El o el they figured it out

el o el they figured it out


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it's ogre

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this is why divorce should be illegal

So basically
>truth is covered in jokes and satire because its dangerous to speak out
>parents should intrude into their kids privacy to make sure they only consume PC content
>if they stray from the approved Material they will become "dangerous"

Kek this perfectly fits the pattern be it the medieval Church, 19th century monarchs, Nazis or commies

>subtlely racist memes
Come on now

>search "jew" on her Twitter
Guess that explains it

why is this bitch being shilled?
>hurr durr i noticed that u think libs are snowflakes,
>who is more of a snowflake:
>A. the person who is crying in street, beating people holding american flags, and screaming at moon over losing an election?
>2. the person who is laughing at that person and having good time with frens still?

>progressive dad
Imagine getting whipped by your wife

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I want a world where nobody is Jewish.

>My kids are smart and have a critical smart and progressive dad
>t. Hotwife

>what a PTSD trigger is actually like
real PTSD is no joke, the joke is that people claim to have it and be triggered when they've never experienced anything more than mildly upsetting

I support this shit fully. The only type of moms who a. have a twitter, and b. take parenting advice from moms online, would be upper middle class (((anglos))). The more fucked up their children are, the better for young, lower middle class whites. Less competition.

thats not how it works dummy

Its true, I had a black friend but since i saw a spyro the dragon meme I am now a white nationalist.

>> You can also watch political comedy shows with him, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Hasan Minhaj....

bwahahahahaa, i can't even imagine if I was in my bedroom, and if my mom came and knocked on my bedroom door and told me it was time to come downstairs and watch an hour of Trevor Noah so I could be "corrected" and brought back to the mainstream.... libs are the strangest people on earth

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This isn't exactly untrue. I was expelled from school in 6th grade, which was very shameful and the single most impactful event in my life's trajectory. Had I fit in with people better, I would probably be a total normie with a gf/wife, happily wage-slaving at some engineering firm right now.

Jesus christ what a stupid bitch

>cusses at the end of it
ugly woman

this is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard in my life.

This is actually not what happens

Most social media sites don't allow white supremacy posts, so what the fuck is she going on about?


90's evangelical moms never went away, they just changed belief systems. Anglos shall always be anglos.

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>also give them women comedians but I didn't have time to find any that don't suck and don't regularlylly conflict with SJW values

She couldn't name a woman comic who is funny if she tried.

Get shot zland. You have no voice here anymore.

You shouldn't be here.

how DARE a mom try to raise her sons to be decent human beings.


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Im glad her kids arent retarded like her

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You tell 'em Himie!

Why not?

The logical result type of child rearing is two types of children, absolute cucks who hate their race or egalitarians that eventually realize they've been lied to.

Triggered by happy holiday? We should meme the innocent happy holiday(HH) into an alternative for heil hitler.

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>falling prey to the system
i was born in it. molded by it.

eh, I think it's pretty fair.. We're lame enough for fucking hockey moms to know about us now, and they rightfully are aware of the social debuff of the redpill. They want their kid bluepilled and happy, having kids of their own one day and fitting in. They don't want incel spergs freaking out over black mermaids. Jow Forums is the new emo, it's whiney, unproductive and something most people get over sooner or later.

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kekked and checked

That whole sentiment is so fucked up it's absurd that people allow it to exist.

Liberalism is literally a religion. racism is their sin, tolerance is their virtue in a completely verbatim manner. And that means that by forcing liberal policies in schools and in law, they are forcibly dictating people's religious beliefs. I already have a religion, racism does not have anything to do with my morals. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong, or sinful in my belief system about calling a nigger a nigger.

there are 2 types of people
those that can see the truth beyond the veil
and those that are too scared to confront it

emo was an aesthetic, not a belief system

HH = happy holidays

She's not wrong. She just assumes it's a bad thing.

future school shooters in the making
these single mothers clearly.

She wanted to, she really really wanted to. She knocked the black ones off real quick tho, very progressive

>I go on 4chin to read twitter
I hate this site now. I hate the consolidated internet. Let the jews finally release all the CDC viruses and end this mess

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Im pretty sure the thing that is furthest from beying "safe" is admitting you want whites to survive under your own name. First class tickets to the antifa firebomb sauna for you and your whole family.

Moms got it right in part 6. The shaming aspect of liberalism demonstrates that it is not about making the world a safer and better place; rather, it is an opportunity to dehumanize/deperson/deplatform their political opponents. If they were serious about what they claim, they would treat these moments as opportunities to teach, instead of going str8 for the jugular, like they do. Schadenfreude is a real fucking thing, and the snowflakes love to pretend that it doesn't exist (in their world).
Personally, idgaf; I have no objections to the left destroying itself.

