I hate this website. I can't help but feel like shit whenever I use it. All of the stories make me mad as hell the millisecond I read them, so I have to just exist immediately.
Twitter is so terrible
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I bet she will start hustling a patreon soon.
>I have to just exist immediately.
nice freudian slip
Tfw you become a whore and expect to be paid millions but get baited
Only 12k?
Look at Belle making 150k/mo baby, wow!
That's how you make some money off these morons.
Twitter is the WORST of these tech companies. The website is slow as shit even though they provide a simple service. Periscope too, "proudly made by immigrants". It's hard to even call it a tech company, cause there's nothing innovative about what they do.
They are based in san francisco is all you need to know. Most of the tech giants are 30 miles away in a relatively sane area. The culture difference is night and day between the two places. SF is NOT the center of power, the center of power is sand hill road in menlo park, so twitter is an outlier.
> $12,000
> 3 months
> unfair
Is she savy enough to lure all the neet losers and hikikomore retard autist bastards that jerk it in the corner and obsess bout a dumb vapid thot?
I respect her capatalistic ingenuity
Awesome, I fap to her degenerate acts and she receives NO money from it. Lmao