Are their goals for society identical?

If so, is she destined to resort to violence to get her way?

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>pic related
She looks like Tampie

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What is it with environmentalists and their radical views?

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Greta is a dumb bitch, while TJK is right about everything.
Read Anti-Tech Revolution

So both are kike puppets and both advocate for you to live in the woods and get blasted by a military helicopter sent by the kikes later or let them roam freely without a way to preserve their crimes and warn others. Interesting...

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Can you point out where He tells anyone to "live in the woods and get blasted by a military helicopter sent by the kikes"?

>Are their goals for society identical?
No. She wants basically the same sort of society but with less carbon dioxide emissions. Ted want a radically different sort of society.

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So is she a product of MKULTRA as well?

He only tells you the first part of the plan...

She looks identical to Paul Giamatti from Big Fat Liar

Or maybe her parents were subjected to ultra and produced this mongoloid.

Ah, I see

Throw a beard on her and she looks like giamatti in shoot'em up

So she is attention whoring with the most irrelevant topic ever? She doesn't want less pollution, less trash, less fucked up soil or water, less deforestation, less overpopulation, less planned obsolescence...

Imagine watching those two fuck. I'd want to see nothing less that a hot sweaty creampie. With a heavy emphasis on the male organs.

Mmmmmmm. Baked beans.

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Yes she is just crying without giving any sort of solution.

The people who follow her, at least in Germany, are very anti-capitalistic and leftist tho

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she looks like a 40 y.o manlet accountant in drag

It's not a coincidence.

In 4 years she will be a total cutie

Nothing short of opposite.
Ted was against the (((system))).
Fetal syndrome bitch is tool of said system wanting to enslave you, """"""""""""""""""enviromentalism"""""""""""""""""" being just another leverage to make you submit to globalism.

who the fuck is this???
and why does it matter?

I genuinely believe that climate change hysteria will lead to mass violence and organized massacres reminiscent of Pol Pot. Which would be entirely in line with conspiracy theories about the elites social engineering human depopulation.

>conspiracy theories about the elites social engineering human depopulation
You wish they did. As of now they only saturate Earth with more niggers and other undesirables beyond any measure, by supplying them with free food in absurd amounts.

I don't follow her closely, all I know is that she wants no carbon emissions. This coupled with her popularity tell me she is not critical of technology per se, just technology which is not """""green"""". To some one like Ted she is the sort advocating for a perhaps more efficient engine on the Titanic.

I think that climate change is a red herring issue designed to push a few dearly-held objectives of Progressivism: population reduction and habituating the masses to lives of livable deprivation as the masses themselves become obsolete and are replaced by machines.

When I say Progressivism I am not talking about the Jill Steins of the world, I am speaking of the Neo-Calvinist totalizing ideology which has been pushed in America for over a century by WASP magnates and academics (eg the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation-- essentially the real centers of power in America).

Why does this girl get so much attention?
I dont like climate change activists.

Now they want higher taxes on meat because of climate change in Germany.
People are encouraged to eat insects and worms and shit instead of real meat. WTF?

Why would they do that tho? What do they gain?

Greta thinks there's a political solution because of "muh western enlightenment values of democracy and freedom"

Ted realised that there was no political solution because of the System both meeting the basic social needs of its denizens, and that it artificially manufactures needs to keep them in place (consumer culture). People will not rebel against a system where they are consistently fed a stream of mind-numbing produce. They are a Lemming population that has become not only placid, but also complacent in their own destruction. The Industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

How are they identical? Ted wanted to bring down industrial civilization to preserve nature, Downy is a retard promoted by elites who want to lower the white standard of living so they can pay lower wages and stuff white countries with infinite niggers.

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Because it scares people. And scared people act retarded.

They think we can only save the planet by going back instead of forward. Implying there is a need to do so

No. Ted believed in deep ecology (some might say primitivism) and was neither right nor left as dismantling technology would return us to a natural state with cooperation and competition found in nature (hard word, little to no surrogate activities, biological differences between males and females is a natural division in labor,... and so forth).

Greta is a leftist only seeking power by "going green " in our current technological society.

Why she does not go to China to protest? Lmao

is this the work of bannon's crew, its fucking brilliant

I hope her boat sinks.

All possible solutions to real problems are very anti-semitic (nuclear power, hydropower, near-zero growth economic models, less unnecessary consumption...).

Lefties give her the attention, they need to be dictated by a childs emossions rather than logical thought. Socialists don't have brains, they are literally NPCs.

I'll give you an example of how fucking stupid this whole thing is. I was driving a few weeks ago and a branch landed on the roof of my car. It could be repaired but literally everyone is telling me to scrap. Fuck knows how many minerals there are in that thing that are dangerous to mine let alone send to land fill, yet if I go to McDonals I know can't have a plastic straw. Clown world doesn't even get close to cutting it on this one

Unless she goes full anprim, I will not side with her

It's also the arrogance of these people, like they think they are literally saving the planet. Believe me, when they planets had enough of us, we're the ones that will need saving. Maybe they think walking to work would save them from Yellowstone going off