Are you getting nervous FBI guy?

How does it feel that your whole life is a waste? You are literally the faggot that was to much of a pussy to be sent out in the field. You are forced to sit in front of a screen all day, attempting, and failing, to speak like us and blend in with us, even though you glow with the force of a thousand niggers.

The World is waking up to your Jewish banker masters trickery, and nationalists movements are popping up in every country. Anons are rejecting globalist cabal. The left and the right in America know you killed Epstein and are united against you.

You are such shit at life, you cant even succeed at your mission to post nigger dick and demoralizing psyop faggotry. KYS FBI guy. Your a worthless fuck and anons are winning.

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>yfw the texts between you and your office husband get released

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FBI leaks show that Trump has ordered the FBI to focus more on "anti-government" extremism.
You're not anti-government, are you?

glowniggers are the fucking worst
wretched creatures

Honestly a comfy deskjob shitposting on Jow Forums sounds like a dream. The office chads might laugh at me but whatever, I'd go home to my comfy condo after a long hard day of goofing off and tell chicks on tinder that I work for the FBI.

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The FBI and CIA can go to Hell with their masters.

The faggots that are sent out to the field arent much better.