Redpill me on what's happening in Hong Kong

Don't know anything about this.

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Why are they protesting?

Bunch of faggots destroying their city over a extraction bill cuz a faggot killed his gf in taiwan and cant be extradited. They fear they would be extradited to China for pol reasons. Cia and mi6 funded riots

You glow like a fucker

Basically someone killed someone and to be tried or w/e they gotta send them back but they can't legally so they wanna do so by passing a law but the hongkong people hate it concerned that china will use it to take people as political hostage. The politicians said fine they'll shelve it but that means its on standby and could come back anytime, the people want it gone and with safeguards to prohibit it in the future. But now china and possibly other folks are instigating riots to make the protesters look worse and try to blame this on foreign intervention or make it seem there is some conspiracy,

They are utilising Pepe's meme magic in another level against PRC repression. They'd also rather be under the Eternal Anglo than gommies.

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China are trying to get people extradited to China so they can bypass Hong Kong law and basically gulag people the government doesn't like. The people of Hong Kong really didn't like that, and so started protesting. Now the chinks are maneuvering troops around the city.

Still just sabre rattling right now, but who knows what might happen.

Shills. A lot of chicom shills shilling on Jow Forums. Remember that every Chinese person you see outside of China is a foreign agent for the CCP. They are receiving instruction from the Chinese embassy in your country and shilling shilling shilling on the internet.

kikes think they can subvert chinks, but chinks are also kikes, as much as the circumcised ones, so they won't let this happen

There were 12 faggots, even less than cum skin nationalists

And limey cumskins are funding the rioters

>Chinese colonists
That's why this will be a failure.

China to The People of Hong Kong: Stop acting like humans, you are livestock!
The People of Hong Kong: We are human beings and deserve rights
CPC: You are terrorists! DIE!

People trying to escape communism

Communist regime will gun them down

Same old story

CIA funded riots just like in Ukraine and Venezuela but I support it because it's against Communists.

If I were president of the USA, I would nuke China immediately with no reason. I've done a lot worse for a lot less.

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>The PRC dundu nuffin
>Nobody would even think to protest against a communist regime on their own when they are trying to gulag people

Declass soon

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Remember these are not normal people. These are ant-like humanoids that can be activated and controlled directly by the CCP like RC toys. You have 10 million chinks in the Anglosphere alone speaking perfect English and having good knowledge of computers and access to internet. Imagine the sheer damage this human mass can do upon activation. You Anglos are insane and you have doomed us all.

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The PRC wants to start disappearing people in Hong Kong, but the PRC has a treaty with Britain promising not to.

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>Redpill me on what's happening in Hong Kong
It's none of our business, let the chinks sort their own chinky problems.

protestors did nothin wrong. anyone who wants ANYTHING LESS than bloody revolution is a useless dead weight cuck. Fuck the chinese government.

Gulag muslims while you cumskins are embracing them, I thought I was in Saudi Arabia when i was in UK

>Australia only 1.2 million
fake and gay

>yeah... well... MUSLIMS!
I see I broke the chicom bot.

1776, Chyna edition.

Real quick run down of history
>Britbongs sell drugs to China eventually war over it starts
>Honk Kong taken as war loot now a colony
>fast forward Second war started
>area called New territories taken and leased for 99 years
>Post WW2 Chinese civilwar part 2, commies win.
>Commies kill 30-40 mill mainlanders and destroyed culture in cultural revolution.
>Hk keeps old culture, has cantonese not Mandarin and become yellow britbongs
>Pre handover people leave and China doesn't allow hk voting for a handover plan
>Handover communist gov promises to keep British law + human rights.
>Commies start breaking agreement the extradition bill broke the camel's back.

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whatever they're fighting for is irrelevant
they're now pushing away commies which is kinda based

First they were protesting over the extradition bill. Then the bill was suspended and they are STILL protesting.
According to Reagan's advisor the CIA is behind the protests. If it's true it's Cold War 2.0

Personally I don't care about defending China, it's just the double standard that irritates me. They're spying on people? Their media is lying to the people? They're murdering citizens and pretending they didn't do it? They're trampling over other countries? So on and so on? Just like America! So why aren't you on the streets fighting for your "freedom" against oppression as you claim the HK protesters are doing?

