Gays/lesbians/bis/trannies are a literal toy in the hands of the greedy capitalists...

Gays/lesbians/bis/trannies are a literal toy in the hands of the greedy capitalists. Before catering mainly to dykes and women the movement was called GLBT, men were the driving force behind it, and now that's gone totally off the rails it's neither men in the guise of women. The media is hell bent on promoting trannies in cartoons, movies, games and shows. It's not gonna be long before they get fed up with trannies too and try to push something else. Hollywood does NOT represent the GLBT comunity with its blatant stereotypes and contributes to damaging the reputation of people. Gay people do NOT give a fuck about shoving their sexuality down your throat. Attention whores whose life revolves around their sick sex life do not represent gay people as a whole.

Attached: Thor-Ragnarok-Valkyrie-Bi-Sexual-Marvel-Tessa-Thompson.jpg (798x420, 33K)

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*neither men nor women but men in the guise of women

Why can't we treat the LGBT community for what they really are? And that is mentally ill. Sounds offensive to some but it's scientifically true. Im not saying deny them human dignity but it should never be accepted or seen as normal. It has no boundaries or limits on how extreme it can get. Why do you think they're trying to censor speech and deny science? Society doesn't dictate what is 'normal'. Scientific evidence does.

>And that is mentally ill.
Going by your logic you shouldn't wear clothes because it's not natural.

>It has no boundaries or limits on how extreme it can get
Again stop lumping the fags together with the respectable gay men.

>Why do you think they're trying to censor speech and deny science?
Because it's bs, you can reproduce without fucking a woman and there are ways to prevent the spread of viral illnesses. That's what science has done and it's perfectly safe unless you're a total retard.

>Scientific evidence does.
There's scientific evidence for the gay uncle phenomenon.

>Going by your logic you shouldn't wear clothes because it's not natural.
Wearing clothes is the same thing as stirring shit with your dick? I hear AIDS rots your brain, might want to get checked out. Fuck off with all your disgusting cope, faggot.

You aren't gonna stir shit if you're careful about what you're doing
>AIDS rots your brain
Says the socially autistic Jow Forumstard.

Still leaps and bounds better than being a faggot, faggot.

You're avoiding the subject. We were clothes for lots of different reasons. When you take society as a whole you have to generalize but it's what shapes what is normal. Im well aware of individuals being good people but if we allow certain things to happen we open the gate way for destruction. If you told people 60+ years ago that SSM would be a thing they would laugh at you. In another 60+ pedophilla will probably exist.

Please answer me this. If a man came to you and openly admitted he was a pedophalie who wanted help and committed no crimes what would you say to him?

>Going by your logic you shouldn't wear clothes because it's not natural.
There are spider species that make clothing out of insect corpses for camouflage, so wearing clothing is natural.

>greedy capitalists
Those aren't capitalists since they don't abide by capitalist ideology. Those are oligarchs and corporatists who seek to create a planet of mindless consumer drones by whatever means necessary.