>I'm a 100% white Italian Aryan! >I have pure European heritage!1!!! >North Americans are such mutts! How can Italians (and other Meds) be so fucking delusional? Pic related is what you look like and you have the gall to try decide who is and isn't white? It's pure mental illness. You are not white. You meds are products of centuries and decades of mixing with niggers and sandniggers. You are literal Creatura tier subhumans who have no right to ever call yourself white.
Call out all Meds and give them a reality check. Furthermore, if you have any Mediterranean DNA, you are not white. You are one of them. Absolutely no better than pure Nigger DNA.
>leafcuck Who has built more culture and provided more to Europe than the Meds? Italians and Greeks essentially built the west while Celts and Germanic tribes sat on their ass for thousands of years.