Republics are the shittiest form of government out of the 3 basic forms of government

Republics are the shittiest form of government out of the 3 basic forms of government
the People dont have a say but if the head of state doesnt keep popularity there are riots and he will likely be killed
Mob rule, but at least the People actually have a voice
Candidates chosen and funded by capitalist oligarchs who dont give a damn about the people and survive by creating the illusion of representation

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Republics are best we've got. What alternative do you have in mind?

Monarchies or Democracies. Republics are just tools of the international capitalists.
The Constitution was written to prevent unified Government and the People's will. It was written for Capitalists. I would unironically prefer Democracy or Monarchy.

History shows us that the Republic functioned better than all others.

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One monarch could be a good leader during his lifetime, but that is not guarantied for his children. Democracy on the other hand is dificult as every citizen needs to be part of the of the governing process, and what is a ctizen, a 16yo, a 90yo, a women, a criminal?

The problem isn't with Republics in general, but with the gay way our founders wanted to separate power. This setup has results in all power being diffuse and ultimately no man being able to openly wield power. The inevitable result of this is that power moves underground. It moves to lobbyists, Congressional and Senate committees, and to the 'deep state' ie. bureaucratic positions.

What we need is to formalize power into the hands of an elected executive. The president must be given almost absolute power over all things not related to the running of elections. In this way power can be brought out from the shadows where international capital has control, and into the open where the people can actually make real decisions about the kind of government they want.

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What is Canada de facto?

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Democracy is just republic with more red tape and less consensus.

Monarchy is the only choice.

Puting too much power in the executive branch is dangerous. What if they come after 'us'?

Naw jew, we aint barbarians like you, we oppose rexes, civilization only functions in a respublica. So fuck you, fuck your traditions, and fuck everything that your stand for. You filthy shekel sniffing, christ killing, foreskin eating jew.

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The republic caused factions which lead to Caesar crossing the Rubicon. So no.

The system is already coming after us. If the government wants to come after us they will. The only difference is that when power is formalized everyone will know that the executive branch is responsible for the crackdown and can vote accordingly.

It's really not because there are things going on in our countries that never would have happened if the people had a say. I was referring to direct democracy.

The Roman Republic lasted longer than the Empire. The Republic's biggest problem was that they gave too much power to the Senate and not enough to the Consulates.

>he doesn't know Rome had a king before the Republic.

If the executive branch is too powerfull they will remove your right to vote them out, or at least try with various outcome success'.

It would, though. The same way "democracy" is accepted now, by the media convincing people that the outcome is what they wanted, both before and after.


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Direct democracies would be unable to actually rule. All the actual power would go to Bureaucratic positions. It would probably only be a slight improvement over our current system.

>but that is not guarantied for his children
Then he will be killed.


The form of government really doesn't matter, just get rid of niggers and jews.

>civilization only functions in a respublica.
History says otherwise.

It's just a very narrow republic, since the party has to choose the dictator.

>he doesn't know Rome had two presidents per mandate before empirial rule

Which is why election's rules would be overseen by the courts who would uphold the constitutional fairness of elections in the exact same way they do now. The change would be that the president would have power over the legislature, the administrative state. He would still need to follow constitutional law.

Funny thing is that, historically, monarchy is the way to go. Last centuries, can even last a millennia .

subscribe to pewdiepie (don't he only plays minecraft for shekels)

Direct Democracies only work in small, homogenous communities. A large state needs a head of state.

The 3 basic forms of government are autocracy, republic, and democracy. Go play civ again you faggot!

Lies, the Republic was constantly fractured between the Plebeians and the Patricians. Only during times of external invasion and slave revolt were the two unquestioningly cooperative.

all of you need to read mein kampf

the heart of a nation is in the courage and heroic deeds of its people. a government only exists to protect that peoples with which it shares a common interest. If you cannot rouse heroism and bravery from your nation, it doesn't matter what government you have.

propaganda is the most important aspect. enter Jow Forums.

Long live the Republic. God save our people.

Democracy has been a joke for more than 2000 years.

Maybe some sort of 'socialism' with profesionals educated to govern the state, unlike in our systems where criminals and fools are being elected.

yes. democracy is laughable mob rule which plays an ever growing minority population against the host nation until the host is destroyed and the nation destabilized. Austria 1910

>the People
who exactly are "the People?"

Ah see, the 'courts' are limiting the power of the executive branch.

Now you're asking important question. A people is a group of men and women who share a common racial character.

Historically yes, but I don't think absolute monarchies can stand modern era. People would not give rulers same legitimacy as they used to. Absolute rulers today could be called just fascists since it's not really possible to go back to aristocracy and divine mandates to rule.

A republic must exist in the absence of a true king. When a true king arrives, everyone will know it.

Sorry. But you guys know what I meant.
Head of state
Direct democracy

Monarchies are unironically better. The american experiment was just that--an experiment. When you have to go through 8 institutions and many years just to protect the damn border you don't have a functioning state.

