The image that destroyed Jow Forums

the image that destroyed Jow Forums

Attached: PAKI OLD BVLL VS wietey.png (1370x1368, 2.24M)

Who is this duo of queers, and why should I not sage and slide?
Answer me fleshy one, and make it quick, I have dimensions to conquer.

Fuck off Turkroach

Attached: TurkCrate.jpg (2160x1080, 909K)

Looks like trans-breivik

so this is the power of the master race...

does he have aids?

Attached: mohammad-rafiq4.jpg (1000x563, 89K)

learn to meme retards. Sage

Attached: mohamed-rafiq-scribble.jpg (424x472, 88K)

Dude that was terrible

a white guy walked into a mosque and tried to kill Muslims just praying

If a Muslim walked in a church and tried to kill Christians praying you’d be pissed grow up