Why are tattoos so popular? They look like shit and are nearly always the mark of a lower class human being

why are tattoos so popular? They look like shit and are nearly always the mark of a lower class human being

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They're a good thing because you can tell the type of person you're dealing with 9 out 10 times.

Because most people are lower human beings. A majority of tattoos are just gay, r*ddit pop culture shit anyways, at least back in the day they were the mark of a bad ass.

Because we live in a sheep fucking society, everyone's trying to become the same person, like you go to the comedy club and everyone is wearing the same tight jeans, has the same Chinese tattoo, everybody is trying to look the same!

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Checkem. Fpbp /thread.

This. They basically give away the person's "ego." My favorite is the new hipster style of tattoos that each and every one of them think is "unique." You all know the the type I'm talking about: funny, ironic doodles in randomly placed parts on the body. Tattooed on the body to make it seem like you don't give a shit about anything while you're getting offended about everything.

Well if they become popular then your boomer sentimentality about the people who get them becomes no longer relevant.

They are the memes that will live on long after the internet died. you best get your pepe tattoo now before MW3 (meme war 3) starts with right wing death squads and liberal hunting parties.

post some pool approved tattoos

>why are tattoos so popular?
>nearly always the mark of a lower class human being
answered your own question there fella

Because of little kids that want to look like muh though nigger on tv

I keep seeing this faggy-looking "Supreme" logo. What is it?

Tattoos are gross.
I don't respect people with tattoos.
As to popularity, I say the normalization of deviant behavior is opening up society all kinds of trash.

Tattoos are for (male) inmates and veterans only. If I can tell they aren't a veteran, I immediately think they are an ex-con man and walk away. Insecure people alter their body to their own beauty standard because they do not trust their community, therefore, inmate.

An overpriced brand sold to retards, the company litterally makes fun of its own customers for being stupid too.

i think people dont really know what they get into. im into my mid 30s, an age where rarely anyone gets a tattoo. all my friends who got one when they were

I like to call them post modernists.

Tattoos indicated a damaged person
Historically they where used to mark criminals and property. Soldiers got tattoos to mark themselves as property of the government they fought for. Criminals got tattoos depending upon their crime
Everyone but criminals and property who get their skin marked like that should be executed and used for compost

Tattoos are voluntary peasant self identification and the elite use them to not hire people that are too stupid. It’s a tiny piece of the code so that the rich can self promote their own kids and they have fewer successful people to compete with.


Why does no one realize this?

Daddy credit card bait, it's literally just a small red rectangle on a white shirt that cots like 600$

I used to want a tattoo when I was in my early 20s but my grandma told me shed write me out of the will if I got one. Looking back I'm glad she kept me from getting any.

Tats are dope it really depends on the placement. Having a bunch cluttered together can make it overall look crappy

This is why I consider tattoo artists generative and productive members of society. They clearly mark the idiots so the rest of us can recognize them.

I keep seeing Asian teens / early 20s males who drive expensive cars wearing this shit.

i do. It is mark of the Satan.

Most people are lower class than they once were

Holy shit you all are fucking delusional faggots. OMG EVERYONE THAT GETS TATTOOS IS DUMMY AND UNORIGINAL.

Kill. Your. Self. Seriously guys, other people that are different than you don't have to be the enemy (except kikes). Also: Post pic of face if you talk shit about other people's appearance.

I only approve of them in a practical manner, as in tattoo wearers out themselves to me as, at the very least, possessing poor judgement. but poor morals and low class backgrounds are also common

It used to be normal for parents to provide guidance in such a way.
For many generation Y, this was not the case. The reason is of course because our society has been without proper father figures for 3-4generations now.
Fathers who care, and provide guidance to their children was largely absent from the fathers of baby boomers, so they where more like children than parents to their own kids.
The way to improve society going foreword is to be the father figure we may have never had ourselves to break the cylce

tattoos are only cool if you're a criminal, sailor or part of an elite military unit.

In what way does somebody having tattoos make yall so fucking triggered?

