In Blue States people work in Universities, Healthcare facilities and Engineering

In Blue States people work in Universities, Healthcare facilities and Engineering.

Red States work in Walmart.


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Whats the difference?

At least walmart produces a real product. Universities are fucking scams that produce nothing, just siphon any financial future from children.

People in blue states work in industries that cause massive amounts of personal debt

do you honestly expect us to believe that in california, the most populated state in america, which has the same population as all of canada, that most people are actually employed by universities?

and in canada people pay 100 leafcoins for a packet of crisps. what's your point

I didn't see a lot of engineering on there. I did see why we the student loan crisis is so bad, entire states are living off of those loans. We are supporting those parasites. The blue states also have lots of hospitals, to care for their AIDS patients and nigger gunshot victims. Nice job.

>Emphasis on private
Why? Is it because they don't want to show that the majority of Americans live off of the governments titties?

>Universities, Healthcare facilities
>Known for scamming people out of large sums of money for services that should cost way less
>Thinking this means they are better than literal blue-collar workers.

When did blue states start producing enough food water and power to feed their people?

So right wingers are average joe working men and left wingers are indoctrinated neoliberal elites? Sounds about right

>What are niggers
Every time

all of those states you mentioned, the most popular job is truck driver.

universities are a scam and hire a lot of useless overpaid idiots.

Excuse me dear leaf, but allow me to laugh because Publix is a superior grocery store in comparison to Walmart.

Let’s be honest, nothing Wal-Mart produces could pass as a “real product”. It’s all trash.

This. Sell you a salary you will never attain and suck all benefit from it if you were to even come close with exorbitant tuition.

It's funny that so many public institutions are the biggest private employers in so many states.

Holy fucking cope

Non retarded explanation: Walmart is literally the easiest job anyone can land. You don't need:
A brain (they invented the UPC so they could stock shelves with braindead morons)

Also, don't assume that everyone with a job at Walmart is going to have that job for the rest of their life. God damn leafs

California actually produces 60% of the entire country’s supply of fruit and vegetables

AZ isn't a blue state.

Take NC out of your faggy map. We don't exist.

>everyone who works for Boeing, a hospital, or a University is highly educated and elite
Most of those people are doing shit tier jobs like support, janitorial, etc. Or do you think the entirety of Nebraska's population is a professor?

One makes clowns
the other sells stuff to clowns.

>average joe working men
Pick up a trade you slack jawed yokel lmao

this list makes no fucking sense. are you saying that most people who live in denver work at the airport? cause thats an outright fucking lie. what is this list trying to say?

Neither is New Hampshire in the top right. That’d be the most leftist state of the bunch.

Walmart Distribution Centers pay a lot compared to more popular “warehousing jobs”. In my area it was $19 walking in the door compared to Amazon at $11.

You know dick my guy.

Wal-Mart does not produce anything, they sell shelf space you moron

this explains why uni cost so much

I doubt this takes into account small business owners and independent contractors. Sorry red states value independence and self starters

>So many states' largest employers are government-run universities


Few universities are "private" like a normal business. Most are non-profit or publicly funded. OP is a fag and this is a bait thread.

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Learn to fucking read, leaf.

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>Walmart feeding smaller farm and business ops = they all work at walmart
Leaf education everyone, it's like common core but worse.

imagine being this stupid

Dakotas are as red as your flag, silly Leaf.

>mayo clinic
fuckin white ppl

Are you retarded? Universities are private institutions. Private businesses. What a waste of trips.

>44.7 million americans with student loan debt
>universities hire more people and charge more and more
>literally the largest private employer in many states
>wow look at these losers not supporting debt-funded enterprise

>america has a mayonnaise clinic



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That's not the fault of the citizens. If we didn't have Jews sending the jobs to China, the companies producing and selling goods here would have a completely different face with the same labor pool as walmart.

Alaska is a red state. I don't even have a Walmart where I live. Get your facts straight before you spout off southerner.

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Well OP is retarded. Largest employer does not mean most people work there, as in >51% of workers. It just means they have the most employees. I guess some universities have thousands of employees per campus, so it is feasible. Also they employ a lot of students on part-time basis.


I live in Jew York, so I can't say for certain, but here at least the SUNY system probably counts every one of their employees, so all of the work-study tutors that help out on campus, all of the janitors, all of the food prep, etc. A big university could have a thousand "employees" in a year if they count the guy who did one study hall once. Multiply that times the 60 campuses and suddenly it gets to be a large number.

> Retailer largest employer in red states
> A sign of consumer purchasing power
> Implying the south is poor

Well walmart unironically employs alot of handicap and elderly. Better than having them on the streets like in major cities.

>dummies with a makework job handed to them by uni look down on dummies with an actual job

again what is this saying? top as in top quality? or top as in number of employees. I've been to the denver airport and they can't possible have more than a thousand people working there.

