Visually induced schizophrenia

I stumbled upon pasta related on /x/ and it gave me couple of ideas on what's happening in my gym lately.

My gym has mirrors on each wall, and TV's above, all of them displaying the same music channel. There is no way to turn away from TVs, you will be watching what's on it, whether you like it or not.
Music channel displays video clips of current top songs, needless to say they're full of propaganda. For past few months I've seen a white couple in one of clips, 80% a nigger with white female, 10% is white male cucked by lesbos, the rest is abstract shit. I got used to that kind of bullshit, it's even somewhat motivating.

Recently there's been a new kind of music clips, it started with one, now I'm quite positive three of those are circulating frequently. Idea behind it is simple, each 3 second shot of the music video is being repeated 4/5 times in a row, sometimes one of them has a little change, something insignificant but softly fucking your brain into focusing and finding that wally.
I believe it's something more than a simple way of cutting expense during production, I wasn't the only one paying attention to those images, as soon as video with this style comes in, majority of men on gym stare mesmerized at TVs, likely doing the same as I did.
I can't find those clips since I don't know shit about current music trends,but it's probably easy to find if you're into that.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not sure why people are so entranced by quick constant edits as best I can tell this technique was first abused on MTV reality TV shows and I guess it has"evolved" or people's minds have become even more fucked

Most stuff on TV is very addictive.
I used to be indifferent to MMA, then I saw some random event from a Czech fight promotion one day because I was bored and browsing through channels. Fast forward 2 years and I subscribe to 3 different MMA streaming services and pirate whatever isn't available in the UK. I don't even know why I enjoy it. 99% of fights are the same.
I used to laugh at boomers who can't miss a football match, but I became one of them.

At that point I didn't think it's anything more than catchy way to gather attention. Then I read above pasta and next time I've seen one of those clips I started wondering what purpose could it be to repeat seemingly same shot 5 times one after another.
Today I had a dream which went down just like those clips did, each event repeated 5 times in a row I was observer and at every single point I was trying to establish which one of those versions of event was true. I had chair with a dove before me ,4 times it flew in one direction, one time in another. My mind was racing to answer which version of event is true, which one held actual weight. Each time it happened my mind couldn't answer the question, it couldn't tell which one is true and which one is a lie, most of them must have been a lie,because I had 5 memories tied to one point of time,and this absolutely wrecked my perception of reality, some primal mechanism in my brain claimed that each point of time can only be tied to one event,and since that statement is true, some of those memories must be false.
When I woke up I felt like I had shredder in my brain, I quickly realised where I got this from and I started thinking what the fuck just happened.
And here goes title of the thread, I believe that pushing simple IR propaganda hasn't been enough. They want to do more damage to people who try to consciously perceive music videos, unlike those who just let them go through leaving false memories in their brains, conditioning them to certain behaviors. It's a mind virus for those who dare to dig deeper into music videos, if you try to, you will be presented with sets of memories tied to one point of time. Your mind will try to digest them and look for a valid memory,which will be a mutt job since all of those versions are equally false. There is no broader context to any of these videos so your brain doesn't have a grip to deconstruct them. Brain starts running in circles, trying to catch it's tail

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We need congressional hearing into our current propaganda regimen. Even better we need to bring back state run propaganda, which can be properly overseen. It like people have forgotten that propaganda works. They think it is magic BS and they just drop it, and then the jews pick that shit up and fuck all our brains. Biggest problem we face right now. Imagine if we controlled the propaganda—we would be having Hitler-like approval numbers. People like wholesome shit and they like nice lives.

When your brain looses a grip on reality it starts question real memories and you fall into slippery slope of fading perception of reality and might end up as actual schizo.

Propaganda is a subtle art, it only works if people don't know it's actual propaganda

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I don’t think they need to be unaware of the propaganda’s existence. Even if you get sly as fuck, a good chunk will always be free and independent thinkers. Propaganda works on the 80 percent who will never be that, and it work on them under all conditions.

Correct but you have to make this propaganda believable enough for majority to believe in it, even when freethinkers try to break the conditioning


I know how to undo it

1. genetic modification
2. giant meat grinders on every corner for quick dispatching of disagreers and other errored peoples

Always thought there was a reason I hated movies and have never watched them, lol.

