>There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who support the fuckin Communist-led government of China over Hong Kong
I want to believe these are mostly bots or just the Chinese webforce, but it may not be.
>There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who support the fuckin Communist-led government of China over Hong Kong
I want to believe these are mostly bots or just the Chinese webforce, but it may not be.
Trannies and r/Asian masculinity
>Communist-led government of China
china is fascist.
communist china would've silenced media in hong kong.
Yes, because China is a nat soc ethnostate. I will support the powerful.
The only people supporting china are chinese (Han) nationals.
Everyone else hates them
>Let's support one kike golem over another kike golem
No. Y'all are rape babies.
Fuck HK, I only cared about their movies when they’re good but this time is long gone
China is not communist in the slightest, but yeah, they're shit.
It's just fucking idiot teenagers and the illiterate.
>Willingly supporting the Chinese gov. in arresting people who shitpost about them online.
Clearly you don't give a shit about free speech/expression, why the fuck are you on Jow Forums?
By by Hong Kong
Everytime you repost this pic, you get a gold star.
It's still more homogeneous than the US or India. It's also the last place untouched by Jews.
Your Chinese ancestors were raped for thousands of years.
Let me redpill you my nigger.
HK is a liberal shithole to be, the San Fransisco of China.
Cope more, chankoro.
wow, thank god they don't exist anymore! no there isn't 1.4 billion people with a megalomanical government to deal with anymore! they disappeared into thin air right after i read this!
lol if only it were that easy...
Ok nigger
I just want to see people run over by tanks, man. In high quality footage of course.
>meme flag
>One cherrypicked pic implies they should be condemned to tyranny
Off yourself
Yuck. Another disgusting subhuman Chinese insect.
You chinks are literally worse than niggers.
The spam nigger is here, watch out! He's got a lot of seething to do.
Chinese aren't human.
ok Nigger
You're the nigger, nigger.
i'm trying to save you the energy of posting retarded shit.
you know what you should post?
the webms of china's military equipment, infrastructure, architecture etc. failing. that's more convincing to me about china's flaws than whatever genetic autism you are trying to pull lol.
He's an actual nigger, so he's just seething he's worth literally nothing on the human scale.
I dont get it. What is he eating?
Chico’s was literally founded by Jews numbnuts
I'm dehumanizing you Chinese niggers for the day when we exterminate you insects from the face of the planet.
You don't get it, do you? Chinks ARE niggers.
>supporting chink of any kind
>Jow Forums supports China?
why? Of all the countries in the world, the only thing that stoops morally lower than China is Israel.
Does anyone other than paid kike shills actually support a jewish color revolution in hong kong?
Imagine using the word Nigger to make it seem like you aren't one. How sad is that. Sorry your dogshit race is inferior to mine.
I've watched this webm several times and still have no idea what happens to him.
No race is inferior to the Chinese nigger race.
You really are a nigger.
yeah yeah china is a nigger country no need to worry about them because they're niggers right? then stop being obsessed with them if they're just a pack of irrelevant niggers that will never amount to anything. they're niggers. why care so much?
I believe it is a latrine of some sort
people on pol seem to understand some topics but everyone is 50 years out of date in their understanding of china.
taiwan eh
I support fascist ethnostates.
So China has my support.
China will dominate the next century and rid the world of Jew control
I said that I'm dehumanizing you Chinese niggers. We will kill you.
i am soooo scared lmao
meanwhile i will enjoy living rent free in your head
aha no
>hurr durr rent free in your head
And who the fuck are you, little Chinese nigger? Kek, first time even seeing a Singapore Chinese nigger replying to me.
>>hurr durr rent free in your head
>And who the fuck are you, little Chinese nigger? Kek, first time even seeing a Singapore Chinese nigger replying to me.
>dominate the next century
They can't even keep their own country in order, how the fuck do you think they plan to dominate anything?
Some americans are too fat for war, so they wage ware online instead.
Too afraid to even reply to me now, little chig nig?
and a single australian boomer.
Another subhuman chankoro.
Meanwhile our country get overrun by spics.
