1. On July 17, twelve Israeli Jews were arrested for gang-raping a 19-year-old British girl vacationing in Cyrpus...

1. On July 17, twelve Israeli Jews were arrested for gang-raping a 19-year-old British girl vacationing in Cyrpus. Mysteriously, just 10 days later, all 12 of the Jews were released and the victim was arrested for making false allegations. She now faces a year in jail and fines.

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2. This reversal comes as a surprise considering the circumstances and evidence. After the alleged gang rape occurred, the 12 Jews said they were attacked by the victim's friends in their hotel lobby. The hotel manager said this didn't occur (Lie #1).

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3. Upon arrest, the Jews claimed they were punched in their noses by the police, but medical examiners found no facial trauma on any of the Jews (Lie #2). However, examiners did find finger nail scratches on the back of one of the Jews - probably from the British girl.

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4. One of the Jews, who apparently knew the girl before the night of the alleged gang rape, changed his story according to police (Lie #3).

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5. DNA from 7 of the 12 Jews was found on the girl. Examiners also found DNA from 3 assailants who officials believe fled to Israel before they could be arrested. So 10 Jews were determined to have had sex with the girl based on DNA evidence.

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6. Of the 12 Jews that were arrested, only 3 admitted to having sex with the girl. This leaves 7 outstanding suspects based on DNA evidence. This includes the three that fled to Israel and four from the detained group who didn't confess to having sex with the girl.

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7. So of the 12 Jews that were detained, four were proven to have had intercourse, but didn't admit to it.

They were likely the 3 Jews in the group who conveniently refused to talk to investigators & the one who lied about having intercourse with the girl (Lies #4, #5 ,#6, #7).

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You simply can’t out-Jew the Jew

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All Jews and Zionists disgust me so fucking much. It's time to Shoah them for real.

8. Further, the top Cypriot police investigator suspected that the Jews corroborated their story before they were arrested - very suspicious behavior for people who claim they're innocent.

Jews lie? What are you, some kind of anti-Semite?

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9. According to reports, the girl's story fell apart when one of the Jews produced photo evidence proving he wasn't at the crime scene during the rape, contradicting the girl's claim that 12 Jews were there.

Can't take an accurate headcount while being gang-raped? Too bad, goy.

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10. After the Jews were released, the Cypriot authorities detained the British girl. But before the police placed her under arrest, she sent out a text to her friend. Her last message was: "They've tried to make me sign false..."

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11. The girl claims the Cypriot police forced her to sign an admission of guilt, confessing that she invented the entire episode. They also threatened to arrest her friends if she didn't sign it. She was detained for eight hours and refused counsel the entire time.

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12. So now officials believe the Jews' story that the 10-on-1 orgy was consensual & she only reported the rape out of humiliation. Why was she humiliated? Some reports say it was because the Jews recorded it; others say it's because the Jews kicked her out of their room afterward

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13. It is true that the girl had reason to feel humiliated. The Jews recorded the alleged gang rape and uploaded it to porn sites. In the video, the Jews call the girl a "whore" in Hebrew while telling her they're calling her "sexy."

The Jews claim she consented to this.

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14. Despite the fact that the Jews said the girl consented to the filming, they still decided to delete the videos from their phones when they were arrested (Lie #8).

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friendly bump

You forgot to mention the same girl also got compensation in the past in the UK for getting gangraped.

15. Incidentally, hotel guests also heard the Jews shouting "all English girls are hookers" around the hotel pool prior to the alleged gang rape. Obviously, this behavior is consistent with God's chosen. But I digress.

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Bro you can’t white knight her. I saw the video, she was gladly riding his dick.

16. To add insult to injury, the Jews' attorneys are planning to file civil lawsuits against the girl on behalf of each Jew in the amount of £50,000. Apparently, the Jews claimed they were "traumatized" by the experience and want to punish the girl for it.

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17. So this humiliated British girl will be facing a year in jail, legal fees, fines, and potential civil lawsuits totaling £600,000 after being penetrated by a pack of Jews, while being filmed and made into a porn star against her will. And she's only 19.

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18. Despite their lewd behavior - calling English women hookers and the victim a whore, a 10-on-1 orgy, filming the girl without consent, and lying - the Jews were given a "hero's welcome" back in Israel, with champagne and confetti. They even chanted: "the Brit is a whore!"

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19. Now, what would make the Cypriot police release the Jews despite so much evidence to the contrary? Could it have been because of pressure from the Israeli Foreign Ministry due to the "roiling" of Israel's reputation?

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20. Of course the Cypriot Mayor also wouldn't want the negative publicity to affect tourism to his country, of which Israel is a big part since Turkey fell out favor with Israelis.

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21. This wouldn't be the first time Cyprus and Israel perpetrated a miscarriage of justice together. Cyprus once let an Israeli organ trafficker walk free because he had previously served community service in Israel for the same crime (double jeopardy).

>community service

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22. Cypriot officials also allowed four Mossad operatives to walk free after they tapped the phones of the Iranian embassy in Cyprus. This was a case of a foreign country committing espionage against another foreign country on Cypriot soil. No harm done there, goy!

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23. Interestingly, many Jews in the Israeli press also gave the benefit of the doubt to their co-ethnics, believing them over the British girl. Why? Simply because they were Jewish. Jewish tribalism on full display here

24. In a few years, this entire event will be considered an "anti-Semitic canard" - one more blood libel against Jews perpetuated by those nasty anti-Semites. How long will you continue to tolerate this? End.

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That's gr8 m8. It probably will teach other sluts not to falsely accuse men of rape. Here is your girl, white knight, looks like she is enjoing the 'rape' xvideos.com/video49677661/british_tourist_in_cyprus_filmed_fucking_two_israeli_guys

Jewish peen is so small, im sure she hardly felt a thing.

Her GoFundMe reached its goal in less than two days

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>surprise considering the circumstances and evidence
You mean the evidence showing the bitch lied? Yeah, what a surprise a lying bitch would recant. Usually they let their victims rot in prison.
>finger nail scratches on the back
Have you never had sex?

I'm all for Jews typically being sinister but the video is damning evidence. Plus didn't she have a false rappe accusation in her past?

Chad Jew v Goy whore

>perpetrated a miscarriage of justice
Yeah, arresting a dozen guys on nothing but a slut's word IS pretty bad. But its already been remedied.
>claimed they were "traumatized" by the experience and want to punish the girl for it
Would you be glad being arrested for a "crime" that never happened?
Because she had no fucking evidence behind her blatant lies.

What lies behind that meme flag i wonder?

Thot being a thot, Hopefully she gets convicted for false accusation.

Kek based kikes.

Sloppy job mossad

That's democracy in a nutshell. 12 dudes saying they did not rape anyone and one girl saying that she was raped.

to the oven you go

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>Join the drama

who do I think is more likely to lie, a woman crying rape or a jew when he opens his mouth

dang this is a tough one



Good thing the jews recorded the whole thing

give a link to the video fag ps. kill the jews anyways

I will need to investigate the video evidence to make my mind up on this issue

She said that she was raped for an hour by those 12 guys.
That's 5 minutes each.... seems legit

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