Guys, i'm totally working for a top secret dark-web goverment darkness shadow scienece company (restriced access only). We were working on thse results for years. It cost the government over 7 billion dollars and over 300 orangutans and 176 lemurs died for this.
I'm not sharing any results with you though, i'll only leave "breadcrumbs" ;)

Okay, you convinced me, i'll tell you our top secret information (DO NOT READ!):

Media influences your subconscious

Sure it might have been larper, sure he might have said some obvious shit ,but whole overlook was worth the read

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John Wick trains the mind to always fight and yet to play the game of the elite as a subordinate and always seek the good graces unless double crossed to the extreme which the establishment won't openly do.

Almost all white male archetypes are MGTOW.

What the FUCK kind of psyop is this? There was a thread earlier where the first three posts WERE THESE EXACT POSTS. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS

Get a remote control off ebay or amazon and turn them all off. And get some kettlebells and go workout outside. Commercial gyms are for gutless cowards.

Planning on making comfy homegym

bots perhaps,or you just have false memories

When you get that feeling like you want to watch a movie, it's because you're feeling zapped, like you've exercised as much decision making within the realm of movie characters that you can, without achieving results, and you go to the movies for a (((Windows Update))). Ever notice you feel invigorated after a movie? It's a false high.
vid related for next point
Credits play music to add to the juice. Sometimes the credit music/lyrics will literally get you to reactionarily get up (a trigger) from your seat to walk out, walking to the tune of the movie programming. The subversive lyrics are extremely poisonous.

Wake up protocols to decondition the masses?
Movies are a major threat to humanity.
I can't find the right clip. The correct clip would be about 30 seconds from before this statement. He says the biggest threat to the world essentially is in part, Hollywood.

I'm guessing we're living through a government op to wake people up to the conditioning we've experienced in the last 50-70 years.
Intriguing red pill posters come on to soft disclose enough to get gears turning for people to connect their own dots and to network ideas to form more solid "organic" red pills which are even more intriguing.
It's such a complicated web that we're essentially outsourcing to each other our processing time and experience, sometimes reading, to cook up/down information into a palatable form which gets recirculated on a rotational basis.

>hollywood is subverting us because we emulate movie character behaviors which have only become more degenerate

you really need all that to say that?

We don't but we need to realise how deep this slippery slope goes

Only fear I got is that internet will ban chans, we'd loose biggest think tank in history's existence

Emulate is oversimplifying it.
It's not just emulating.
Consider you're at an obstacle and you are thinking and aiming to make a decision.
What goes through your mind?
I've watched so many movies, that I hear movie quotes in my mental processing.
For example, should I do something or not?
"No, I will not defer." -Natalie Portman Star Wars Ep1.
This is new for me because I've grown bored with other lines and characters. 'Defer' is kind of funny, and the line is kind of funny in my mind, so I use it. The line in the movie is a reflection of power and assertion because she's taking a bold action. However, it's a poison pill because she's acting hasty and playing into the plans of the Emperor to dismantle the Supreme Chancellor. The Chancellor is presented as weak for wanting an investigation which could have led the Jedi to discover the Sith instead of rushing due to emotional manipulation from the pressures of responsibility.
Episodes 1-3 are hated by normal people because Lucas dicked all normies by showing how hasty decisions, although bold, result in ultimate failure and transition to the dark side. People didn't like to see that. People want the blue pill where rushing to judgement and action results in a positive net gain.

If the chans go down, I think there may be two factors to consider. Are we being herded to red pill people IRL due to critical mass of hivemind understanding?
Or are we being censored effectively to shut down our goals?
Process reality around you and act accordingly.

