Why can I only find indians pretending like they know about electric motors when I search for info about them online? What is going on here?
Electric motors
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I know alot, what do you seek? Those are called induction motors, they need 3 phase power, 80% of the worlds industrial motors are of this Tesla invention.
Search for industrial candy making equipment. Nothing but Turks.
Lets talk about the feasibility of overunity/free energy using electric motor driving an alternator
I want to know to wind a DC armature, I'm pretty familiar with 3 phase AC
Have you tried a literal grade school textbook? It's a very simple electro-magnetism principle. Current, field, force.
get energy from nature ie not closed system, overunity achieved.
What info are you looking for? I build 2 x 72 inch variable speed grinders, so I have my thumb on the pulse of motors.
>free energy
Well you must have already figured out a frictionless bearing, right user? Room temperature superconductors too, right user? It's not like hooking a motor up to a generator and measuring the losses is literally child-tier science, right user?
>he did a google search and expected them not to push Indians on him
Look at this man and laugh.
I have been putting up with this bullshit for over a decade and I wont stand for it any longer, shut the fuck up about perpetual motion, thats not what is being discussed.
I searched for Indian Toilets. 0 results
> let's talk about the feasibility of over-unity/free energy using electric motor driving an alternator
Why talk, when you can copy the over-unity that is freely available now.
The key to over-unity is to capture the flyback voltage and recycle it. I have a good understanding of patent 2.912.244 that is the working diagram of the electromechanical device. I also know how the Utron makes power.
3 phase motors are typically considered DC as most use DC power and an ESC. Electrical engineer here, if you wanna make a motor I might be able to help. I've made a couple.
You are asking on the wrong board. Go make a thread on /diy/ and I’ll answer your question(s).
Matthias wandel and mrpete222 have some good videos on electric motors on youtube
Look here buddy I know a lot more about electric motors than the basic fundamentals described in a book. I'm talking about assembling one which is a process that is extremely time consuming and unforgiving. I don't need some street shitter digging through our electronic waste and pretending he knows what he's talking about, I want a native english speaker to describe this to me on you tube, is that too fucking much to ask?
Because India teaches more people electrical and software engineering than any other place on earth. Here in Canada we spend 12 years learning about how hard native Americans have it.
>free energy
unless you find out how to siphon energy from parallel universes shit aint gonna happen
>shut the fuck up about perpetual motion
I never said anything about perpetual motion you fuckwit, in order to get 'free energy' (not my choice of words) out of a system you must be able to do more work than the energy than you are losing. (And you ARE losing energy.) If you are intent on using a motor to generate power with a generator, you are better off simply using the power with which you were going supply the motor, for whatever the generator was going to supply.
t. Electrical Inspector
Tl:dr; you should have paid attention in school, retard.
What do you mean? Because if you mean solar or turbine power, that's far from free due to the infrastructure, plus it's not efficient as thermal generators, requiring ridiculous infrastructure no one really needs. Free energy is a joke, because nothing is free.
>frictionless bearings, superconductivity
>I never said anything about perpetual motion
fuck off
free energy is assumed impossible because the laws of thermodynamics operate on the assumption of closed systems. I already explained how to solve this, comprehend and copy nature.
so thats how it is huh another thread where everyone tries to highball me with their job description despite me having researched tesla back and forth for a long fucking time
alrighty then
t. EE
>The energy is free if we get it from somewhere else
Way to move the goalposts for your "system". Literal gibsmedat-tier thought process.
This guy gets it. Its about tricking the motor driving the alternator into doing more work than its supposed to. I was able to get 17.5volts out of a12v driving motor last week before I blew my transformer trying some stupid shit. Imagine with a flywheel or capacitorsit would be more effective, but I have achieved what 99% of Normies would bet their life savings was impossible.
>3 phase motors are typically considered DC
You are not an engineer.
How are you going to overcome friction and heat losses then, smartie pants?
No, mate, nature isn't free as it requires effort to harness, and maintenance done. Because guess what? We use natural processes to generate power today by burning fuel, which is a resource ranging from trees to dead fish under shale stone to uranium. They're far more efficient compared to the effort it takes to aquire said resource, which is a positive for us, but it still costs that tree, or that lump of coal or gallon of oil. We won't get that back. Eventually everything here will die. That's just life, you retard.
The resistance in the wires connecting the two will cause you to lose energy.
Google brushless DC motor dipshit. They are the most common 3 phase motor by far, and they are supplied by DC power.