"Thank you, God bless you and God bless the United States of America."
Game over voiceline from Shadow President after you're shot dead

the Hong Kong massacre of 2019 is what is about to happen.


Nothing, nothing is happening.
Wow so sleepy.

Why not follow these news stories about Chris Cuomo and Miley Cyrus? Yes, follow them.


(((They))) want to keep a little Israel-style state-within-a-state called HK to run psyops from and the CCP would rather they not

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It's a good question, but why do you blame Hong Kongers when it's you who are the cuck?

And no, it's not just America and China, Serbia cucks big time and sells their companies to China?

Where are the millions of protesters?

Hong Kongers have balls, you don't.

This is false.
Its an extradition treaty like many others and its was proposed by an elected hong kong government.
This is simply a Soros open borders destabilization campaign like we saw with BLM.

Lets ship guns to HK

Said extradiction treaty means EVERY Hong Kong citizen can be sent to China's prison.

Why? Hong Kong has their own prison? Why must you be sent to China?

>This is simply a Soros open borders destabilization campaign like we saw with BLM.
Yeah, Hong Konger must OPEN BORDER to the chinks? Who's Soros?

Y'all will be China by year 2049

What's going to happen to Hong Kong's flag?

Of course they are STILL protesting, the bill needs to be thrown away, not POSTPONED.
If somebody came and waved a gun to your face, and you got him to back off, and as he left he said, im not going to shoot you... TODAY.
Would you keep living just as you were before?

Not me, not us.

Just try it you mexijew.

Yes, of course, China good, China does everything.

China takes care of every Serbia company.

If you protest against China, you are CIA shill.

Serbs are the biggest cucks on the planet, cucked by turks then cucked by Russia, then by NATO and now China.

>Who's Soros?
A friend of the rothschilds, they own HK.
>Said extradiction treaty means EVERY Hong Kong citizen can be sent to China's prison.
yea, like ANY Canadian that commits crime can be extradited to the US. That's how these treaties work.

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It's already done

>yea, like ANY Canadian that commits crime can be extradited to the US. That's how these treaties work.
And when calling Trump orange is a crime?

>A friend of the rothschilds, they own HK.
Which is why they want to OPEN BORDER to chinks.
>yea, like ANY Canadian that commits crime can be extradited to the US. That's how these treaties work.
Yeah, so it's totally bullshit and people need to fight against it.

If chinese commie crime, do they accept being extradicted to the US to get raped by nigger in prison, yes or no?

This year is 2019. Nothing is done.

The future is not written.

>implying leftie Canadian kangaroo courts would ever do such a thing.
Maybe if Trump were trans and I misgendered him, then I'd be in real trouble.

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China is fucking evil, they force people into sterilization camps. They literally have concentration camps where people go never to be heard of again. They monitor their citizens and punish people by not letting them leave for infractions as small as Jay walking. They dissappear people on a regular basis, churches are burned to the ground for not worshipping the communist party. China is the closest thing to pure 1984 style evil and yet leftists will defend them. The only reason china is a major power is that we overlooked their human rights record because we wanted money from trade. Our capitalist dollars funded the rise of communist china, now we are attached at the hip and the west is too dependant on comfort to cut ties with China which needs to happen. Fuck you chicoms, my family has adopted 3 kids from your country so at least there are 3 people you won't be able to kill you disgusting filth.

We might not see it but its already done I want to visit there seems like a nice city full interesting shit everywhere

> so it's totally bullshit and people need to fight against it.

Not really. Lets say your mom is murdered and the killer flee's to the neighboring country. Then you would be real happy theres an extradition treaty.

Again, nothing is written.
>Not really. Lets say your mom is murdered and the killer flee's to the neighboring country. Then you would be real happy theres an extradition treaty.
Or let's say I'm saying shit about China right now and I get extradicted to China for thought crime.

Yeah, I would be REAL happy that my country is basically China's butt boy. NOT.

Heh. But really though. This would be like America demanding your extradition because you called Trump names. That is not generally what such treaties are actually for. That's full on totalitarian bullshit.

China is evil and it's connected to USA in the hips.

The way to break China is easy, embargo it.

why do people keep saying that shit?

You are assuming a lot. Should I be worried about being extradited to the UK for calling the royals race mixers? Because we do have an extradition treaty between our two countries..

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Give me an excuse to kill the Chink that won't help liberate his own people.

