What policies could realistically be undertaken to prevent or otherwise discourage the breeding among low income...

What policies could realistically be undertaken to prevent or otherwise discourage the breeding among low income, low IQ people?

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It starts with you, user.
Please do the world a favor and don't reproduce.

You need to be 18+ to use this dialup bbs

oh shit sorry i'll go

All we Americans gotta do is stop paying them to have babies.

No more government assistance.

fund education to teach military tactics before history.

Negative consequences are a poor deterrent to people with a planning horizon of five minutes. "I won't be able to afford these kids" isn't a thought that occurs to those with 20 children they already can't afford.

You can't have kids if you go on welfare.

>be tagged because social credit system requires it
>apply for baby making license
>rejected because too dumb
>cum in wife's pussy
>both chips release poison into blood stream


Read SIEGE by James Mason

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>women can legally abort, but only if they undergo a tubal ligation to sterilize them
>those families who want to receive government financial support must also be sterilized to qualify, in order to prevent further abuse of government support
>financial support is only allowed for those who can prove their nationality
>if after one year the family still does not have a source of income, the economic support and their children will be withdrawn

Forced sterilization.
Nothing else is realistic because retards can't control their own reproduction.

Sounds good but not realistic because female politicians will cry and cry about how it isn't fair that Norma and Juan really want to have a baby but can't because of the evil white supremacist eugenicists.

>Negative consequences are a poor deterrent to people with a planning horizon of five minutes.

True but they do it in order to get paid. It's positive reinforcement to get bigger checks for more kids

The majority of our (European) ancestors were low income and/or lower IQ. If you want to find out the successfully proven ways to prevent them from breeding, just ask big jew.


Offer a one time payment of 500$ to anyone wishing to be voluntarily sterilized. The nigs and spics will jump on it fast, and 500$ is a hell of lot cheaper than the state having to fund that child for all of its life

>The majority of our (European) ancestors were low income and/or lower IQ. If you want to find out the successfully proven ways to prevent them from breeding, just ask big jew.

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>step 1
Establish a breeding license. Criteria should a generally good bill health, proof of income, US citizenship, etc.
>In regard to IQ
Less one 100 IQ = no license
100 - 110 IQ = licensed up to two children
110 - 120 IQ = licensed up to four children
great than 120 IQ = licensed for unlimited children
-Licenses to breed will be checked at all hospitals and doctors offices during routine check-ups and delivery.
-Unlicensed mothers will be allowed to carry their pregnancy to term, but will subsequently undergo a forced sterilization (as well as the father, if he is present/identified).
The reproduction rate for everyone with below average IQ will be cut to approximately half the replacement rate, leading to 50% fewer idiots being born every generation.

>50% fewer idiots being born every generation
Goddamn. Imagine the world we could have had if we had implemented common sense managed reproduction just twenty or thirty years ago.

shuuut uuup, 'batin.

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>50% fewer idiots being born every generation
Actually, I misspoke on this point, because I was typing quickly.

50% fewer idiots would imply that idiots are currently only having two children per breeding pair; obviously, this is not the case.

It would actually be a 50% reduction in the present amount of idiots, each generation; but in reality, because idiots often have far beyond two children, the reduction of the sub-100 IQ population would likely be significantly higher than 50% immediately after this plan would be implemented. Then, over time, it would normalize to a 50% reduction with each subsequent generation.

>Imagine the world we could have had if we had implemented common sense managed reproduction just twenty or thirty years ago.
I imagine it often. Boomers have truly cursed us and our posterity; we had a eugenics program in this country, prior to WW2.

bump and self-check

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I tend to think this is the most functional scenario. "Forced" anything is politically unrealistic, but offering a free procedure, and a check for X amount of dollars is something many undesirables would jump on, and would skirt a lot of complaints from the usual parties. It's his/her body, his/her choice, right?

Even from a financially conservative position, it makes sense. Even if the check was for an absurd amount, $10k, even $100k, the tax payer would still come out way ahead.

The only problem I have with a plan like this, is that you would have brainwashed, but otherwise decent people, also doing this.

For example, imagine how many 18 year old college students would do this, seeing it was a way to make a little extra money on the side, and whore around while not accidentally getting pregnant.

A good eugenics policy shouldn't be removing healthy, productive specimens from the gene pool. A policy like this probably would, to some extent.

Try to end retarded cults like Jewsus Kike and Pisslam. Free long term birth control.

Maybe they could pull it off if they paid $5000 or whatever, but then kept frozen sperm or eggs for possible future use. And then charged them to withdraw it in the future to use. That way, only people who in the future after college or whatever reason they needed or wanted the money, only people who can pay, which indicates they would have the finances to raise a child as well



Convince them the world will end in 12 years due to climate change. See AOC for more info on this.

Allow hypergamy.

But that would just make the whole thing needlessly complicated/expensive.

I'm not saying it's a bad plan overall, I just think something like would be much more effective.

We can't just roll over and let the stupids take everything.