Epstein and Clinton Scrubbed

Google, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo have all scrubbed pictures of Epstein with Bill Clinton. Does anyone have any pictures of them together shared? We can't let them memory hole this connection.

Attached: happy life.png (668x580, 854K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Those are some god awful fucking flat as fuck soles, damn.

Attached: IstillEndUpDissapointed.jpg (510x511, 66K)

Duckduckgo's first picture when you search 'Epstein' is Epstein and bill. There sixth picture is just Bill, no Epstein

No it isn't you nigger.

Attached: DuckDuckGo.png (1917x638, 2.7M)

Attached: 48481645.png (1185x2048, 2.2M)


Attached: epstein.png (1185x2048, 2.47M)

You’ll also notice that when you search “Epstein Clinton” it brings up image after image of Trump with Epstein... So much for the accuracy of googles relevance algorithm

Yes. I did notice that. Snopes has already ran a story (((debunking))) this as a (((conspiracy theory))).

Snopes is just a deep state talking piece at this point

The woman in the picture is showing us the supply chain.

Pussy to Dongs to Dollars

ABC news said that Epstein/Clinton relationship is a long disproven conspiracy theory.

ABC is lying though.

Attached: 3wcP0UX.jpg (2048x1535, 510K)

>Attorneys for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton's controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations
>Epstein also has supported the Clinton Foundation financially, but that was not made public until two years ago when a whistle-blower released the names of the super-rich, including Epstein, who held Swiss accounts at the HSBC bank.

Well, I noticed only now but last time I posted that it was deleted. Something fishy is going on.

Attached: deleted.png (776x295, 51K)

>“Jeffrey is both a highly successful financier and a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first-century science,” Clinton says through a spokesman. “I especially appreciated his insights and generosity during the recent trip to Africa to work on democratization, empowering the poor, citizen service, and combating HIV/AIDS.”

OP here. Thanks for delivering. Saved the pic.

You're welcome. It was all over Jow Forums a few weeks ago, also this one very related.

Attached: 1563924882813.jpg (1999x1294, 433K)

DDG has a lot of broken image files when you search EPSTEIN and Clinton. The only one I seen of them was shopped. I saved an old one though.
>PROTIP: jewgle can delete anything from your phone

Attached: 1565257053987.jpg (943x835, 108K)

>18th result
It's finally trending. The first result as Google wanted is naturally the photo with Trump, probably from the old algorithm that hid all the other Epstein+Clinton photos from the search results while giving priority to the Trump-related ones..

Attached: 18th.jpg (1903x930, 767K)

Not where I am.
But look at Maxwell's nice earrings

Attached: ghislaine-clinton-epstein-scandal.jpg (350x350, 26K)

It is where I found Pic related
Search Epstein Clinton
However that is recent and there is nothing else

I also found this doozy

Of course they did not find it, if it got scrubbed you can not find it. How dumb are they on Snopes?

Attached: EpsteinClinton.png (1200x630, 491K)

Bing hasn't been corrupted yet, You can find plenty there.

>The Clintons were all smiles in Arlington Heights, Illinois on Saturday just hours after Bill Clinton’s friend Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell of an apparent ‘suicide.’

Attached: clinton-happy.jpg (640x493, 69K)

there is no longer any proven association between bill clinton and jeffrey epstein

Snopes? Are you new here?

Snopes ? Are you serious ?