I can get literally one million volts from a 9v battery. Where's my fucking Nobel prize?
>Yfw it's literal Gibbs
It's a boost converter retard. You sacrificed current for voltage.
Jesus. Fuck off retard
>He thinks alternators are connected to motors by wires
Did you learn why you're wrong?
Op, and honest suggestion: learn some physics up until electromagnetism. If you like it and still want to work with motors can study electrical engineering, power systems. Motors are not that complicated, but variable frequency drives, the devices that allow you to change the speed of an AC motor are.
Here is a primer on motors:
Street shitters are fucking everywhere online now, you will have noticed a massive uptick in pajeet posting in YouTube comments. This is because they are rolling out shitloads of 4g in India and smartphones are cheap over there. Soon enough one billion Pajeets are going to be pooing on the internet.
It's manufacturing that has been offshored and forgotten. The technology has been lost.
They're also a nightmare to build and its not very practical to do it yourself. Making stators and rotors requires extreme mechanical precision and materials you can not buy at a home depot.
This guy is the best on YouTube on DC motors, period.
This one is pretty good too but less educational.
Someone sells motors for Toshiba or possibly Siemens but hopefully not ABB
Haha I hear you smartass.. however I was ALSO gaining more watts from the alternator than I was using from the motor. It was enough energy to self power the motor from the alternator and give about 100 or so watts from my dc inverter to power whatever I wanted. I tried to pull 400w from the loop and it stalled but I am getting somewhere Breh.
>arguing unrelated semantics
No-one who is actually in the industry thinks of or refers to brushless DC motors as "three phase". If they are supplied by DC, there are no phases present. Pulsating DC is not the same as 3 phase, (what's the line-line voltage of your DC circuit you chucklefuck?) They are simply brushless DC motors, even if the operating principle of the rotor/stator is closer to an induction motor than a brushed DC motor.
Also look up Linear Labs, they claim to have reinvented the wheel when it comes to electric motors
Prove it
I'm right there with you user. Don't waste your time arguing, or cast your pearls before swine. Men have tried many times to bring the technology to the masses. They were intelligent but naive. They suffered terribly and their works were buried. Focus on allies and just build it.
This is by far the most comprehensive and feasible motor build you will find on the internet. It's not cost effective but you will learn a lot if you decide to build one.
no engineer refers to a brushless DC as a three phase motor, you sound like a sophomore in college who has taken babby's first power course
Honestly, I've noticed that a lot of Indians try their hand at making 'explanation' videos, or similar instruction videos. Try learning a new programming languages without running across some pajeet trying to present himself as the king of the language. It's impossible. Despite the fact that no Indian has ever written good code. Not one.
Impossible lol
Check out linear labs they claim to have a new stator design that uses less copper and is not wound. Interesting but still a start up.
>just build it.
Fucking this. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and we've all finished our dinner. The simple fact of the matter is: no-one has been able to demonstrate this shit, ever.
>brushless DC motor
>brushless DC electric motors are synchronous motors
>A synchronous electric motor is an AC motor
Now explain how they are 3 phase
Because you make peanuts on YouTube. Folks from other nations actually produce things.
>3 phase DC motors
What were they thinking
Mechanical engineer here.
I once worked for a company that built electric motors (oil and gas primarily)
You see lots of pajeets in that field and in controls engineering because they try hard to pinch pennies
thats what I thought too. I mean the fucker is heavy and expensive and loud and nlgger rigged but it works.
Why are motors so complex, yet they can be found in literally anything. I've got 3 house fans, a ceiling fan, a central heating fan, motors in my fridge, a motor in my microwave, motors in the fans in my computer. There's fucking motors everywhere.
How are they complex? And why do these industrial motors all look the same? Just a bar coming out, connecting to nothing. What do they connect to? What are they used for?
Why on earth do people pay so much to have them repaired?
They're not complex.
Especially the AC induction motors. They're very simple.
They're expensive because they're made with lots of copper.
It's a simple design that has been around for a hundred years or more. They have very few parts and last a long time with little to no maintenance.
You're embarrassing yourself user
There isn't very much copper in an induction motor retard. Electrical steel in the rotor/stator and the winding process are much larger factors.
Engineer here... A brushless DC motor is not an induction motor. Fuck off retard.
The stator(also called back iron in the biz) and rotor are made of steel laminations. They have copper wire in the stator and rotors. That's where lots of cost is. Especially with form wound coils. The forming and insulation takes time and money.
