These people are heros, at least they have the guts to stand up to you violent Nazis! Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Mazie Hirono (D-HI) Richard Durbin (D-IL) Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Today, fifty-five percent of Americans believe the Supreme Court is “mainly motivated by politics”(up five percent from last year); fifty-nine percent believe the Court is “too influenced by politics”; and a majority now believes the “Supreme Court should be restructured in order to reduce the influence of politics.”
Democrats murdered Justice Scalia because he actually believed in the Constitution.
Christian Jones
Laws are just words on paper that don't stop bullets.
Nolan Jenkins
Just wait till Ginsburg retires before 2020. There will be more salt than supersized fries from McD’s.
Logan Kelly
So they are basically admitting that trump is going to get another pick and bring the court back in line with the constitution? Neat.
Colton Gray
The SCOTUS is wholly unconstitutional. Nothing in the constitution gives them power to "interpret" it. It's all clear as day. The SCOTUS as usurped power and is completely illegitimate. Most of the major decisions are completely and utterly arbitrary and politically influenced. 5 to 4. This means that the direction of the country and the rights of the people are decided by unelected officials.
Dylan Bennett
We need to just start over. Clear everyone out. Ban them and their family members from participating in law, government, media, and finance. Obviously people need to be executed for their crimes. Public corruption needs to come with the penalty of public execution.
Logan Wilson
Seriously, with shit like this, how does anyone look at the Democratic Party and not think that they're total fascists hell bent on acquiring and maintaining power?
Between this, the support of big tech censorship, (((Biden))) saying your constitutional rights are not set in stone, giving free everything to illegal immigrants, (((medicare for all))) muh Russia, muh huwhyte supremacy, mandatory gun fucking bone chilling is this shit?
and the kicker is that they still have retards willing to vote for them.
I desperately hope there is a new civil war, so these monsters can die a slow painful death like they fucking deserve.
>muh GOP is bad too.
Bitch it's Orange Man am bad or the gubment raping you until you die in order to give Juan and Pedro free shit, (((Google and Amazon))) controlling everything online, and Green New Deals.
The Dems need to be fucking eradicated from God's green earth and sent to Hell via Express.
Remember the last time the dems tried to pack the courts and it ended in republican controlled courts for 40-50 years? You know, during Obama's administration?
Luke Perez
>dems are the real fascists I think you’re on the wrong board user. I also don’t think fascism is what you think it is. We are the real fascists and proud.
WHat's the issue? This is just tit for tat ism Trump even whines eternal on them and their decisions
Lucas Ramirez
I feel your autism, but what the fuck do you call this shit they're trying to pull?
Cameron Wood
Threatening to, or actually attempting to pack the Supreme Court would be accelerationist to the fucking extreme.
Mason Gutierrez
He's conflating "fascist" with "authoritarian".
Carter Cox
faggot not understanding fascism is left wing by nature. Please die in a hole. Authoritarianism is left wing, fascism is authoritarian. right wing is anarchy.
Oliver Martinez
They're going to try to pack the courts anyway. If they reject the 2nd amendment they'll: 1. Be breaking their oath to uphold the constitution and 2. Let the libs win even harder.
They’re liberals, or communists or capitalists. Look these people don’t believe the thing you believe. They only care about money and power and maintaining a master//slave system. There’s a reason why liberal capitalists funded the Soviet Union and China. Communism works really well melded with capitalism there. Capitalism is about throwing people away for profit. This is why they bring in immigrants to replace us. They’re just strike breakers. The only reason they push so hard for gun control is so they can kill us once they disarm us. Do you know what they did in Romania?
Jason Sanders
Agreed. We should also televise/livestream it so all the world can see what true justice looks like.
Henry Parker
>retires She's been dead for a year. She'll be like Chairman Mao, where they'll only confirm her death 20 years after the fact.
Josiah Green
I'm not a fascist. As in, fascist isn't far enough.
"my made-up definitions outweigh real definitions" - you
Jeremiah Thompson
Just a plan C or plan D or play R move by Democrats. These people have seats for life and are voted on by Congress. Democratically.
Jason Taylor
The state of this board. Jow Forums is a right wing fascist board. Go back to infinity. No one that has actually read Hitler, Mussolini, or any third position writer or leader of the era believes your boomer nonsense. Kys.
Joshua Carter
Hi Soros bot
Hunter Myers
What a homo, fuck you and your Democrats.
Joseph Morris
Exactly. Public corruption should be dealt with so that people are actually afraid of doing something illegal.
Nicholas Mitchell
Me too user, they like the founding fathers did not go far enough and we’re not specific enough.
Kevin Foster
Please never post on this board again, your presence lowers our collective IQ by a standard deviation
Jace Allen
>policies so bad you have to cheat to get them implemented It would be nice if Dems played fair.
Jack Flores
“How bone chilling” Hahaha Go play with your fleshlight and stfu
Grayson Martin
Wtf democrats you can’t change the rules just cause it doesn’t rule in your favor. If it was influenced by politics it would support pedocrats