They are so alien to their sons that bridging the generation gap of understanding is going to be impossible. The mothers and sons are both the products of the anti white male Post World War II world. Many white families are on their third or fourth generation of White Self Hate. In 2019 however, there are darkies everywhere who get off Scott free even when they commit extremely violent acts on whites for petty reasons. (He looked at me wrong. He actin' white.) The white son's are shut down harshly when they try to explain to their parents that it really was not their fault. The parents take this as proof that their sons are irredeemably racist then scream and yell at them for "being racist." This creates a permanent divide between the Boomers and Millennials that can not be bridged. (The Boomers are brainwashed to believe that anything a white male does is wrong and anything a non white does is right. I knew an black male/white female couple that split up because the black man chimped out on the white woman and beat the Hell out of her. I told my own parents the story and their first question was "Are you sure they weren't just playing around?" I had to explain that no, a large male beating up his wife is not "just playing around." They still don't believe that the black man did anything wrong. It HAS to be a white person's fault.) The 2020's are going to be a rocky decade with the Anti White Boomers getting old and their traumatized, innocent white children left to pick up the ashes of Darkie Supremacy Land.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Holy $hit she woke n empowered as hell nigga
Shalom and sincere respecc from your progressive allies, especially the African and Jewish American communities One Love One Star

The only problem is the sperging out. Effective change occurs with a calm mind and a clear voice.

At least one sane person can contribute to the thread.
Fuck letting children learn. Let’s force them into little boxes that I approve of.

I didn't Susan browsed Jow Forums

My redpill journey began when I first saw trevor Noah ranting about trump's "they arent sending their best" comment. And couldn't believe the overreaction

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And they wonder why white guys are shooting up places.

it used to be good
then we got invaded by social media types
Jow Forums became the new "thing"
and now all ecelebs and shit know about it
at least, I still see original memes here trickeling down.


It's not difficult to push young white guys in an "alt-right" direction. You literally just have to point out reality to them.

>"Do they teach 'white privilege' bullshit in your school?
>"So they want to make you weaker because of your race? Doesn't that seem kind of fucked-up?"
>"Huh, yeah..."


Post tits or gtfo

i know, right? this shit pissed me off - our memes are racist and sexist as fuck

good goy

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roasty is extra triggered.

single moms are castrating bitches


She’s right. This is how I got radicalized

If that kid showed up at my school, I would have knocked him the fuck out.

you joking about ptsd triggered me

kids shouldn't have smartphones and only have limited access to the internet at home.

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Unfortunately for white "women", they are now ranked below Asian and Latina women.

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She's not wrong. Y'all just got called the fuck out. Hoes fucking mad.

I know white men who are dying of alcoholism right now, raised by "tolerant" Liberal families who don't know how to reach them. I, myself, don't socialize and haven't done so unless forced to since I was young. (I was a genuine self hating white growing up.) I know people who's sons changed radically from their ultra Lefty fathers. One became a redneck and one became a transsexual. The damage done to white males of all social classes is so taboo to speak about that we all suffer in silence, believing we are alone. THAT is why so many kill themselves. THAT is why some choose to kill random people. Societies collapse around this part. All it will take is one major loss in a war, whether physical or economic, and the whole anti white world will find itself under the thumb of the very darkies it has lionized since the end of World War II. (Try fighting back, if you can.)

I've been thinking for a bit. Likely a lot of you know about Qing China and how the Han were basically living under racial oppression during that entire time despite being the majority. A sneaky peice of fiction would be to write a narrative in that time period but to actually make it about this modern white privelege insanity. AKA the way the Manchus maitained controlled society was by developing concepts of Han privilege and whatnot, and invoking the historical sins of the Chinese against their "barbarian" neighbours.

I remeber some user asking if this kind of race self-hatred had ever been as widespread as it is in the current society and the only answer somebody could give is that in the late roman empire people started releasing their slaves. This Qing China situation might be the closest thing in reality to what we now experience

Well, I imagine seeing the forbidden one would affect your psyche

Where does the wearing swastika arm bands part come into play?

If that disgusts you, then don’t condone the concept of “alt-right” because that’s what the general public thinks of when they hear the term.

>and everyone applauded

Why is Twitter such garbage that posts must be divided into 6 parts? Stupid platform made for retards who can handle max 280 characters.

>IT’S MAM!!!
Fuck this shit. Laughing at clown world is the only way I deal with clown world.

When will they figure out that diversity, white privilege and being called nazis are what’s turning kids into white supremacists? Or in short, leftism is pushing people rightward.

Okay, she's "cracked the code" but what on earth makes her think her reprogramming is going to work. The instant, the literal instant anything progressive hapoens to those boys, the instant they get told they're what's wrong with society, they're going to remember the memes.
I mean watching Trevor noah? That faggot will undo all her hard work for her.

And then, everyone clapped.
There is no way he came up with all those "conclusion"(confirming her bias) just by watching "my boys online behavior".

>progressive comedy isn't safe

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To people like that, anything that isn't explicitly anti white is white supremacy

>Be woman
>Attempt to explain males
>Be wrong

She's honestly pretty right.

The question is how do we accelerate this process?


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The way that China was finally broken out of this situation was by things just getting SO BAD that the "Barbarians" were clearly technologically superior and knocking at the shores. The Qing tried to expel the foreigners with the boxer rebellion by claiming they were not "confucian" while the Manchus despite being foreigners were in fact "confucian" and some parralels could be drawn with the russia hysteria by trying to blame foreigners who are not "progressive enough" for the obvious issues that are arising. When things finally cracked with Sun-Yat Sen's rebellion is when the upper classes finally realized that the Manchus were leading the entire situation to ruin and they wouldn't be able to maintain their positions by cooperating with the racial abasement of the lower classes of the han

The system that disillusions young white men from liberalism and progressivism IS liberalism and progressivism

digits confirms

>Have them watch John Oliver
Fucking hell.

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now that's #woke bro

