in fucking shitskins by the fucking millions through "legal" means.

Yeah, you're totally talking to people who give a flying fuck about the mainstream media you retarded nigger. You know where the fuck you are, right?


Hi stalwart

He's been unpersoned on Youtube, all search results for him are heavily curated now. At least in my location...

MSM is designed to push propaganda and narratives, not worry about cash flow. You think murdoch gives a shit whether he has an extra 3 billion or just 2.8 billion this year to wipe his ass with?

Go Woke Go Broke

>muh fox news OMG

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and then he goes on Bitchute, making it relevant.

If you strike him down he will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

(You) forgot to sign your name Fredo

I hope this is a wake up call for Tucker. Don’t go against the media monolith or they’ll crush you like everyone else. With any luck he’ll take a part in leading the great white secession.

Best thing that could happen desu

He's on vacation dumbass

Hi kike. I have a theory about shareblue stalwart rolcon retards.

The whole thing is orchestrated by the libcuck tier mainstream niggerdry in order to convince us to scream at each other and claim one another are rolcons when we dont agree about the slightest thing. They're trying to make us distrust each other so that the actual fedposting kikery goes unnoticed.

reddit liberal faggotry has already invaded, and they want to convince the newshits who're here for the first time that this isnt a "natsoc" board, but is rather a "larping rolcon" board.

TL;DR you really fucking showed me, Qtard boomer autismo.

Boomers and normies don't even know Bitchute exists, making Carlson irrelevant.

>What is a libcuck neckbeard who thinks Jow Forums is full of right leaning neckbeards for 200, alex.

Certified not-a-fedpost-shitpost.

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mem2.jpg just for you

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>no sauce
>1 post by this ID
Big if true, but probably isn't.

Tucker Carlson could immediately ascend to Pierce levels by naming the Jew and then going underground to form a movement. He has a reliable cushion here

lol god dammit

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>fully semi
Never post again nigger

Shalom Israel

Tucker is a shill

He ignored how trump was crying about white “supremacy” and made it seem like it was only the left

Source or shit off

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Don't ask me how I know, but I can confirm. The Tuck is toast. He won't be back as some kind of maverick, either. His wife will not allow it.

This, post a picture of Tucker and his beautiful family

This x6000000. Tucker was the biggest shill for Bush and his Neocohens when he was on MSNBC and being anti-war was the Democrats' cause celebre.

>It would be cool to see Hannity go full neon zionist evangelical though.

He's already a comped Zionist toolbag who uses neuro linguistic programming to silence and distract guests who criticize anything of import like James Trafficant or the professor he lambasted for daring to question the official narrative on 9-11.

Sure sure rebbe. Whatever you say.

He owns the daily caller

You know damn well political positions change and evolve. More than half of this board is former liberals Dems & libertarians

welcome to the neet world tuck-tuck

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He's evolved. People do that.

>no one cared who i was until i took off the bow tie

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We didn't know what Jow Forums is either and now we are here.

Tucker on Youtube reading superchats would be dope

The rando channels hosting his show on YT would get more views than fox sometimes (before getting copystriked)

"Im not a populist. Don't me get wrong, I'm an elitist. Our elites are not that impressive."

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