I don't want to black pill people, but the white ethnostate is a pipe dream

I don't want to black pill people, but the white ethnostate is a pipe dream.
The rich people who would have the means to carry out this project live an extremely privileged lifestyle and do not feel the need for a white ethnostate state.
If Zionism succeeded in the early 20th century it's because wealthy Jews felt anti-Semitism and their wealth does not shield them from it.

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Who needs an ethnostate when we control the internet? Control the memes, control the planet.

Stop thinking in a white ethnostate and start thinking in how we unite our tribe and gain absolute leverage over the rest.

>Stop thinking in a white ethnostate and start thinking in how we unite our tribe and gain absolute leverage over the rest.
The ultimate red pill is to be a Mormon.

The ultimate redpill is cooperativism economically with clasical/ indo european studies to built a common identity

Brief explanation

Stop trying to save our countries and start thinking of how we save our tribe , that is a liberational thought .
We need to built a comunity and we need it now, here is a little plann
1- first we need to recruit people
Buy little locals were we can teach indo euroropean/ classic studies were we can reconect with our roots and develop our own language and secret code where only educated european nationalist would be atracted building a safe space to interact.we must teach a common paneeuropean narrative with only local tones.

2-once we have recruit enought people that have embraced their roots we need to traslate that power economically.
There is only one solution coopetativism , all the workers are owners of the bussiness
If we want to make every white person a propagandist of our case and defend his white brothers to death he must truly feel the support of that system .
White Cooperativism would strenghten our links by common interest making a powerfull and cordinate agent
We would gain independence from the financial crumbling system
The money would be distributed more equaly letting cooperativist have stable and large families
The money would be inverted locally, not deslocalization
Comunist failt because it was everything for the people without the people
Capitalism has failed the same way centrslizing all the money and power
The only way to deal with this system und is make every person responsable of their action while work by a common groupal interest
You will have even more incentives since all the workers share the benefits of their business
Take the basque country as example 12 % of the people work in a cooperative and 26% the pib of basques is due to the productivity of cooperatives
And was born the same way , facing a demografical replacement by spaniards , and as a united minority they helped each other briging life to the biggest coperatives of the world .

once we have opened a couple of locals that teach indo european/ classics we could use those people to start opening little business like pubs that are integrated in the middle of the comunal life serving as base of our operatives .
Renting a local in any europeans city ( i supose is more or less the same for usa) for about 1000€/ month would be nothing if is distributed between 20 cooperativist , they are easy to manage and a cashcow if you choice a good location , my fathers have one and im sure it could be really easy to replicate it for inexperienced people.
Once it start giving money replicate it to all european cities and towns until we have a dense red of contacts that could serve us to championize a new model where all white workers are treated like humans and all of them feel part of the same big prosperous comunity .
Not only that but every of those pubs could serve as an agent to movilize all surrounding people in every european little town, we could have eyes everywhere and we could movilize those workers , families and the people atractes by a non explotative model to our end making yellow jacket a joke in comparison.

3- once we have won enpught money and our people are ibstructed in our own history we would need to start building the symbolic representation of our intention TEMPLE EVROPA to provoke an explosion of conciousness in our people
From the first aryans spreading around the world, to greeks bringing the world a new age, romans giving europe its form , germans defeating the muslims and asiatic tribe and founding the middle ages, to spaniards reconquista and posterior colonization, to the russian expansion all across the steppe, to the french revolution and british industrialization and our children expansion in america and australia.
A cathedral forged in european stone remenbering the sacrifice of our ancestors , the heroes that defended it and that genious that impulsed our prosperity , statues of them and luminous paint of the big event of european history
A cathedral dedicated to our common european history , a symbol of unity glory and strenght
A materialized version of what we want to be in this times of uncertainty
A humane and a real founding rock of the of the european project against the desnaturalized version of the glovalist , lets hickjac them how the west should be built .
In this time of souless materialism it would became in the new santiago pilgrimage were the exhausted traveller found thenselfs with their true roots and regain hope of a better future,It would be a compass built in stone.
Once we have a functionsl economic and spiritual ecosystem we can start really helping our people rejecting any form of degeneracy and obsesive materialism we would inundate their souls with everything that make the west great loving mothers and courageous fathers , brave and ” savage” pure children , the rejection of petty materialistic intererst for eternal glory and the building of the ubermench.
The aryan men again in full strenght


Yeah, christ kikery will absolutely be banned in the ethnostate.