I read a letter from Brenton Tarrant, where he writes about Russia, among other things...

I read a letter from Brenton Tarrant, where he writes about Russia, among other things. I was always surprised that foreigners greatly admire Russia, having almost no idea about this country. Russia is not «VODKA, MATRYOSHKA, SHAPKA, BABUSHKA». In reality, Russia is tyranny, poverty, lawlessness, barbarism and autocracy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is how Russia beats and humiliates peaceful and unarmed people who take to the streets so that candidates independent of the Kremlin run in the Moscow municipality elections.youtube.com/watch?v=9RcdHPHVp5U&t=64s

>In reality, Russia is tyranny, poverty, lawlessness, barbarism and autocracy.

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I have spent literal years in Russia since Putin’s gotten into power. (And I have sufficient knowledge about the Nineties - with a capital F.)
Autocracy is the only phenomenon amongst those you listed I can agree with.
Care to elaborate on your opinion?
Also - why to smear your Motherland like that?

Spotted the jew. Hi rabbi. lol

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>Also - why to smear your Motherland like that?
It is kinda national tradition.
You invite a foreigner to drink with you, then you tell him that everything in Russia is horrible.
When he finally gives up and agrees with you, you beat him up.

Why are you manipulating? Are all the dissenters in Russia these lesbians and feminists? Russia beats, tortures and imprisons all dissenters: nationalists, communists, liberals.

Have you seen how these thing are being dealt with in the West? Not with the kid gloves these officers have on, let me tell you.

but putin is habad shill

Haпoминaю чтo гpaницы oткpыты
Spotted the lakhtablyadok. Hi lakhtablyadok. Lol

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You are the jew camera man getting beat. Get lost, you kike! Nobody cares about your sob story. Try living in a country full of niggers you cuck.

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Baм впны oплaчивaть пepecтaли и тeпepь cидитe пoд мeмфлaгaми?

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Nope. I'm not even Russian so memeflag doesn't matter.

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Well, yes, you are right. I had seen this cheap trick there. (Never worked on me though.) Still baffles me why would this specific behavior seep into an anonymous Mongolian basket-weaving image forum. Nobody can beat anybody up here...

Here is information from the official state statistics of Russia.

• 26% of Russian children live in poverty (incomes below the subsistence level)
• 52% of children from large families in poverty
• 40% of Russians have incomes below $ 300
• the most common (modal) salary in Russia is below $ 360
• 80% of citizens cannot save due to low incomes
• 35% of Russians cannot afford to buy a seasonal pair of shoes
• 55% do not have the opportunity to relax outside the house at least once a year
• incomes below the subsistence level ($ 165) of 21 million Russians
• old people survive on beggarly pensions at $ 165-170

• 1% of the richest Russians (oligarchs, senior officials, ministers, deputies, senators, governors, own 57% of the property
• 3% of the richest Russians control 90% of all financial assets (cash, bank deposits, securities)
• official assets of 200 richest Russians exceed international foreign exchange reserves of Russia ($ 520 billion)
• Every year, government orders for trillions of rubles without a contest go to Putin’s friends from the Lake Cooperative

You are trying in vain to troll me and laugh at me. I do not want to convince you of anything. I just wish your mind was free from RT.

I bet you wish he favored CNN more. lel

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but we have based anti gay laws and shit

It was a fake letter written by some Russian faggot trying to talk up his shit country

Nigger how can it both be tyranny and lawlessness? Are you vodka wild wild east or do you have a kgb agent right behind you? Make up your mind.

Not sure what russia guy is talking about, but Britain is a great example of a country that is both lawless and a tyranny.
Say 'racist' things online? Years in prison. Be a member of a muslim rape gang? Whatever man, you do you. Basically extreme arbitrary enforcement of laws to further the goals of those in power.

>I'm not even russian

Thanks. Now we have something more substantial to talk about.

Regarding the second part of your stats: do you think it’s any different anywhere else in the world? Rest assured: it’s not. Do you remember how the Nineties were? Or at least the early 2000’s? (Not to mention the late eighties...) Things in Russia are stellar nowadays compared to any of these time periods.

