How do Americans cope with the fact that 95% of their IT sector is filled with Indians and Chinks? Google, Microsoft...

How do Americans cope with the fact that 95% of their IT sector is filled with Indians and Chinks? Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, etc.
What's with the "bright minds" of the local white Americans?

Attached: highest-paid-indian.jpg (962x541, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook
coincidentally the ones that are censoring all of you all over the internet are full of poos, how do you deal with this knowledge?

500k Software Engineer here AMA

>How do Americans cope with the fact that 95% of their IT sector is filled with Jews?
There, i fixed it for you. Not chniks or indians. Jews. Google is jews same w/ microsoft, amazon and facebook.
larry page,shirley tighman, dianne green, ann mather, alan mulally, john henessy, eric schmidt
john doerr, sergey brin
google all jews
reed hastings, bob zangrillo, sue desmond-hellman, mark zuckerberg, peter thiel, donald graham, hadi partovi, erskine bowles, marc andreessen, jim breyer, sheryl sandberg, ashlie beringer, lori goler, john lagerling, rob goldman
literally like 5000% overrepresented by jews, chinks and pajeets account for a teenie, tinie fraction, russia-jew

Higher ups might be jews, but not the regular workers.

there are 3 billion poos and chinks combined.
the 180 million non-hispanic non-jewish non-middle eastern whites here are doing pretty well against that all things considered

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zerg strategy
china has more PhD students than the US has students

>he doesn't know about affirmative action and diversity hires and quotas.

because Silicon Valley wanted to suppress the wages of these autistic computer nerds so they import replacements from abroad whose labor can be exploited for the executive's profit.

Which ones work for less pay and benefits and are still living like kings compared to where they came from?

A lot of those Whites were murdered...they don't think much of anything.

what technology do you work on, liar?

Java my poorfriend

ok what problem do you work on with java?

>be retarded shitksin
>be embarrassed at your inferiority
>make threads inadvertently revealing your butthurt

big data

Those aren't particularly technical companies. They are faggoty, and easy jobs which is why Poo in Loos are in command. They just have to make sure they don't poop on the servers and they'll do just fine.

AHHAHAHA this fucking poo, liar too much moiney, nobody can win that, liar where you work, liar can i migrate and become slave, liar please.

get the fuck out of here, i have the complete list of FB employees, with gravy, jews should be represented @ 2%, or about 15 people per their 745 employees. Nearly their entire board, their entire executive staff, their entire VP exec staff, their Heads of staff, their product leads are jews. Obviously jewish names, obviously jewish faces. And youre obviously jewish too.

>Pajeet is happy to make 60k/year
>Frank the middle aged white programmer expects 120k
>company doesn’t care about product quality, they care about their bottom line
>Make Frank train Pajeet, fire his ass, leave him with nothing

do you write mapreduce tasks for a bank?
how long you been working?

This is a list of links that connect the El Paso shooter's father to the Timberlawn facility and John of God, "baby farmer" from Brazil. Furthermore, Timberlawn connects Canadian Intelligence asset "Dr." Colin A. Ross (list of criminal complaints included) to both those parties and potentially the Chinese through his listed patents.











yeah it was an AMA after all
and i didn';t believe anyone who gets 500k browses pol
kys dumb fag

Because that 5% is the same effectiveness of 95% that are poos and chinks

>mapreduce tasks
god i hate that thing but yes, but thankfully only a small part of my job, been working for over a decade

you'd be suprised pajeet.

It's every fucking job.

I'm tired of it.

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i dont think about it all because its weird to give a shit about these things, you fucking incel

Using nukes on all mass populated countries and even resulting nuclear winter starts to look nicely compared to what we have now.

You mean you "engineer" stuff from soft to hard? Even those don't make that much.

>pole talking about genocide

wtf i like nazis now

check out

Where are the whites?

Next time any major company has an outage why don't you ask yourself that...?

You couldn't pay me enough to work in Java. I'd rather work in Fortran or COBOL.

>this picture hasn't been shooped to say "Poogle" in the background
I am disappoint.

It's all so tiresome...

there are enough
see the monitor screen behind

IT is a vague meaningless term and can meaning anything from statistical modeling to writing unit tests.

Kalergi plan.

What do you work in?

90% of jobs ask for C# or JABA these days... All the C or embedded shit is done in GYNA...

HAHAHAHA, street shitter you-re a funny motherfucker i tell you that.

Gay GEO, imports thousands of street shitters... go figure.

Nothing personal, just a survival instinct. You literally invade us, we are thinking of defending ourself.

We know the vast majority of them have absolutely no game and don’t pose a threat to our women.

because these companies dont have to pay taxes on foreign workers

lol they call this diversity

Whites are retards, hence why chinks and poos are winning wherever there are jobs.

dude no indian wants to invade or even tour poland for that for matter

you're delusional

all of them are retarded, cant communicate correctly, have shitty phone and remote support, cant document or step through problems, and can barely follow a knowledge base that spells out issues and their solutions.

How expensive is real-estate in California, and how much mileage does your van get with the weight of the mattress in the back?

Fuck off, pajeet

Shitton of you coming here, and i mean majority European countries get invaded.

Based pajeets destroying American companies one at a time.