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Lmao governments are never the problem. It’s the people with money. Inevitably any governmental system will be corrupted by the wealthy. All we need to do is limit the wealth’s power over the government. Politicians should not be allowed any type of gift or lobbying. They are allowed to have their salary from the taxpayer and that’s it. Why are politicians usually rich?

This is a wise user.

I agree with you. Another thing to notice is the fact that monarchies owned most of its stability to success in war and hence war as state policy, in a era that wealth meant having more lands, which isn't the case anymore.

If the gov doesn't control the capitalists, the capitalists will control the gov.

I'll let you think on why republic is the only option for a non homogeneous society.

>non homogeneous society.

It's only recent that this society is non-homogenous

Need to spelled out for you why the other two aren't options?
N. I. G. G. E. R. S.

I don't think it is an experiment anymore, with the US having more than 500 years of existence, and relatively, some stability.
However, the Al-Andalus caliphate lasted about 700 years before the Reconquista, so, there's still time to things change radically.
Fortunately, we won't be alive to see.

Money is the devil's system anyway. In a society where social trust is maintained, people can support themselves and each other with their land, professions, and technologies. I don't mean to sound like a commie, because I hate distribution of wealth. I'm just saying that money is evil.

Real republics and democracies have nothing to do with modern globalist, capitalists, oligarchs and mega corporations user.
>creating the illusion of representation.
This is the real problem, regardless of the form of government you choose. Now imagine a world without private banks, federal reserves, lobbying, secret societies...etc.
>inb4 but this is what we have.
Agreed, but that doesn't mean the pure pristine concept of Republic or Democracy is wrong.

you are correct. a perfect society is a massive walled garden with fruit trees everywhere and we play the gardeners. allow me to impart some knowledge.

The word "Paradise" is from *pari- (“around”) + *dáyĵah (“wall”), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *per- (“before, front”) + *dʰeyǵʰ- (“to knead, form”).

Exactly. Everything we need to live and be happy is in nature. Modern man deludes himself into thinking his wage slavery is better than the true freedom nature designed.

I'll add by saying this: We will return to nature eventually, whether by choice or by societal collapse.

It looks like by choice. You see plenty of movements happening around America, and it feels like we will birth a new country right out of the center of the old one. Trump is the tip of the sword, and I'm not ashamed to admit he saved my life and directed me to this cause.

With God's blessing I will set my children up on walled land. With further work and my blessings unto them, they will expand it far beyond what I could. Rome started as a family kingdom.

This sounds like some kind of amazing 3rd way

Plato says GTFO

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>some sort of 'socialism' with profesionals educated to govern the state
Some kind of third position anarcho-libertarianism based on aristocratic tribalism.

Nah. Where there's humans, there's society. Where there's society, there's civilization.
It can be primitive or advanced, still, it will exist anyway.

>Candidates chosen and funded by capitalist oligarch
this applies to all of the political systems you posted, but nice strawman.

Hello Mussolini, no need to reinvent the wheel or anything

>US having more than 500 years of existence
Mutt education

on Jow Forums forgets national socialism... how new are you?

nice shill attempt communist faggot, i'll keep my dangerous freedom over complacent safety any day of the week

It always was a joke, something the ancient Greeks pulled out of their asses (much like their close buddies) to avoid getting outright slaughtered by the majority slave/pleb population who outnumbered the patrician/noble class by about 5 to 1. Democracy gave them the illusion of control and choice over the underclass' bleak/shitty lives. It had nothing to do with freedom nor self-determination then nor now.

Based as fuck, this is why pluralism and diversity is the foundational virtue of modern “democracy” - it keeps power diffuse and prevents a unified and self-conscious demos from emerging to exercise power in its own interests. Absolutely ideal for plutocrats, who work through the persuasive power of money and fear unified executive power. Why they’ve hated militaristic and noble monarchies for centuries - gets in the way of business, and its more difficult to control a strongman than a parliament, which is organized indecision (Carl Schmitt) and can be bought and bribed. This was the intent from Machiavelli to the Founding Fathers. Incontrovertibly and categorically based and redpilled, fellow burger, good thread

Also Nazi Germany was actually authentic democracy, see Leon Degrelle “Hitler Democrat,” Plato likewise hated democracy because it led to a strong man channeling the will of the people.

> 242
Forgot you guys start counting from independence.

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Democracies were instituted as oligarchs. In Athens, you had to have sufficient interests in the Athenian state and be a male over 35 years of age to vote. There is no rule of the people democracy that ever existed.

based chad
I aim for 20 children and Jow Forums should as well. Only pure men of impeccable racial and spiritual character can pull off large families. the nigger idea of a baby boom is 4 kids max. They cannot handle it. Their mental territory is too small.

