How come Nordics and Germanics were awfully slow at creating their own writing system? It took them about a thousand years of iron-age societal development. On the other hand, Greeks knew letters already in the age of bronze (linear B). Reminder this is something you need neither climate nor resources nor infrastructure to create. It's a purely theoretical concept, and a simple one at that. Another reminder - if you have spelling contests in your schools you are doing something wrong. Greek and latin were written as they were pronounced.
IQ 70
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Nordics/Germanics were the original meds, look it up
So why didn't they bring their writing system with them?
you could at best say they were superior race of nordics to northern nordics
Nordics and germanics didnt do much writing. Too many different tribes with different dialects and no ((cities)) or urbanism to produce that.
Civilization creates that, tribalism doesnt.
But then again, while the greeks were fucking young boys we were throwing faggots and pedos head first into the bog. You win some, you lose some with ((Civilization)))
lmao fucking retard
>Too many different tribes with different dialects
same in italy, there were etruscans and samnites and many more and they knew wiritng
No paper. Had to chisel runes in stone.
Are you fucking stupid?
>We wuz Centurions n' sheeit.
writing is degenerate. It is based and redpilled to have an oral tradition.
>Reminder this is something you need neither climate nor resources nor infrastructure to creat
Not exactly.
If you live up in the nordic places you are more worried about your food supply, housing, warm clothing etc than shitposting (writing). Life was fucking hard and brutal and required the early Scandinavians to adapt quickly and think on their feet.
Also up north you get a lot less daylight. Thats another area where the climate would work against them. You cant write once the sun has gone down.
No paper, without a fast way to write it their language developed slowly
...because they didn't have much contact with Phoenicians who pioneered alphabetic writing?
this is wrong. There were a lot of writing, and archeologists constantly find evidence. But what they can't find, is anything more than bits and pieces. Because the rune alphabet is supposed to be written on wood with a knife. That's how they sent messages, while in the southern areas, they used parchment, which last way longer.
So they're not going to find any long texts, or written laws, but a lot of shitposts. Mythology wasn't written down, but neither were greek mythology until very late. Laws in the norse culture was very decentralized compared to the greeks and italians, so they weren't written down either.
Basically, the old norse and germanic cultures were the original shitposters. They could write, and it was probably more common for the average man to do so than in ancient greece. But they really didn't give a shit to write anything of substance, just a lot of "Helga smells of Helgurs cock cheese".
Phoenicians were jews
Makes sense because the first Nords were Black according to Shekelstein Goldberg
The areas were sparsely populated. Advanced language and more advanced technological is only achievable among larger populations.
*advanced technology
It's true.
>you need neither climate nor resources nor infrastructure to create.
but big cities and trade (which required rivers, ocean, adjacent people with shit to trade, etc) are what made writing essential, weren't many of those in the high north at that time.
They werent merchants or in a big empire so record keeping wasnt as necessary.
it's true we wuz italians
but not these modern "italians" those are called shitalians after they got raped by niggers
/pol users are fucking retarded child without culture.
At least you have finished school?
tutti frutti!
You forgot to mention linear A, which is older than linear B
'O il Piave, o tutti accoppati'
>it's true we wuz italians
SRSLY, stop meme.
Distance from the Middle East.
The oldest runes currently on record were carved into a mastodon bone 10,000 to 12,000 years old.
OP is not only misinformed, he's a fag.
Low quality meme.
"No one understood a bat of the scene. The victim (Hopper) was about to be tortured and decided to stimulate the lower instincts of his tormentor to get himself killed as soon as possible, urging the racist nature (of the mafia / Walken and not of Hopper). Therefore Tarantino does not emphasize the reliability of the story told by Hopper but the ability to lend in putting his torturer under pressure. Do you want to understand it "
They used wooden tablets
Also, sono ampezzano :) at least 30km to Austria.
Phew, that was a close one! Definitely means the moors didn't rape shitalians ahahahahah
It probably took them that long because there were approximately 12 of them around back then. They had a lot of time back in those days, no need to write down what you can remember.
>creating their own writing system
Alphabetic writing has only been invented once in all of human history. All other systems were derived from cuneiform, invented by the Phonecians. Chinese and Mesoamerican pictographs are considered independent inventions, but obviously far less versatile than a purely phonetic system.
There are scripts on nordic pottery meaning they had proto writing, you need a consistent medium to write on to develop a written script.