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At least the Chinese are good at their jobs and don't shit up the place.

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It will be easy to identify them and arrest them for treason when the time comes.

I mainly do NLP / ML in R&D which ranges from brain dead stupid shit to more advanced stuff where applicable. I'm not really a software engineer. I started with C, but I haven't done that in FOREVER. I remember basic concepts and remember most computer architecture stuff, but I forget all the syntax. What is GYNA?

what about poles 'invading' Europe where they're not wanted....

Attached: PAY-Brexit-backlash.jpg (810x539, 50K)

Theres a reason technology has been stagnating hard the past 20 years.

What makes me sad is that development is moving towards code that runs in a virtual environment. The dumbass “developers” (code monkeys) can’t handle languages like c, so companies like Microsoft have to build entire frameworks to prevent them from really fucking things up. Now Patel Sanswipe and Becky Mathlet can churn out thousands of lines of shitty code pieced together from Stack Overflow.

Long gone are the days where people really need to know anything about the architecture they are doing stuff on.

you pay for what you get low iq retards.

you get lower quality for a lower price

its not that hard to understand

Disney got in trouble for having Americans train their Pajeet information technology replacements. Those guys actually brought to America to work.
In the meantime Shell Oil (USA) sent all of their accounting department to India five years ago.

We got the right to free movement when we joined EU, i don't see indians joining anything to get right to be here.


Ah okay, got it. I just left a job that was in linear programming, it was only done by white and german folks. I feel stupid for leaving, but I was tired of deal with pajeet teams who integrated with our project.

You don't need to hate yourself so much, paki bro.

There is no cope. Imagine growing up in the 80s/90s, watching technology become what it is. Imagine reading the news and hearing about all these glorious technological pioneers talk about using new tech to take it to the man, they're gonna stick it to the corporations dude! Imagine going into the 2000s and all the pioneers are now working for the fucking man and not just working for him, but keeping his ass out of the fire and keeping the man's money and business safe in various fields. The 2000s progress toward the 2010s and the pioneers are worn down and are rabid sjws mostly now. They've rallied hard to make their own fields 'inclusive' and are being flooded with 88 genders of lunatics whose idea of 'coding' is editing git hub for gender exclusive pronouns and other asinine garbage. Sprinkle on the H1B visa workers, but whoops, the cap popped off. The internet cowboys who were going to stick it to the man aren't really going anywhere, because Pajeet and company have overtaken what's left of their home market. By what's left I mean whatever has yet to be taken overseas. What a fucking joke. Hack the planet goys.

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this is pretty fucking accurate.

My girlfriend says that the pajeets who work at her company (McDermott oil service) simply hire more pajeets. You can imagine how the trend for racial or familial preference would run this way.

Whites are the only ones willing to deny their in group preference. They're suicidal.

This is so true it's not even funny.

Literally have watched managers bring in their friend for interviews, everyone disliked the candidate. Yet, they still were hired by some other pajeet under someone else. It's absolutely retarded.

You're a retarded rus-monkey, so you probably dont know this but the same thing happened in your country during communist times - foreigners and minorities were given privileged access to jobs.

Yeah, they're as bad as Filipinos. You get a few in and in no time a whole damned community springs up out of nowhere.

is it worth getting a degree or just learn on your own

Whites are told not to discriminate.
Then we find out while living in our fantasy world that the rest of the world "does" discriminate and biases do apply.

>is it worth getting a degree
if you are are kid then yes, get a cs degree, if you are old then hard to say

Call centers and anger

Case closed

what about master's, already have a math degree

Stop being racist.

>What's with the "bright minds" of the local white Americans?

Americans aren't able to compete with wages against Sanjay and Gupta from India who are here on H1-B visa that will accept anything given to them. Shitty pay? Check. Shitty hours? Check. Shitty working conditions? Check. Easy to use and abuse? CHECK!

H1-B visas need to be abolished or heavily restricted.

Soooo....maybe pick up a skill?

put hindu in charge and suddenly everyone else in senior positions is a poo. that's some fine diversity hiring.. no racism/cronyism going on.

Are these poos in senior positions naturalized and us born citizens? It would be NSA issue if they weren't since they have data on every American

sorry, i don't know, i haven't been in the entry level market for way too long now

Those poos only work tickets.

Post some cash or bank balance nigger faggot

so, you're saying.. if we nuke poos and chinks, we can solve Climate Change

makes sense, what skills are the most important?
Coding? Linear algebra? Stats?

Those aren’t engineering positions, they are management / finance

Southern here, can confirm for everywhere else but here. God I love the state of Alabama, where white people do lawn work and software engineering. Hell we sent a man to the moon!

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They dont hire white males on purpose.

Yuck. I can smell the curry and diarrhea compost


Poos are cheap & worth the minimal investment

>what skills are the most important?
leetcode, check out

they copepost on Jow Forums lmao

>You don't need to hate yourself so much, paki bro.
The post of an unintelligent and underage female.

Good trolling, Sasha

They don’t understand labor law and will never unionize. Stop playing stupid.

Yandex, Kaspersky, and other tech companies are 99% Russian and white.
Sorry to tell you the truth, 2 digits IQ leaf.