The left can't me-

The left can't me-

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They can't. We'll Call him the Big O T and laugh at the left more now.

This image made me LOL, Tim! Mind if I save this?


Butterbean was nothin to fuck with

the salt in 2020 is going to be lovely.

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Bigots are patriotic commies? I'm confused now.

Ummm, fatphobic much? Yikes!

I didn't realize he was so tall, I feel like a manlet at 5'10

This one is decent but they fucked it up with the fact they put a hammer and sickle on him. I know its cause of "muh russia" but more lefty's will see this as an attack on communism so its obvious some older generation made this meme.



Hahahah funny nigger

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the left can't meme because the left is the joke.

Great, anything to come from that in the foreseeable future?

Leftists were funny back in 2007, what happened.

Based Rhodesian

You forgot to put your meme flag mask on kike


Go right ahead! My friend Jonathan showed it to me (he's black and always finding great memes).

Give my best to Jennifer,

What does the OT stand for

Why is the left fatphobic?

Why does Donald have a Communist Hammer and Sickle on his pants?

you know that's not a meme, right?

>muh tiny hands
Whats the left's obsession with this one?

Wanna know how to fight shitty lefty memes?

Hold them to their own moral standard

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extremely cringe and bluepilled

Don't these retarded motherfuckers know that the fucking Soviet Union is not the same goddamn thing as Russia? The Soviet Union was not a fucking single country in theory, it was essentially what the EU wish they were.


Take that Jow Forums

Also, have sex

Plus the Soviet Union =/= Russia
Leftists are fucking retards

When they say, "have sex" is it some kind of offer?
Flattering at best.

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>Why does Donald have a Communist Hammer and Sickle on his pants?
Because leftists are fucking retarded niggers who think the Soviet Union is the same thing as Russia. The Soviet Union was a union of multiple countries that were largely controlled from Moscow. Just because Russia was the center of the USSR doesn't make them the same thing. It would be like calling the fucking EU "Belgium"

These people are absolutely retarded

Also arent the leftists the ones actively supporting and promoting communism?

How the fuck does any of this make sense

>Big Ol Trump
lmao the left really cant fucking meme for shit

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So Onald Trump?!

Why is the left so bad at grammar!?

What's an ot?
And how big is a regular sized one?

Where do you find this boomer shit?

More like too busy protesting Trump instead of working, faggot!

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OT stands for Oversized Testicles because of how big the man's balls are

t. Eternally butthurt incel


actually yall niggas on tumblr

yes, studying gender studies...

Making fun of zio boy Bush was not hard.

They believe that they are supporting "socialism" and not "communism." They believe that the USSR was communism and that they are morally good because they oppose communism.

The reality is that communism has never existed and will never exist. The USSR was a form of democratic socialism who even fucking called themselves a "socialist." The USSR was run by communists who wanted to transition to a communism utopia of free shit via socialist state central planning and genocide of everyone/everything who/that represented "the past". They even fucking voted for their leaders and voted on every issue as a true democracy in the early USSR during the Red Terror (The Red Terror is a predictable outcome of full democracy). The problem is that the General Secetary of the Communist Party, the Supreme Soviet, and the KGB actually controlled everything.

yeah that sounds about right, Communism isnt possible with humans, we are too self centered and look out for ourselves first and foremost

Dont forget Stalin user, he really made it into his own personal empire

Shows ya how there’s really not much in the way of actual ‘ideology’ these days. Just Zionism/globalism and those who oppose it. Soon the kikes will have to call their opposition both far right and far left. And then they might be in trouble. And when they’re gone we can quarrel over the other matters.

Stalin just abolished the democratic part of it out of frustration with how slow everything was when everyone fucking had to vote on every fucking issue. Just remember that during the Red Terror people were killed indiscriminately and their names were published in the news papers to celibate "progress". All the priest were sent to Siberia to die in concentration camps and all the nuns were raped and shot. This was a great example of what a true democracy in a modern country with a large number of leftists leads to. This is why we must oppose leftists by any means necessary. They are pure evil people who are just waiting for the perfect opportunity and the emotional cues to genocide us, our families, our friends, etc.

not funny, didnt laugh

>We'll call him BIG-OT
>ha ha what a play on words excellent meme haha

BIG-OT would fucking smash your shit.

>believes there are 77 genders

Just as retarded as everything else they believe