>results in a positive net gain
Because that's what we're all used to seeing.
>Fuck it, I'm going in.
*Cheering and clapping in a movie theater*


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Lethal Weapon movie franchise trains the mind to be anti-gun ownership.
Even though it's a shootemup movie, the coolest cop is a martial arts expert and prefers getting dirty, hand to hand, to prove manliness.
If that fails, use a gun you find in the area (don't hoard guns and ammo, goy), or be like Glover and just have a 6 shooter ("A real gun").
Many times there are examples of anti-guns.
Riggs in 3 - "This gun is illegal!" when talking to his girl (or was this 4? I forget, fuck) about some uzi or something, in California.
4 has signs plastered in the police office in the background (subversive) "anti NRA" stuff. Anti certain types of guns.
Glover teaches his son to shave, "You're going against the grain." This scene is after Glover kills his son's friend, a gang banger with guns that his son was hanging out with. Glover corrects his son to go away from guns.
Lenny Getz, the guy that thinks Riggs and Murtaugh are cool, "Can I get a gun?" They both yell, "NO!" as the movie cuts to a hockey stadium where the sound of the two cops is merged with what sounds like a crowd sound at the same time yelling in unison, "NO!"
So if you're young and thinking it'd be cool to get a gun, the two leads and a massive crowd tell you not to.
There are more angles than just emulating characters. The movie dialogue is written to directly talk to you sometimes.
Just because they're not facing the camera, doesn't mean they're not talking directly to you sometimes. Looking at the camera is, in the realm of continuity, the appearance of talking to the audience. That doesn't mean they necessarily are. It's all very deceptive.

I've once gotten drunk with friends and I argued some redpill material against 10 other people, they agreed with me in the end,but nothing has changed from their perspective, it takes certain break thru that only man himself commit to understand how fucked we really are

Fighting means you're going very fast with the info and in the wrong order of where their questions are.

can tell they actually have presets to mucis videos
i.e. they need to have a cut in scenes every so and so seconds ( usually 1-3 )
also they need to fit certain criteria
thexy need to display some sort of sex drugs or violence.
i.e. promoting the use of substances ( in any form ) either alchohol by depicting people drinking patrying , smoking etc.
living a high-life , i.e. promoting srexual promiscuity, uncontrolled spending of money etc.
if they do not meet these criterias to some certain degree they wont be shown on the rotation.
this makes use of "hardcoded" human reflexes the brain is trained to react to on a subconcious level, targetting the information overflow the receptor ( the viewer) will enter a "flow" like state of reception...
take some random music video you can see there and start dissecting it cut-by-cut
write a table of contents how long each cut lasts and what is displayed in each, what can be seen, then write down what is implied by the visual depiction ( if you rewatch the video with sound turned off )
another one for the audio reception ( not looking at video ) means of added sound effects to emphasize the visual effects and the song itself with its lyrics songmeaning and implication.
you could even graph this for all videos which are on rotation take averages towards attention span requirements and explicity of contents shown / aired
at different times of the day different types will be aired
friday evening vs. monday morning from 5-9 for example ( before kids go to school and people go to work / as opposd to / in the evening when people come home and relax /or/ go out and prepare for party at friday/saturday evenings... )

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Oh, and I may as well weigh in on the music video jump cuts.
I think it's specifically to convey the feeling that nothing is important. If you can't focus on anything for more than a second, than it's not serious and not important. Like a news program, if it was a super important issue, they would spend a lot of time on it. The trick the news does, is they talk about how important it is, say they don't have enough time (so you think it's important), so they can keep it unresolved, so not only are you addicted to the news feed but also so you become apathetic to resolution. Also if the news never resolves a story, I think it gives the illusion that things are always too big to grasp.
In other words, in the case of the news, the opinion you get from short hand and unresolved information is designed so you conclude it yourself based on your emotional reaction or logical reaction to the information. This causes divide and conquer. News on in the bedroom may as well be a form of birth control. Or it's a stupid attempt to try and get on the same page while being armed socially for the next day. Either way it's stupid.
With music videos, if the messages are degenerate, and the cuts are extremely fast, then it dampens the notion of the degeneracy being bad. If it doesn't matter, then there are no consequences, which people learn the hard way that there are consequences.

As for OP and his dreams, I'm thinking OP spent a lot of time processing the video clips in a sanitary environment and uses it for nightmare fuel. Also his mind probably was telling him he couldn't figure it out which is why he's here talking about it.

I love how retards think the producers of hollywood movies are genius brainwashers putting subliminal messages in everything when in reality they are hack retards who push an agenda by literally having a character say out loud their ideology.