>Universities are private institutions. Private businesses.
None of those shown fall under this definition and would not be eligible for funding or the tax breaks that they do if they fell under "exclusively" private.
>Are you retarded?
I do believe you might be.

You're the retarded type of nigger that says "but whites commit more murders"

>work in Universities
Those who can't do, teach.

My Aunt dropped out of SUNY because there were too many hills and she didn’t like walking to class.

That just means that there are alternative supermarkets to Walmart in those states. I highly doubt the University of California hires more people than the combined amount of supermarkets in California.

For the vast majority of what you buy the walmart brand is more than sufficient, and can save you a buck. Over the course of a year that adds up. I don't need name brand rubbing alcohol, I just need something to disinfect things.

Yeah, this is some stupid, pointless shit. Sage.

I’m done with you

Found the faggot art major

>state funded university
>private employment

lol kill yourself you naive faggot

this is what I figured, so its just another kike picture to make everyone think their blue pilled shit state is doing well. They do this shit in vancouver too to make people feel like garbage, they tell us the average person makes $50,000 a year, which makes people believe that most people are making that, which is not true. a few rich fags are making millions, and most people are barely above the line of poverty.

>any healthcare "system" being a top employer

Oh yeah surely having 1800 accountants and pencil pushers at every hospital to Jew people out of every penny is a sign of a healthy economy

impatient nigger, incapable of having a conversation.

Wtf even is a name brand rubbing alcohol? I’d rather not save “a buck” and go to a smaller store with less smelly poor families and shorter lines

I live in Uta (red state) and you know what, you are right. Everyone I know works at Wal-mart. I have never even heard of intermountain healthcare. Much less ever been to an IHC. Damn leafs are so smart

People who work at Walmart have more useful skills than 95% of University employees

.4% of the US population works at walmart.

guess which states have a higher unemployment

It’s showing which private companies hire the most people in each state. In Washington Boeing has the most employees of any other private company in the state. They may only have 9,000 employees in the state, but that’s more than any other company in the state has. Now I’m done with you.

Blue States work in government subsidized Commie mills where manufactured opinion reigns supreme and if you don't pretend to be a full fledged globo homo zer then you get your life destroyed for being a Nazi.

Red States work shit jobs where they are not coddled by the government and thus they are red pilled by their daily experiences at work.

Really toasting my almonds over here.

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>At least walmart produces a real product.

The absolute state of burger education.

SEETHING COPELET. Imagine justifying working at walmart LMAO

I hear people say this all the time. My schedule is different than most but when I go the biggest issue I face is these old fucks thinking everyone is supposed to wait or move out of their way.

>yeah we liberals fight for the poor and disenfranchised! We are not elitists!
>proceeds to make fun of poor people
>favours people who go to university

Yeah fuck off

yea don't worry, some other guy who is probably white already told me that.

listen bitch Its not possible for a university to higher many that many people compared to wall mart good chance more people are on well fare in those states

Imagine thinking anyone employed by a university not doing scientific research in some capacity is contributing anything to society. PS, social sciences are not science. Go dilate tranny

Call it whatever you fucking want idiot. I go to walmart and I actually GET SOMETHING FROM THE FUCKING STORE. What the fuck do I get from a university? Please fucking explain idiot.

Nice cope, wagie

Brother I’m whiter than the snow of Manitoba

what do universities produce other then gay tranny faggots


so basically welfare, as federal loans provide the majority of their income

imagine being a miserable edgy faggot who looks down at walmart employees just trying to make a living

University of California also runs 5 hospitals, among other things. Regardless, OP post is disingenious at best

im just fucking with you m8


Where do you work / have worked? I guarantee you the long time employees at a Walmart Distribution center have way more vacation time than you.

Walmart starting pay ( my area ) $19 with guaranteed raises so long as performance, attendance is in check.
Amazon starting pay ( my area ) $11.

Fuck me, we really are GMpilled...

In other words, less than 1% of working Americans work at Walmart. For comparison, about 1% of all Americans work directly for the military, not including contractors. About 16% of all jobs are government jobs.

I'm not sure that chart is actually accurate, though. The local newspapers are always saying Intel is the largest employer in Oregon.

I've worked at walmart and I stand by what I said. Literally nobody defends that shithole, even walmart employees. And you all would agree too if OP wasn't a falseflagging left wing LARPer

buttblasted low iq brainlet

I know he's full of shit, he also only made 1 post.

>Wtf even is a name brand rubbing alcohol?
I don't know, I always buy the walmart brand, but next to walmart brands for everything (aluminum foil, garbage bags, etc.) there's always a name brand thing too, and it's always more expensive.

>in blue states people work for state-subsidized institutions, in red states people work for private enterprises

color me shocked.