And another thing is: I happen to be keenly aware what a dollar buys in the poorer parts of the Federation. Low figures in USD doesn’t mean much when you can shop for pennies. (Not to mention the widespread subsidies in the field of housing and utilities.)

In Russia there are no laws; there is the will of the autocracy. So it was from the time of Muscovy. Along with laws against the propaganda of homosexuality, there is severe censorship, persecution of dissidents, real imprisonment for words, poverty and humiliation.

>When he finally gives up and agrees with you, you beat him up.
Never lose your traditions, ruski.

Distributism for Russia
Hang the Oligarchs, and elect a true leader of the people

Communism failed - but a strong leader, not a communist one, a strong leader is necessary to fix the chaos unfettered capitalism has created

They should have all their assets confiscated, and cut down into small businesses.

All violent crime should receive the death penalty.
Poverty can be solved by perhaps universal basic income - take away welfare, social spending - and instead give a handout to all citizens covering basic costs.
Except for the Oligarchs, again, hang them

Unironically, Russia needs an authoritarian leader working to benefit the people

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tyranny for all and lawlessness for "muh boys"

In reality one of the major russian problems is libelars who thin that onther countriest is better.

All over the world there are serious problems with freedom of speech, the persecution of dissidents. It's horrible. But in Russia, the persecution of dissidents is carried out with particular cruelty and thoroughness.

> his is how Russia beats and humiliates peaceful and unarmed
Yeah. Only thing that they are breaking the law by participation in not sanctioned protest.

You might have misunderstood my response. I know that behavior from real life encounters in Russia, but I meant to counterpoint this other Russian guy’s argument that you were doing something alike, since it makes no sense.

(I won’t stoop down that low where I’d even appear defending RT.)

> Also - why to smear your Motherland like that?
That creature think that it makes him closer to europeans. Well, he's a cuck tho he is indeed closer.

That's nothing, didn't you see the yellow vests?

Then revolt again you epic faggots

A Russian VPN doesn't make you blend in, glownigger.

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Fuck gypsies

Income inequality is a natural phenomenon that is destined to always happen. People aren't born equal, they have varying degrees of ability, both physical and mental, and opportunity. Even giving people the most equal opportunity, inequality will prevail, and extensive social programs do not solve the underlying problem. They're merely a bandage. You obviously think Russia has something exceptional about it that results in an exaggeration of inequality. What do you think that is? Is the government actually causing it? Why would a government pursue policy that weakens the nation? Are they just that incompetent?

Just like a healthy body’s immune system reacts with “cruelty and thoroughness” infections, a healthy nation (ie. its government and judicial system) shall react the same way to enemy propaganda. Unfortunately many have forgotten about this basic principle, just like those with HIV infection has no appropriate immune response...

Why do Russians use retarded symbols like this

slavs, the true untermensch

> But in Russia, the persecution of dissidents is carried out with particular cruelty and thoroughness.
Like Navalny who was imprisoned like 4 times already for 15 days? Trully an caveman tire cruelty.


While the Russian people are strong and battle hardened, they also have been ruled with an iron fist for their entire history, if anything I would take tyranny and autocracy as Russian traits at this point.

Serious, think of one time (not including Yeltsin) where Russia was under a democratic government free of oppression?

Why do Americans cannot into the metric system?

i don't remember one

That’s a severe burn.
(Should what you had described be the case, a problem our OP might have not realized is that nobody likes, but everybody distrust a traitor...)

If anything, the Russian people voted Putin in because Yeltsin wasn't the big strong man the Russians were used to having rule over them. Now it's like old tzar times. So if I was a Russian, I would just accept this a defining feature of the Russian people and move along. Kinda in the same way Indians will always be street shitters and Canadians will always be the worst shitposters on the planet and the "plz be my AI gf" is the best post ever made by a leaf.

