what are your thoughts on pistol dueling to solve disputes? was this the right way to handle things instead of expensive and long drawn out court proceedings?
What are your thoughts on pistol dueling to solve disputes...
Absolutely support
What are you a fucking fag ?
Settle this up with your fists
The point of pistol duels wasn't necessarily to actually kill or even harm the other, it was to prove one's manhood by being ready to stand up to his honor in potentially life threatening situation. They didn't remotely always end in death of either party, and might be declared finished once both men had fired towards each other even if neither hit.
Hitler allowed it
No, guns are for pussies. It should be a boxing match or mma fight.
>They didn't remotely always end in death
you are such a faggot, what is the point if there is no real eminent harm? Most of the time a duel was to solve disputes between two men who knew they were right or at least knew they deserved justice.
No that could too easily turn into wrestling which will make the participants look maximum gay. They should use swords and other melee weapons, like a chair, or a bat with nails in it
Just say that you're too obese to be able to fight so you need to use your princess tools in order to solve your troubles with those that were too meanie with you.