Joe Rogan, the smartest man in America, is on course to be the first non mainstream news person to moderate a Presidential debate.
What do you think? Jow Forums, will you get behind this?
Joe Rogan, the smartest man in America, is on course to be the first non mainstream news person to moderate a Presidential debate.
What do you think? Jow Forums, will you get behind this?
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Gas the kikes racewar NOW
Hahaha please do this and keep his wacky annoying stoner buddy who always derails interesting convos so he can make a dumbass joke
>openly biased and agenda driven
>moderate a debate
Yeah nah
>Joe Rogan
>the smartest man in America
Not sure Jow Forums would be behind this as a whole, but it would be fucking hilarious to have and would show the true breakdown of the old guard of the media complex.
Faggots can't develop culture fast enough or correctly for that matter
"ummm okay for you vice president biden, um jamie pull this up, ummm weed dude?"
This, lmao.
joe rogan is a cia asset. of course this would pop up now
Is he going to smoke weed like he does on his show? Are the candidates gonna get stoned?
that faggot from the man show?
joe rogan, seth rogen hmm more like jew rogan
As opposed to the MSM news guys they usually have......?
kys that's to mach effort.
>Uhhhh Jamie pull up the question from Spencer from Oregon... senator Sanders - what is your position on shrooms?
toe rogan is a burnout
I'm not wrong.
It won't happen.
Isn't Joe Rogan just a faggot liberal pretending to be a centrist?
bump for toe rogan
They will probably bring on Don Lemon
These signatures mean nothing
This is the only condition i'd watch a democratic debate. For meme purposes.
>Let’s get to 6,000,000!
President Trump, have you smoked DMT?
President candidate Tulsi Gabbard, what is your stance on Orangutans fishing with spears?
Shit I signed it. Why not? What a fucking reality TV show.
“Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, Joe Biden”
A great headliner. They could make it PPV
Jew Roguen is a ZoG sellout puppet selling psychological warfare. Faggots.
The man show was based
Joe Roganoff is a crypto-Jewish leftist.
>Joe Rogan, the smartest man in America,
The fuck kind of drugs are you on?
>the first non mainstream news person
How the fuck can Joe Rogan be considered "non mainstream"??
>moderate a Presidential debate.
The fuck do you think he's even being considered???
>What do you think?
The fuck does it even matter at this point????
Hey! Let's all watch a trillion dollars get wasted on BS politics, again. Why the fuck not?????
The country's still going to shit, nobody fucking knows a goddam thing about anything, and everyone wants to pretend like our opinions are infinitely valuable, so we better all just figure out what we think about so-and-so now so if by chance whatever hyper-dimensional realm we've created by thinking our thoughts ever possibly collides with the local multi-verse, thus sending hyper-poly-octa-genetical-uber-sub-atomic-trans-dimensional-gravitudinal-shock-ripples-o-space-time into the negative pole-flip of super-massive-black-hole-CERN-portal thereby forever impacting the course of America's Back-to-the-Future-Re-Run EXTRAVAGANZA.
and let him pick a co-host of his choosing
it's gonna be eddie bravo, but keep quiet until it's time
>How the fuck can Joe Rogan be considered "non mainstream"??
He is not a member of the legacy media.
Normally the debates are moderated by well known MSM news anchors.
Rogan will bring a rock n roll honesty to the proceedings that would be impossible normally.
>The country's still going to shit, nobody fucking knows a goddam thing about anything, and everyone wants to pretend like our opinions are infinitely valuable, so we better all just figure out what we think about so-and-so now so if by chance whatever hyper-dimensional realm we've created by thinking our thoughts ever possibly collides with the local multi-verse, thus sending hyper-poly-octa-genetical-uber-sub-atomic-trans-dimensional-gravitudinal-shock-ripples-o-space-time into the negative pole-flip of super-massive-black-hole-CERN-portal thereby forever impacting the course of America's Back-to-the-Future-Re-Run EXTRAVAGANZA.
Just go with it, dude.
what do moderators do at these debates? moderate...?
I can only imagine him asking candidates what is their stance on DMT machine elves and asking Jamie to "bring that up"
"Now moving on to the next topic. Chemtrails."
Redban hasn't been on the show for like 1,000 episodes now, are you dumb?
It would actually unironically work well. Joe Rogan isn't exactly the sharpest bulb in the hammer and his whole act is to pretend to be "real" so it could end up being a pretty good shitflinging regardless of whether he decides to be a shill or not.
Last time there was a lot of overreach from the moderators.
Chris Wallace was the best one.
The next question is to president Trump: "President Trump, you've been in the administration for 4-5 years now (jamie look that up). My question is. Are UFO's real?"
The fagget is a leftist god.
I think you are right in that it's largely just a talking shop while the whole thing carries on like normal.
But still.
Nah the brown guy, he was in one earlier this year
Joe rogan is a kiddydiddler
that is the problem.. stupid people cannot tell they are stupid.
This is why we need Rogan more than ever
>Just go with it, dude.
You know how much bull shit I've had to deal with in life? You know how much bull shit I still have to endure everyday? You know how severly hindered the entire state of humanity is because we constantly have to breed then cater to mindless sheep?
No. I'm sick of "just go with it dude"...
If something infringes upon my sanity, I'ma call it out. Right now, hundreds of thousands of people in various cities across a "first-world" country are drinking lead-poisoned water because we "just go with it, dude".
Why not have one of those victims, I mean ""citizens"" (wink wink), moderate a debate? Oh, because we don't want to think about them, so we'll just pay Joe motha fucking Rogan Bro a few million dollars or whatever, ya know, because Joe Rogan Bro. Hey, I got an even better way to waste money. Why not just have the debates on Mars? That'll be "hip". Maybe the kids will pay attention to politics then. Because Mars.
