The catalyst for my conscious awakening was an article on quantum physics that an old mormon friend of mine sent me, It opened up my brain and info just started streaming to me,
Simultaneously, I was looking into a guy named Teri Richardson on Instagram who was rumored to be a pedo. I looked at his pictures and the inappropriate comments and followed the pedo trail. I found fake "influencer" pages and "boutique" pages that were selling children.
I noticed the redo language was evolving. Some were still using the pizza, ice cream, hot dog etc. terminology, but others had moved on to camping terminology. Camping, Tents, Bears, Smores, and Flash{light}.
I did a youtube search for camping videos and the first result was mormon propaganda by Cam and Senpai relaying the new pedo code to their followers. They started by saying, "It's really hot. It's 90 degrees and our air conditioning broke, so we are going to go camping in our backyard. My stomach turned as I realized that I had seen the exact words verbatim on my mormon friend, who sent me the quantum physics article, facebook page a week prior. I had also seen her make a tongue in cheek reference to Birdbox on her page. It dawned on me that Birdbox was supposed to be heard from the opposite perspective than it was told. Those who refuse to see the light take refuge in the school for the blind.
Upon further examination, there is an indoor camping scene in Birdbox and it is looking at Lovecraft's Octopus Face old god that turns the suspicious houseguest into one of "them".
Is this not evidence that the Mormons, the Occult, and Hollywood {Jews} are working together to promote pedo culture?