I saw a germanicboi in my empire for the first time in my life yesterday, and I didn't think "I should kill that barbarian invader right here right now".
I thought how exciting it would be to talk to him, uncovering what made him as barbaric as he is. I thought about how nice it would be to smell his lush blonde hair, and pinch his pink nipples and learn about his life, and learn about the savage world I never saw.
I pictured talking to him, eyes darting like those of a noble lady, looking anywhere else but in his heavenly blue eyes.
I pictured myself princess carrying him with ease, to a bed. I pictured myself, still with my clothes on, unclothing myself, and rubbing his silky-smooth pale skin with my rough, swarthy roman hands, and him, squirming lady-like.
I pictured him unclothing himself in a slow manner, drawing it out, so I can have a good look at his white body.
I imagined him slipping his hands under my underwear, and jostling my big Roman cock, rubbing his effeminate, pale fingers on the precum-covered, sensitive tip of my big penis.
I imagined...

I imangined that there are millions of aryan bois like him, wtf how could I hate the germanic race now?! I want to make love to their boipussies!

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a mental slip, but it's true. whites have children, niggers have goats.

The point of OP is that republics are worse than monarchies or Democracies for the people.

Plato describes what we have today, he fucking hated democracy, he was a proto-technocrat

>ruled by spirits of gold (of course, this quality defined by the elite)
>people brainwashed by stories, by the men who control the projected shadows on the wall (media industrial complex controls our minds with images, Hollywood and media creates reality for millions)
>organize a system to suppress the majority from exercising its will, defer everything to Enlightened “elect”
Etc etc

These ideas have been a wet dream for Masons and Talmudic kikes, who have always believed in the society of the “elect” and had contempt for normal, provincial attitudes and working people, moral majority. These people are all kiddy fuckers too with a God complex. In history, it was pogroms of working people that Jews and anti-social plutocrats feared. Princes would be bought or given preferential interests. Only the mob could provide a check on these corrupt degenerate manipulators

You dumb mother fucker. The three basic governments are democracy, monarchy, and oligarchy. A republic is a mix between oligarchy and democracy. Actually read Aristotle first before using his image.

There is no perfect government.

They all have inherent weaknesses which accumulate over time.

Everything you said was based except for
Plebian society isnt fit to make choices.



>you guys start counting from independence.
Yeah, when speaking about the type of government we have here.

What a faggot

Democracy has never existed you monkeys. “Mob rule” is a myth, read Pareto, read the iron law of oligarchy, which were theories that took disillusioned socialists to fascism. Democracy doesn’t exist because power can only be wielded by a concentrated minority. Accept this, put power into a Duce who will cut through the bureaucratic bullshit as the sword and shield of the nation - the nation embodies in one man, channeled through him. Democracy doesn’t exist, even Mussolini said democracy = shadow government. People flattered with illusion, while bureaucrats and plutocrats rule in the background.

You sure the monarch will be killed because of a riot? If you've ever cracked open a history book, it's full of shitty monarchs who mange to quell riots because of a monopoly on violence and maintain a grip on power no matter how shitty people's lives are.

National Socialism = democracy

Carl Schmitt - democracy cannot exist without homogeneity, because Pluralism diffuses the demos, destroys this collective identity

Elite love diversity, pluralism, which is a means of diluting the demos, destroying any sense of “the people,” destroying social cohesion so that rule in the common interests, ie. national socialism is impossible

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t. Seethling wagecuck that praises capitalism daily.

The Israelis will assassinate them, every time

>Huey Long


what the fuck have you posted

that's what I speak of when I say democracy. I specifically mentioned Austria 1910, the illusory state.

True. I think we're all in agreement that we need a King. You mentioned it yourself up here
>put power into a Duce who will cut through the bureaucratic bullshit as the sword and shield of the nation - the nation embodies in one man, channeled through him.

Sounds Kingly, which is what I also desire. Fuhrer, King... whatever word you'd like.

Wait refer to what specifically? Standard Oil shit vs Rockefeller’s?

Based I don’t disagree friend, my apologies

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Democracy is as much of a capitalist system as Republics, you just pay more people smaller amounts. At least with a Republic you have to do it all under the table. Democracy is completely idiotic on a large scale. The American system WAS nearly perfect till it became basterdized. It was essentially a confederation with a republican style mediating government that was elected by those who owned the land. When the national government was restricted to the specifically enumerated powers it was fine and each state could decide their own affairs; who was in the white house had relatively little effect. Now the national government acts as the arbiter of laws for the states

Civil War ruined everything?

Austria in 1910 was a mix raced nation composed of various slavs and germans. The slavs were pandered to lifted above the germans for votes and support. Causing more immigration and gradually displacing the german people in their own land.

this is the true face of democracy, and what I mean when I say the word. It's a fraudulent system to collapse nations for the jewish parasite within.

As someone stated, in a republic, the man you vote isn't actually in the "control room". So as we keep seeing when the man you voted fucks up, he just leaves space to another. Rinse and repeat.
In a monarchy, when the king fucks up, there's the guillotine waiting for him.

And you see how it's going.
Only other time in American history is been an issue is when the demographic changed because people wanted to integrate slaves into the populace.

Thing is you guys don't even have a pretender.