Then they're not very efficient at it...
Yep thats pretty much what I said. The machine laminated rotors+stators and the winding is the costliest part of production.
With a row of alternators, a hit & miss engine and some old gears from bikes you can have an efficient and cheap way of creating electricity.
>I want to know to wind a DC armature,
That is a basic beginner skill. Are you looking to build a professional permanent magnet motor like a DC "Tesla car" motor with magnets in a 'hall beck' arregment?
The stators and rotors are literally stamped steel with a coating on them. They assemble piss easy.
Large electric motors have form wound coils and squirrel cages made of copper bars. Most of your cost is the literally the copper and the labor associated with installing it properly.
The steel laminations are the easy and cheap part.
Let me put it this way. The rotor and stator laminations assembled are cheaper than the stator coils... Not installed.
>3 phase DC
You 'avin a giggle, leaf?
>They are the most common 3 phase motor by far, and they are supplied by DC power.
NO it's not. 3 phase is a wave each 120 degrees. It's alternating current that is timed to feel like direct current.
I don't know if that's the best explanation but it does look like DC in the sense that the area under the curve loosly looks like a big flat band... Which is what DC looks like.
i shit you not (no pun intended) but there was a poo in school that i swear to fuck was a reborn tesla when it came to electrical engineering projects. i'm not even kidding, this poo was fucking insanely gifted. he made this remote "lock/unlock" for the disabled kids toilets in a lunchtime from a solenoid, a battery and a few other components. think he went back to home after we left school tho, always wondered what happened to him.
>copper bars
Lol how big of a motor are you talking here
Dumbest reply yet and thats saying a lot
Don't listen to that retard. Armatures are a pain to assemble. You have coils that you install into the rotor on a DC motor. If you can wind an ac induction stator you can wind a DC rotor.
Instead of terminating the coils into connection rings you land them on the commutator
Our bread and butter was 800 to 2000hp
We occasionally did as small as 400 and as big as 10k
>I don't know if that's the best explanation but it does look like DC in the sense that the area under the curve loosly looks like a big flat band... Which is what DC looks like.
We're both correct, using different words.
I just don't know what direct current looks like on an oscilloscope. I thought it would be a straight line.
Another way to think of it is the work you can do with power (in a perfect world without losses) is area under the curve..
Or well... Line if it's DC.
I'm not saying you're flat out wrong but it's an over simplification in kind of a bad way... If that makes sense
You guys couldn't even invent the toilet, so WTF do you know about motors. It was a mistake giving technology to these savages.
>are synchronous motors powered by DC electricity via an inverter or switching power supply, which produces an AC electric current to drive each phase of the motor via a closed loop controller.
It's a 3 phase AC motor that is powered by a DC supply that's getting inverted.
It's still a AC motor and still 3 phase. It would be like saying your house electricity is DC because the electric grid uses some high voltage DC interconnects that get inverted back to AC for distribution; Wrong.
>how do they work?
Jesus Christ this. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a teacher utter the name Louis Riel during my education I'd have had enough money to build a time machine and go back to kill the fucker myself.
Dear fucktard who doesn't know anything. AC motors run on AC.
Variable ac inverters operate on the principle you describe. (Ac power is rectified by the scr wing of the variable inverter then converted back to AC by IGBT's. At whatever hz you need...
They do that to control the speed of the AC motor other wise your stuck running at whatever 60hz is (in the us) with the pole configuration.
KYS faggot
That's why they need escs my fren. To turn DC into 3 phase ac
>It's a 3 phase AC motor that is powered by a DC supply that's getting inverted.
No lol. Ac motors operate based on slippage, meaning the motor operates at a fixed speed with no feedback based on the rotor position. The changing current is a sinusoid, which turns the shaft and mitigates cogging without sensors.
A BLDC on the other hand uses sensors to retermine the rotors position with respect to the winding phases. The power supply is DC, and the ESC does not produce a fixed sinusoid signal. The input is a variable pulsed DC. This means it has higher torque, and allows speed control.
>I'm not saying you're flat out wrong but it's an over simplification in kind of a bad way... If that makes sense
I'm sure I am wrong in lots of things.
Wow. You faggots have been arguing about weather or not a 3 phase AC motor is AC or DC for two fucking hours.
it's because electric motors are a topic in 12th grade physics in India and put simply 12th grade exam is pretty important so u got many lectures online and websites to help students.