Question to the germutts on this board

Yes, I'm talking to you germutts who spam every Hong Kong threads about muh Amerimutt, muh ZOG, muh kikes.

What's your solution to your shithole country i.e. Germoney?

You say Hong Konger are cucks for standing up en masse for their rights against commie niggers, yet you think you are baste for standing idly while Merkel robs and replaces you?

Why the double standard? Why are you such cowards but accuse people of being cowards?

inb4 CIA Mossad FBI NSA nigger

Don't give a shit, I hate you fucks for shitting on 2 millions of brave chinks fighting against commie niggers.

Attached: hong-kong-airport-protest_4743460.jpg (1600x900, 325K)


Its a leaderless movement with no achievable goals the way it is going. The whole idea is to turn the public against the protestors and create doomers out of them. Its being pushed along by who ever has the most money to throw around on social media. Jews, Americans, UN human rights groups and Chinese communist party members. Do you want to know how to ruin a beautiful bargaining position? Take a leaf out of Hong Kong's book. Stupid bastards should have stopped and sobered up after the bill was suspended. Same fucking shit as Egypt and Libya.

A leaderless movement is the most dangerous because a leader will naturally emerge among them.

What matters is the response to the enemy, if they cuck out, they will lose, just like the Yellow Vest. If they start fighting back, they will win.

The PLA is a paper tiger and wouldn't risk be tied down by ANY conflict.

Have you ever been to Germany?

Yes, it's a good place but arabs are in it.

I prefer Asia.

I hate germutts for being cucks.

It’s the same organizers and funding
They were responsible for Occupy WS as well
Pictures of western agents directing HK protestors circulating on Chinese social media
Sloppy mossad

Glow harder

Bumping own post
Retard glow bigger

Glow harder, commie kike.
Yeah, I don't remember OWS kikes start fighting against government.

It's always the same, americucks and germutts who project their inferiority on everywhere else.

Unless it's Houthi of course, then it's based.



Answer me, goddamn cucks.

I have no Idea what you are talking about

>a leader will naturally emerge from them
no it wont, that type of protest is the kind that is against having leadership and destined to fail. Hell, even the ones that did correctly failed, Sanrizuka struggle for example: started as a protest against the construction of narita airport on protesters lands, police acted violently towards them so they responded at the same rate, yet they failed.

Many such protests end up being successful and a leader emerge from that, an example is the anti-Marcos movement in the Phillipines, and the protest in Thailand.
Maybe it's not you.

The only german posters post on kraut/pol/

The german flags you see in regular threads are exclusively shitskins, primarily turks, and jews.

No idea either. You do realize proxies exist and are heavily used by Shareblue and other groups, right? As far as I'm concerned, the Hong Kong folks could overthrow the Chinese government right this minute and the world would be better for it. Hell, Vietnam could conquer them and the world would be better off.

Greeks aren't white. The only thing you ever invented was democracy which is the biggest scam in history.

Nah, but proxies exist and are rampant. You can oftentimes see a sudden influx of certain country flags shitposting, even when going by the local time it makes no sense. They seem to cycle through them, oftentimes several will pop up in the same thread all citing each other with almost identical talking points. Same for their bait threads, a bunch of them will flock into it, push it and mostly all agree with the op. Then abandon the thread as soon as they got some outrage going.

Yeah, nice to see an actual german.

If you see the HK threads, you would see a lot of german flags who chim in about muh baste China must be supported so they can own the US libs, etc.

I think they are indeed either chinks using VPN or actual chinks living in Germany (which is actually many now).

it's literally just autism. everybody knows Germans are autistic. if it were, say, Quebec trying to separate from Canada, they'd be cheering it. in many cases on Jow Forums you can get a German to agree with you if you have a non-US flag, but if you then post with a US flag they will only reply with "DEATH TO AMERIKAAAAAA".

Case in point.

They really do act like democrat/neo-cons, just replace Russia with US.

The Germans have the same collectivist mentality as the Chinese. This is why they are for an EU-China axis.
Also, am I the only one noticing the creation of a three-superpower world, with Oceania (American Empire), Eurasia (EU) and Eastasia (Chinese Empire)?

It's dreaming but China cannot live on itself, it requires a strong and stable society to buy its shitty made products, and this is what China cannot provide.

The only global power would be Israel in the middle east where they control oil and puppeteer the rest of the world.

And I think germans are more like japanese, and less like chinese due to their attention to detail. But there are a lot of chinks in Germany.

Germanons cant even fly their own flag without getting their doxxed, their house firebombed, and their car keyed.