No you shouldn't. We're not China.

Yes, you should be, if the UK is China.

Fuck yes!

It's a jew meme.

Amerigoyim are trying to cause division in China.

I'm called this in another message.
I was thinking that they were talking about Nukes

Hong Kong is an autonomous region, it's not China.

It's Beijing who is trying to divide Han chinese.

Because of all the fucking glow-in-the-dark cia-niggers.

>No you shouldn't. We're not China.
And yet sometimes your mommy state seems just as bad if not worse arresting people for nationalism and anti-muslim sentiments.
I guess I should just take your word for it and die for hong kongers lmao fuck off jew.

Didn’t anyone else think the airport protests were fishy? Look at the smirk on this reporters face. Seems to me the entire thing was a set-up

1) get guys on the inside to lead the protesters to escalate, shut down vital air traffic so people will hate them
2) have a spy cause trouble at the protest
3) have another spy beat up that spy and start a ruckus
4) get yet another spy the set up the perfect camera angle and turn this idiot into a “martyr”

The entire thing is fake.

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It's a reference to a man named Terry Davis. "Glow in the dark CIA nigger".

It’s a meme started by terry a davis who called his persecutors glow-in-the-dark cia-niggers

If you watched the video you would know that they are no longer protesting about the bill. They are now demanding "democracy".
Good job missing the point. We have nothing to prove because we mind our own fucking business and hence aren't dirty hypocrites.

It means they are accusing one of working for the Central Intelligence Agency and pretending to be a normal Jow Forums poster. Personally, I've been called a "spook" "shill" and "glownigger" more times than I can recall.

Your battles are your own choice.

Thank you

I should note that in meme use it does not necessarily mean the CIA specifically. More just that sort of operative in general.

Good, we need these large countries balkanized.

We're just having some banter with the Chinese.

> Hong Kongers have balls, you don't.
And yet they are an independent state and you dont.
Really makes you think what your 'balls' are worth.

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>elected hong kong government
as far I know it was the chinese party that decided on the HK government

vietnam is an independent state

Bunch of zoomers pretending they're antifa. All this will blow over once summer holidays are over.

>I've done worse than nuke China

I missed that major world altering news event.

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Damn, thought it was Honk Kong's flag
Sorry bro, you ok.

why is Jow Forums the first place you come to for information? this is the last place you should go, after if you have gotten the facts from an independent news media source or a news org with integrity like cspan or reuters. Jow Forums is for entertainment - it's not for information.


An actual red pill if you’ve been following

>as far I know
You could always google it and expand your knowledge.

There's really nothing going on, I'm kind of feeling sleepy, I think we should all go take a nap and call it a day on this big nothing burger

To spell it out bluntly for those who don't get it: this is a power struggle. America has been the uncontested superpower of the world ever since the Soviet Union fell. Then China, the new kid on the block, comes along and naturally America doesn't like it. You think the US government cares about morals, principles, democracy, human rights, etc? No, those are just excuses. All they want is the return of the former status quo.

To further illustrate what I've been saying ITT, look at Israel. They terrorize Palestinians but there's barely any outrage about it on the internet, not even here one of the most anti-Israel places do people seem to care.

Wake the fuck up anons. Seriously.

Also look into international banking and china CIPS vs jew SWIFT. There's your divide.

Actually bothering with a Chinese proxy was a nice touch.

>as far as I know
Hong Kong elects their government

But a lot of Hongkongers do want to live free from the CCP yoke, and even some American politicians still believe in American ideals (mostly in the Republican Party, of course).
>Then China, the new kid on the block, comes along and naturally America doesn't like it.
America MADE China what it is today, user.

The flags aren't attached to identical poles, so we can reasonably doubt that these are all glowniggers.

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Elects from a bunch of candidates proposed by Beijing and elects their representatives in a complex system where votes are given to companies.
That's why they always end up with pro-Beijing leaders and a majority pro-Beijing legislature despite being so unpopular.

sounds like Canada.

Western subversion trying to undermine China. It will be crushed soon

Is that supposed to be an insult or something? Those are just two random words mashed together that have no real meaning other than "white skin" which is not an insult at all. It's like calling someone a pineapple-blanket. It's totally meaningless and at best it's stretching. Also fuck the bug people, who cares if they kill each other.

Shut up vassal