Do not pay attention to the 2nd part of statistics, pay to the 1st part. This is the real situation with poverty in Russia, which even the official Russian state body recognizes. But even without Rosstat’s information, I can say to myself. In the city where I live (region of the Northern Volga region), the average income is $ 160-170. My income of $ 500 here is considered a huge happiness. In winter, my earnings reach a fantastic amount of $700, when I work as a tutor after work: I teach History and Social theory studies for schoolchildren. I have to spend the bulk of my income on food and on paying a mortgage.

There is a reason modern "russians" are called muscovite scum. The Novgorod republic will be avenged by the blood of Kremlin lapdogs!

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In practice, in Russia it always turned out that the tyrant in Russia worked for his own well-being and for the welfare of his friends.

You see, if the Yeltsin era was the “democratic government free of oppression”, then no wonder no sane Russian with a hint of being capable to remember how things were back the would want those times to return, without regard of any perceived misdeeds of Putin.
>Bхoд в Eвpoпy чepeз жoпy.

I do not consider myself liberal in terms of political views, however, not liberals humiliate and beat people with rubber sticks on the streets of Moscow, not liberals make fantastic incomes for their friends. It is not liberals who threaten to “cook a cutlet” from the body of one of the opposition leaders live. According to the level of development of society and mores, Russia is Central Africa.

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looks like a slav thing, lol
know this from polish villages and small towns

>inb4 got beat up by polacks
just a little bit, nothing to worry about

Because they don't give a shit and want to get rich, duh

>This is how Russia beats and humiliates peaceful and unarmed people who take to the streets so that candidates independent of the Kremlin run in the Moscow municipality elections.
You're not special, faggot. In th USA, the far-leftist police beats up political dissenters and Trump supporters, in France the police killed a few Yellow vest protesters and jailed thousands of them, in Britcuckoldistan and Germany the far-left state punishes thought crimes with jail and in China they are kicking the ass of HK protesters RIGHT NOW.

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Yellow vests use violence during protests. I do not blame it, but I believe that violence will legalize your opponent’s right to respond. And in Russia, the opposition is peaceful and unarmed people. Generally overly peaceful. And they are brutally beaten by special forces.

Depends on the person, I know the white nationalists have been normalizing relations with Russia until Ukraine happened. Now they hate Putin but still like European Russians. It is a bit of a mess at the moment.

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Lose the US flag tyrant

t. Mutt

I dont admire the Russian government. I admire the Russian people. Their culture is rich, and honestly one of the best cultures on Earth. I like Russia. Russians are beautiful.

Why are you insulting me? Did I offend you? If I offended you with something, forgive me, for God's sake. I am afraid of protests because I am afraid for my life and health.


Fuck off
Moscovitch niggers always make these fucking threads

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>Russia is tyranny, poverty, lawlessness, barbarism and autocracy.
West is tranny, poverty, lawlessness, bimboism and ZOG

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god you guys are just soooo bbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddd

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Well also keep in mind many boomers (especially in the late 90's) we're very pro-soviet and wished it would come back. It was mainly the young people who voted for Putin initially (at least I think) while the boomers voted for the communist party. Even today many boomers still vote for the communist party because life was apparently better under the USSR than a post Soviet Russia.

While the Soviet boomers are common through out the former soviet states, in Russia they REALLY have a deep history with authoritarianism and what Putin did was tap into that "I got it, I'll take care of the country." That many Soviet boomers liked and that's how he got their support in later elections.

>Far-left police

Impressively retarded. Go on literally any cop Facebook page.

The problem is not income inequality, but the tyrant’s friends receive huge incomes, while the rest of the population gets poverty, powerlessness, humiliation, and punches with rubber sticks.

Then why do not the governments of the United States, Canada, and the European Union finally stop broadcasting the Russian state propaganda channel RT?

Looks just like a Australian public high school

Like hundreds of people from the Russian province who are tortured, humiliated and imprisoned for displaying dissent. Examine the “Case of the New Greatness”, Penza opposition, the testimony of which was beaten out by torture and violence.