The 2 world leading power is now
>dystopian totalitarian fascist state pretending to be commie shit
>degenerated and corrupted jew's puppet trying to play world cop
can we push the reset button?
keep giving me (You)s
im about to cum
>I want to believe these are mostly bots or just the Chinese webforce
They are all 50 cent army. And they're easy to recognize by their playbook talking points:
>always insist that it's "riots" rather than protests
>try to suggest the protesters should arm themselves when that's the last thing they should do
>support China no matter what
>suggest it's all some foreign plot
>use Jow Forums buzzwords to entice room temperature IQ posters
>try to turn every thread into some Jow Forums greatest hits of shitposting
And the kicker is that the Chinese gov is doing all this for foreign consumption.
Oh you silly little chig nig, I'm posting these for the rest of the world to see. Trust me, the entire world will despise you Chinese insects. You will HATE being Chinese. This is only the beginning, boy.
Chinese bug people are subhumans. That's why they are jealous of detroit, baltimore, and chicago. Shenzhen is a poor and backwards town and Chinese bug people wish they were us. Average person in Shenzhen make $1200USD. Average person in Detroit makes $2000 in EBT, Section 8 subsidies, and free healthcare. Look at this video and try to imagine what first world luxury feels like.
Man you're so fat, the military gave up on you and turned out into a keyboard wariror instead.
keep talking dirty to me, loveryboy :3
Stop eating dogs, you Chinese niggers.
Actual Chinese nigger here, go back to mainland shithole agent chang,
You have to go back
He’s not even Chinese you brainlet.
Also I fucking love that all this hongkong shit finally expose pol to the 50 cents
Finally you nigga can have some radical shit heads on the opposite side for once
fuck off and stop occupying malay land, ah beng
Yes he is. And so are YOU. Chinese niggers will die.
>not controlling media
Dipshit lol
"The only nation with the same economic and social view that I share with is China"
-Brenton Tarrant
Of course I support China
"He's a nigger. He's Chinese. He's a Chinese nigger."
Go away shoo go
Go home chan
People who disagree with Hillary Clinton are brainwashed.
wow how sad
>no vote
>no human rights
>no fucks given about human life
>no wrong think
>punished by death for any reason
>dissapeard for any reason
>organ harvested for any reason
>no free media
>no internet
so based
i hope they eventually reform into a real nation and not just an economic superpower based on meatgrinder policy
Did Trump already shitposted in HK situation?
>I hate X
>If X supports Y, then I must hate Y and support Z
Fucking retard
Is the UK any better?
Some dudes insulted and threatened Prince Harry on the internet and they got arrested.
It's effective.
It makes you realise you serve Hillary's masters.
You're angry because that fact bothers you.
hello, fren. please ignore any amerikike and canakike posters. just remember jews are the only ones interested in war and global domination. above all, remember this- jews pretend to be your friends, then they subvert you from within. Be well...
Trump don't gives a fuck.
nice i agree thats crazy
>mfw we actually know about it
>yes its better
this video is stupid though, fights brake out everywhere
He's eating him.
>yes its better
Is how you cope yourself to sleep.
Knowing in the back of your mind your grandchildren will be islamic.
100% anti Hong-Kong kikery.
while it's true that any government would try to control its population one way or another, still the people in UK would have other options, while in Chinkland it's probably chink gulag like those "reeducation" Muslim Camp
>UK would have other options
UK doesn't have options, it has illusions.
That's why you can pretend you are superior.
Why not love China?
Nice try, Francis Zhang, you little Chinese nigger.
>Ninety-four people either refused to be questioned, pled the Fifth Amendment, or left the country altogether.[25][39][40]
>Ninety-four people either refused to be questioned, pled the Fifth Amendment, or left the country altogether.[25][39][40]
>Ninety-four people either refused to be questioned, pled the Fifth Amendment, or left the country altogether.[25][39][40]
China must be destroyed. THEY did this to us.
smokeing weed ios the death penalty immagine the torutre for threatening the supreeme leader
memeflag is a meme
>>There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who support the fuckin Communist-led government of China over Hong Kong
50 cent army?
Imagine being so cucked that you're defending Asian Jew-York, eternal anglo kike capital of asia.
lol this is pretty funny
It's not chocolate, I can assure you.