Why is there no money in furniture?
Why is there no money in furniture?
Aint nobody got space for that
It’s a function of late stage capitalism. The middle and upper classes have so much bullshit that they don’t need that they’ll beg someone to take it off their hands and consider it an act of charity.
That table looks like it'll tip over.
And I bet you're trying to sell it dirt cheap.
Amish near where I live sell pic related for 1200 dollars the moment they build one and post it online, it's gone.
There is money in furniture, but not the kind you are looking at. Factors that affect price are the wood type, the style of the piece (how it’s made), and whether or not it’s an antique. Combine these factors and you get an output.
The pic you posted is standard wood, with no discernible style, and it’s not an antique; therefore it’s worth very little.
I make furniture and make a good bit of money from it. I also live in Castle Rock, so this is all very strange. People buy well made pieces made from quality materials. I sell custom dining tables for between $1500-$5000 depending on the wood, size, detail, etc. Typically it takes me about 3 weeks to complete one, so I'm not getting rich.
Plywood with finishing.
Mystery solved.
there's money in GOOD furniture
shartmart and ikea grade "furniture" ages like milk and belongs in le dumpster
fake finishes are for fake people