Many tatooed people i see seem really anxious and quirky. Maybe the tatoo is causing this

>Get a tattoo during your 20s
>Date girls in their 20s that think tattoos are just as cool as you do
>Marry a girl before turning 40 like any human being should
>Turn 40, don’t think tattoos are cool anymore
>It doesn’t fucking matter because you’re married and not on the playing field anymore
>If you aren’t married you’ve failed anyway
I don’t see the downside to tattoos as long as they’re concealable for professional events. I think you guys just parrot the “pure” pol hivemind

This is akin to saying
>I consider drug dealers productive members of society
>For they weed out the weak willed
A society can practice eugenics without self sabotage

t. nevervous tattooed dolt who turned right wing later in life and doesn't want to be rounded up

Because lower class people exist. They are genetically predisposed to doing such things. Who do you think are also the ones race mixing? A lot of the population are genetic cesspools that are little more than apes.

what's up with rich kids getting all those shitty prisons tats so they can larp as a poor?

gives some relief to people who have identity crises



The Navy seabees tattoos are kind of cool. They're more like construction. I worked with a based old drunk boomer who hated anyone that wasn't white (including kikes) and he had a seabees tattoo from the Vietnam era.

I googled "tattoos trashy people get" to try to find out why so many people have ugly tattoos of almost the same thing.
I work as a traveling human resources middle manager for a national snack company and have been trying all week to find 10 people to fill positions in our Houston division.
The qualifications are pretty low:
1. No felony, violent misdemeanor, or dishonorable military discharge.
2. Ability to answer phone, type 24 words per minute, and ability to lift up to 15 pounds occasionally.
3. No visible tattoos, no unnatural hair colors (blue, fire engine red, orange, purple) no visible piercings except women are allowed earings.
4. Ability to pass a reading comprehension test at the fourth grade reading level.
Those are the only qualifications. My division has taken over 80 applications. All 80+ of these applicants passed the criminal elements and the reading comprehension elements. Only THREE could pass the physical element of not looking like a fool.

Vets and military definitely get to have tattoos, so do criminals. A lot of people are criminals, and criminals aren't always wanting to tell their next victim their con or wanting them to think they are one, so they preach the "but I'm gud purson wid tattoos" bullshit. Our natural reaction is to run. Assume non-vets with tattoos are con men. Life gets better for you.

I have only this week come to realize that certain tattoos mean certain things (I think) here is what my unscientific observation has concluded:
1. Women with bow tattoos have questionable morals and work history.
2. Women with chest tattoos have questionable morals, poor hygiene, and are usually single mothers who bring screaming kids to job interviews.
3. Men with barbed wire or tribal tattoos are usually old guys who were once addicted to drugs or alcohol and have now "gotten their shit together" often with the help of a 12 step program.
4. Neck tattoos of any type means that you are probably on methamphetamine.
5. Tattoos of dandelions turning into birds are common with poor redneck types - these types also like tattoos of: the Chevy truck logo, Texas, the Flag, The Texas flag, USA, or 9-11.
6. Girls who make poor life choices often have tattoos of: birds, words or quotes, compass, flowers, humming birds.
I have been all over the country working in HR and with the exception of Cleveland, Houston has the absolute worst looking candidates. I am amazed that here in the Bible belt where the expectation is that everyone would look normal, that it is so hard to find any normal looking applicants.

How do these people ever expect to get a job? I personally don't find tattoos that reprehensible, I only realize that they are a social class signifier. My board of directors, and those in higher positions however (and our clients who come to our corporate distribution centers) are all high status individuals who are not exposed to tattoos.
My boss gave me the example: he wakes up and his housekeeper gets his coffee - she has no tattoos. His car service drives him to work - the driver has no tattoos and wears a tie. He sits in meetings all day with other white guys with no tattoos who wear suits and ties. He will occasionally take off a day to go to the country club to play golf, or to the Yacht club to go sailing - no tattoos in those places. My boss only eats out one or two meals a week and always at fine dining restaurants where there are no tattoos (maybe in the kitchen, but he can't see that.)
The point is that most people that are at least normal or better income wise probably do not experience many people with tattoos. My boss is an extreme example of how the 1% probably never see tattoos at all - except on TV or when they are walking from their city house to their car - they might see a homeless or some street person with tattoos.
So why do people want tattoos? I don't get it.

Jow Forums is usually right about most things but fuck they can be uptight and purist as hell sometimes
Tattoos are one example
I don’t agree kids should be circumcised but oh my lord Jow Forums gets so fucking angry talking about foreskin it’s actually comical
I also think their hate towards pitbulls is hugely overblown, but I at least get where they’re coming from on that one

Don't you want to express your individuality and do what everybody else is doing?

>1 post by this OP
>another slide thread
>all the replies

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These are the only acceptable tattoos and the only people that should be getting them.