It takes more than embezzling some funds, and giving a few friends large salaries to make an entire nation of nearly 150 million people significantly poorer than their western counterparts. This mindset is a result of all the concept of everybody being equal. Maybe Russians just suck, just like every other race sucks in comparison to the golden standard of which the political left holds all humans to. They just rely on elaborate conspiracy theories of multi generational suffering and oppression to explain the differences, then foolishly pursue ridiculous policy of wealth redistribution.

I can guarantee you, democracy and political freedom and speech will not solve Russia's problems. People should be skeptical of miracle solutions like that which are so simple, yet promise so much.

Sure, the average cop grunt might be right-leaning but at the end of the day the people in charge giving the ORDERS are all far-left extremists. See: Berkeley, Portland, San Fagcisco, Chicongo, Baltimore...

When Russia was part of the Soviet Union, there was the power of the working people, not a tyrant robbing national wealth.

Do you, do they survive though?

I have been to, travelled in Buryatia last year. (Pic related.) The poverty was palpable, I admit. But the prices were apparently in accordance with the income levels, and it was nowhere near as depressing and hopeless as what you can see in the US’s Rust Belt or on the Skid Row in L.A - just to bring a few examples I have as well experienced.

Great country roads though, had no fear murdering the rental Hyundai’s tiny engine with speeds well over a hundred miles per hour.

I also had a related conversation with somebody there. He was - kinda obviously- complaining, not entirely unlike how you are doing here. I told him I have seen where the country is coming up from and how it being enormous, some more remote areas need more time to be brought up. But them coming up is visible and per se happening as we speak. Would it be quicker if the powers that be stole less? Definitely. Is it still promising though..?! He had to admit to that.

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>Russia was part of the Soviet Union, there was the power of the working people
>not a tyrant robbing national wealth.
>Press X to doubt




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Ahem, when I think of the USSR, I think of certain individuals like Stalin, Lenin, and other Soviet premiers who held near complete control of the Communist Party and thus the entire Soviet state. Sure the idea was "liberation of the working class" but it involve giving the most amount of power to a single party who was ran by a single man for the most part.

Precisely. I couldn’t agree more. And it seems to be working out well. There will be always a five-ish percent of people who think they antagonistic programming by the Fifth Column is what should be the agenda. Those getting out on the streets, having unsanctioned rallies, and being thrown on the ground.

It IS propaganda. Is it ENEMY propaganda though...?

Why are Russian women such cunts?

Based. R*ssians are subhumans.

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I tiptoed around it, but now I simply MUST ask you: were you born after 2000 AD?

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>Russian chicks are still a tad bit more straightforward and - gosh! - fair if you know how to deal with them in general.

Because there are no elections in Russia, Russia is a “prison of peoples”.

Proigral s commieblyadka.
If you think that sovok was any better then literally kill yourself.

A corrupt Russian government is strong enough to protect its regime from dissenters. But the Ukrainian government is weak to organize resistance to tsarism.

Yet the current rallies are being told to be around the exclusion of some would-be candidates AT THE ELECTION.
>does not compute

All the cases you described are the result of a confrontation between armed people and armed police. And in Russia, special forces beat rubber peaceful sticks of unarmed people who read aloud the Russian Constitution.

Russia buys white nationalists in Europe to express Russia's interests. Russia is usually loved from afar or for money.

Also - I can’t remember, would you please refresh my memory how were elections conducted when the “working people were in power” during Soviet times...?

Russian people meekly endure tyranny, humiliation and poverty for 20 years.

There are also good countries: Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia.

>from afar or for money
I am unfortunately afar nowadays. But nobody pays me to feel anything. (Unfortunately as well.)
I love the language, the food, the nature and the people (with emphasis at the pretty and straightforward girls) there.

You are one interesting lad.

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Putin never participated in these elections, all candidates are puppets who passed the filter in the Kremlin.

Nothing to admire about your little shithole, nothing to admire about 'murica either. you both suck.

Finland rules, even though it is a made up country and really just the baltic sea filled with japanese fishermen.天皇陛下万歳

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