Will someone please pay me 42 gazillion dollars for my blockbuster idea? I like money too bros.
Joe Rogan, a true manlet among men
see above statement
Joe Rogan is unquestionably something of an icon of his generation at this point and one of the most unapologetically pro American patriots in America, you can't help but admire that. The guy was fearless and fought for what he believed in. No one has ever questioned any of that in a very long time, that's for sure. In this regard he has no competition in terms of being the foremost advocate for American values. I'd encourage the folks at CNN, MSNBC and Fox News to look at his resume and ask themselves why he hasn't been a pundit or editor of any kind. And if they are unable to answer that simple question, I would suggest you look elsewhere and not give up your right to follow your own conscience.
joe rogan is a leftist, it is a shame so many men think he is admirable..
he carries the pathogen; the liberal aids.
>joe rogan is a leftist,
he's more of a centrist. He's definitely spoken out for freedom of speech (he even got Jack Dorsey on).
He's also against injecting hormone blockers into kids etc.
`Joe Rogen is a bit of a brainlet desu. He's kind of a tard. His intentions are good and the guy is pretty tolerant and peaceful, but he does fuck all research about his guests, and develops an opinion on a topic without properly researching it. He's basically the reddit of podcasters.
He means Eddie bravo
"Candidate Biden...have you seen chimps attacking? They're savages, Jamie, pull that up."
Debates are shut down because of copyright claims.
He's never claimed to be a centrist, and has specifically said he's liberal over the years.
>Can't do the basic math that Trump has been President for 3 years, and won't reach 4 years until after the elections.
I mean, why post, if you're this dumb?
He is in no way a centrist, and has never claimed to be one, and has specifically said he's liberal as fuck.
Learn to cope.
I mean why the fuck not. All media pundits and news people are hacks controlled by powerful interests so who fucking cares at this point.
>CIA! Kike! Fucking shill rogan! Fucking kike!
First post SCHIZO POST
Joe himself says he’s not very smart. Having said that I prefer it be him and Don Lemonhead , Wolf the Blinker, or Anderson Blooper
Debates are retarded, even if they take place in his podcast studio instead of a big stage (with distractions) and the candidates have no time limit to explain their points.
>Joe himself says he’s not very smart.
Yeah? Could you keep 3h conversation with a wide range of different characters?
Eric Weinstein is supposedly smart. He had Peter Thiel and Werner Herzog on, and managed to fuck both podcasts up..
he is a leftist.. the devil is in the details.
he just had bernie sanders on right?
hard pass on joe rogan for doing anything but holding a mic for mma fighters and being a rambling gas bag on a podcast too many men waste time listening to.. make cauliflower ear great again. yawn
>I mean, why post, if you're this dumb?
Why the fuck would you insult someone for not knowing the particulars of your countries president? Specially if I don't even live in the USA.. I bet most people living in Burgerland would know even less than me.
>Hey trump you see that video of the Chimpanzee beating that girl to death?
>The one in Detroit
>No the zoo
Oh, look, the room temperature retards are triggered.
"I-it's cool to be da dum dum!"
That Bernie podcast was actually good. He could have called out Bernie on some of his shit (minimum wage, immigration), but he probably held back a little..
Since he's a massive flipflop, I think it's a good idea. At least we can expect some objectivity from him.
He was definitely diddled as a kid.
>having people on your show means you endorse them
retarded mindset
i agree with you, but i am not watching any of them regardless.. i no longer care what the left says. i do not care about their news, their debates, nothing.
no respect whatsoever. Trump will win 2020. i would rather spend my time on anything but listening to the left cry out "racism" every chance they get.
they are weak and pathetic.
That is a cringeworthy idea!
whatever you say slick
He had Tulsi Gabbard on (maybe even 2 times). He'd have Trump on, if Trump cared to be on...
I think Joe Rogan audience is full of millenial liberals that grew up with MTV, punctuate their sentences with edgy profanities and always give the middle finger when they get taken in picture. Since the dem is going full retarded these people might feel a bit alienated so they pull out Toe Rogaine in hope of appealing to them
>thus sending hyper-poly-octa-genetical-uber-sub-atomic-trans-dimensional-gravitudinal-shock-ripples-o-space-time into the negative pole-flip of super-massive-black-hole-CERN-portal thereby forever impacting the course of America's Back-to-the-Future-Re-Run EXTRAVAGANZA.
This happened a couple of months ago. The first sign was that they didn't kill Epstein the first time.
>Jesus Rodriguez.
God damn these mutt names..
My favorite mutt name I've ever seen was Joshua Reyes.
I think he would lean slightly left
Only if he gets Mike Goldberg to help and says “OHH! He hurt him! Biden’s hurt!”
Hey it can't be worse than anyone they're already shilling for
Instead you'll get rachel maddow or don lemon
He intentionally doesn't research too much about his guests so he can organically form a view to them, directly. As opposed to coming into the conversation with biases and preconceived notions.
>He had Peter Thiel and Werner Herzog on, and managed to fuck both podcasts up..
What happened? Joe has amazing people skills.
He has also had republicans on. People like you, stupid people, are the problem.
There are some guests he has done more than enough research on but simply "forgets" when convenient. Same goes to certain topics, which he has chosen to simply blank out when necessary and just act dumb.
No user, people like you that support sellouts, are the problem.
Not gonna lie, I like Joe Rogan, but he's a lot like Reddit and I fucking despise Reddit. Maybe I say that because his fanbase is full of faggot Redditors but I don't want anything Reddit anywhere near a position of relative power, even briefly.