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Please elaborate. Indeed many tatooed people show evil influence that opresses them (just an observation)

I don't have any tattoos, but I'm also not some idiot cunt posting on Jow Forums about the choices of others. Seriously, post pic :) let's see what the tattooless master race poster actually looks like

It’s a veteran/inmate thing. Warrior culture shit I guess you could say.

Everyone else is doing it for...art?

I like Russian prison tattoos because it's basically their resume

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i just think it's fucking lame for the reasons outlined in
also whores can be added to that list. if you don't fall into one of those categories and have tattoos the chances are you are a lame person.
don't show it, faggot. fucking do it.

>Why do people want tattoos
Simply put; it became popular to have them. It became trendy, remember the type of person who appeared on MTV and how generation X and onward grew up with that culture as the norm. The more people got them, the more normalized/popular it became.

Uninteresting people want to feel interesting

They're not that big of a deal and have historical / cultural significance if you're not a purity spiralling boomer.

Agreed. That's another reason not to get them. It's easier to doxxed and identified by others. Criminals literally mark themselves for the authorities to pick them out.

>low wage peasant work
>why are we only getting the dregs???

the rest of your content is on point though

Based. When I see a tattoo on a person's body I immediately know they're not to be taken seriously and a waste of time.

>I don't have any tattoos
then why does someone saying they're lame trigger you so much? for real, you're asking for pictures like anyone is going to oblige (they won't) so you set up this bullshit where you just assume anyone with a negative opinion of the things is some ugly awkward motherfucker.
get fucked, shithead.

I live in a heavy meth area, and everyone I know who does drugs (meth, weed, heroin) all has tattoos but like 1 guy.

They're not

>I don't have any tattoos
Than why are you becoming so emotional and defensive about this?
>N-no judge
The actions of one has cascading effects, which is why we're supposed to police ourselves and others. For the greater good of our collective tribe

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Thats cool. If i ever start to get Alzheimer's id get my info tatted on me. Like a quick rundown on my body.

Some tattoos can be based. Placement and subject matter are critical.

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Every time I see the Supreme logo I think it's someone trying to honor Elliot Rogers.

I have tattoos
T. Sailor

The body is constantly under an immune response to the foreign agent known as tattoo ink.

I have commitment issues....would tattoos be a good choice for someone like me??

>>Date girls in their 20s that think tattoos are just as cool as you do
I'm afraid that that's not how it works user

identity. it gives NPCs something to belong to, since they don't have themselves.

Cool ..is meth there cheap and good..I moving there

>tfw i got tatted up the only people who did it were punks, hessians, bikers, soldiers and sailors
>almost 20 years after i got my first one it becomes some normie trend
I should've seen that one coming after they took punk from us in '91.

the promotion of irreversible fashion choices like tattoos and piercings etc is that it commits the individual to their lifestyle/political choices, it prevents maturation and the natural tendency toward conservatism in maturity
>a hippy can cut his hair and put on a suit and become a productive member of society and potentially a father

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We have enough beaners, and it's usually them bringing the drugs here, essay.

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These threads are non-political and are here at least once a week from incels who see tattooed women get attention.

Here's the truth about tattoos and whites/europeans:

>the celts celebrated full body tattoos known as "woad"
>romans had professional tattooers that marked slaved
>the first documented professional tattooer was a german man (Martin Hildebrant) who tattooed soldiers on both sides of the American civil war
>300 BC Greek mummies have been found with tattoos
>theodore roosevelt, winston churchill, andrew jackson and thomas edison (who invented the tattoo gun) all had tattoos
>nazis had prodessional tattooers and the waffen SS soldiers tattooed their blood type on them
>crusaders tattooed crosses on their foreheads which ensured a proper burial
>otzi the iceman was found with 60+ tatoos, mummified in the alps of germany (the earliest known human to have had tattoos)
>gladiators sported face tattoos before they were outlawed by religious leaders
>pazyryk mummies adorned decorative tattoos of monsters and animals (385 bc)
>the british of the 17th century holy lands commemorated voyages with tattoos
>sailor jerry is the father of the american traditional style of tattooing that still carries on in shops today

There's a lot more history than just this, its off the top of my head. People are just ignorant.

i typically use tattoos as indicators of who NOT to talk to since they are always:
>drug addicts
>have criminal records
>have no regard for law and order
>have a tendency toward degenerate behavior

And I'm in my early 30s and those indicators have always proven themselves to be true from my experience. Especially even moreso with women with tattoos.

You're right, Micky