My people...
population density was super low and travelling 1000 miles with a 4 ton stone that has the lyrics to "blood-dance assfuck around fire no.5" is a waste of time and resources
>Basically, the old norse and germanic cultures were the original shitposters.
The more things change, the more they stay the same
Half the words you are using come from old Norse. We're writing their words as we speak, peepeehead
Norse runes are derivative from the Phonecian alphabet. Look at them side by side.
Also compare the Phoenician ships to the Viking ships.
Phoenicians had colonies all up the coast of Western Europe, including massive tin mining operations in Cornwall, England.
Scandi culture is Phoenician culture. Why do you think they both revered giant evergreens? Ba'al, Baldur. Beltane. Adon(ai), Odin.
Which is interesting, because the parts of the world with strong difference between seasons, tend to develop writing system sooner.
The oldest known writings are Sumeran tablets with food inventory in warehouse
>Which is interesting, because the parts of the world with strong difference between seasons, tend to develop writing system sooner.
So Im guessing the Inuits invented writing before anyone else?
They have the most extreme differences between seasons.
>Norse runes are derivative from the Phonecian alphabet. Look at them side by side.
And the very strange fact that the copper used in the Medditerranean comes from Michigan, USA.
We wuz Romans and sheeeit kill yourself Anglo
gun germs and steel, goy. we are all equal, some of us had a head start gifted to us by virtue of our being born in a particular geographic region.
First of all, I dont think that polar climate has most extreme differences between seasons.
My second point was that agriculture played major role in developing writing system, and I dont think that both inuits and German tribes didnt have agriculture at the same level as people from south Europe.
it wasn't really possible to settle and make use of a writing system, we were semi agrarian hunters. the ice just 'recently' receded and the land was lower due to isostatic depression. there were writing systems but usage was ineffective due to geography and you may as well use your mouth
generally low and sparse populations
anyways, whatever material we used would have been hard to conserve... unless its written in stone which would be monumental rather than real pragmatic use
the native populations of scandinavia were heavily influenced by the indo-european migrations(but they didn't manage to spread genetically into scandinavia), some influences remain from native scandinavians but mainland europe were genetically and culturally conquered by the indo-europeans and that is what became the cultural fabric which causes the similarities you mention - and explains the similarities of greek, roman, celt and germanic/ north-germanic culture/religions/language
Reminder that OP is a fag.
lol wut
the meds at the peak of their civilization used to consider nords and germanics to be low IQ snowniggers
modern day """europeans""" are just a bunch of sparse tribes larping as meds. some of them also need to think they have a special connection with the ancient meds, like the greeks or the romans, since they have no trace of their actual ancestors, or even their culture. for the same reason they need to think contemporary meds are unrelated to their ancient fathers in rome and athens.
and it's not just a matter of some pol psychopaths. such a delusion was common among 19th century german romanticists and 20th century nazis or heidegger fanatics.
the eternal german created that myth.
The Cold! All freezing cold communities seem to also freeze up culturally and emotionally. The winter cold zaps all your energy for like 6 months, then its like you have to start all over again. You will never ever get innovations in cold climates, even if you shipped our best geniuses there.
There are a lot of good points to the oral tradition. It has helped save a lot of Irish history from a neighbor who tried to wipe it out.
Totally, when I was in Germany in the industrial west, the brown, fair-haired types definitely looked down on the super blonds as kind of the white trash. It was a class thing.
Please show flag and proofs to back up your afirmation or else it has the same value as other nordicists claims
I'm Canadian.
I just have anecdotal evidence. My serbian friends said blonds are called pigs and are considered dumb. The blonds I knew growing up in Canada were also slightly dumber or maybe more naive.
Hoppers character knew that the truth hurts. I guess it's better to go out with a lulz and get shot in the face than it is to be tortured to death.
What evidence have you that nordics had no writing system?
Any wood or paper based medium would never have survived.
The native Americans were here for thousands of years and never even got to invent written language.
>Reminder this is something you need neither climate nor resources nor infrastructure to create
Mmm that's not how the vast majority of languages came into existence. You need to have something you want to count, or describe a legal transaction/charge etc. for the writing system to spread and make real good inroads.
>First of all, I dont think that polar climate has most extreme differences between seasons.
I believe in winter it gets dark for months at a time and equally in summer they have months of daylight.