Trump pozzed the economy to shit. It's gonna make 2008 look like a laughable dip.
I hope American anons have stocks of rice and beans laid in
Incoming Recession
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying the problems with our economy don't predate Trump by decades
he didn't fuck this economy up the Jewish bankers did with the creation of the fed in 1913
Every time the stock market falls the stalwart shills come out in force about a incoming recession kek
Actually no, that would be the boomers and their obscene amount of investment capital. Also china and Deutsche bank
They're always right, the recession is coming and the longer it holds off the worse it will be.
Redpill me on why expansions and recessions aren't healthy.
>retarded shills still trying to meme a recession after 3 years of failing
>market capitalization to gdp is 139%
>Shiller s&p 500 PE ratio is around 30
>VIX is around 20
>10 year yield just dipped below the 2 year
how many more signals you need user?
that's not even how that word works
your shill organization should fire your memeology teacher
What does it mean though? A loss of jobs? Money being worth less so food is more expensive?
Been waiting for a recession for the past 10 years man.
I hope it comes soon
Trust fund baby will have to find an actual job, the horror!
Very fine thread, my fellow stalwart.
Good. Crash the economy until the native population is so angry it rises up to expel invaders
Trump controlled by jews
Jews control the economy
Pick one
I have some cans of beans No rice though. Can't wait for Democratic Socialism to fix this country.
Jews and the stock market:
>>Under Obama when its good: Oh thank heavens the stock market is rising! Economy good!
>>Also under Obama when its bad: The stock market isn't an indicator of the economy
>>Trump coming in soon: Trump will destroy the stocks and our economy!!
>>Trump in for about a year: Stock is good but not indicative of the overall economy!!
>>Trump in a little later and there's a dip: Holy shit the stocks dipped, the economy is going to shit!
>>Trump still in, multiple record breaking highs: Fuck you Drumpfers! Stocks don't mean anything, the economy WILL tank!
Holy shit faggot try a new angle for fucks sake.
>China gets kicked the fuck out of the IMF
>US declares China an enemy of the state for at least two reasons:
>1: They keep stealing our shit
>2: They roll in the military to Hong Kong and start killing
We default on our debt for moral/legal, not financial reasons. This eliminates over half our debt and will destroy China. I wonder who will have to start actually making shit instead of useless fucking video games? This could prove very beneficial in the long term.
have a market
>invent lending
>leverage lending over future potential capital
>dont make the capital
>cant pay the money back
>everybody suffers not just the person doing the lending
i dno goy you tell me
Lending is done in several ways. It's all a jewish scam but as long as the investors are making money they don't give a fuck.
in terms of recession expansion in times of expansion almost universally there is to much lending "but people are makeing money"
and a recession comes after to much lending
"but only a few people are still makeing money"
at all times 99% of people are eating dick
but annon lending is good "yes but inflation devalues our spending power"
but annon how else would the market work
far more stably annon with far less money to be made
at this point we are locked into the cycle as we leveraged our future and are still not makeing what we need to cover the lending and as i stated before its everybody that suffers not the people who did the lending
now we need expansion to stop it collapsing but the only way we expand is through lending (because we already leveraged our futures)
thats why everybody thinks that its all going to crumble down every year
He was always the thuggish oligarch that was going to bankrupt America so his rich buddies could buy it up dirt cheap. It’s exactly what happened at the end of the Soviet Union.
Only Qtards thought Zion Don was going to save the world.
A hard crash in our economy could be a good thing. Intelligent whites have been aware of the brewing social economic troubles for some time. Many have taken precautions, 'stocked up on rice and beans' as you say, and have spent the last 5-10 years preparing for hard times ahead. We have been building bonds in our communities, stocking up on guns and ammo, reading /sig/ both on and off these boards. The whites who have not tend to be left leaning, always dependant on big daddy government.
What do you think is going to happen to the West when the next big crash comes? When the food stamps run out? Think all these nogs, beans, and mudskins are just going to fuck off home? I doubt it. If a big crash is coming, either in America or to all of the west, there is going to be a lot of dead people. And my community already has a plan of action in place to make sure it's not us. An economic crash or collapse right now could start the purge we so desperately need.
Jow Forums has been saying that since summer 2015.
i've yet to see something happen aside from pajeet scamming scared boomers .
Americans are the dumbest people on the planet and they have zero valid excuses for being that dumb. Just now an old retarded white goblin told Kamala Harris she doesn’t want socialism in healthcare while being taken care of in a retirement home paid by Medicare lol American and Americans will be the death of our species and end to all life on this planet and when dying the American will call it fakenews as it draws its last breath making sure to pay another bailout for billionaires.
I think Trump propped it up as long as he could, recessions are always inevitable but normies still have yet to realize this.
The kikes are trying to sabotage the upcoming election. Everyone knew they'd create a recession. It seems a bit early to me though. Suggests to me it's gonna be a doozy.
>lower taxes for the likes of him
>save money
>wait for crash while taking lobbying
>crash hits, amass cheap real estate
The cancer.
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
but they don't know so shut the fuck up, you soicuck
Proofs? Or just your opinion?
>jews sell stocks
>panic drops
>jews buy back cheaper
WOW much concern
They choose to preserve a broken for profit healthcare system that cost them more money
>uneducated shitbags
not indoctrinated shitbags.
Most people that make their money on the medical industrial complex are complete douche bags. I say this because that is the largest growth sector. Not because we need it, but because we've been told we need it. Some drugs and procedures certainly help save lives but what percentage is actually necessary?
Our current health care problems were exasperated by Obama, not created by Trump. Look man, I'm not a big fan of Trump, but don't assign blame to the wrong person.
>show the receipts!!
Lol most Americans can’t even read a receipt.
hey glow nigger, glow harder..LMAO
At least I can buy my own things Muhammad. I don't rely on someone or something else to provide for me.
How is that even glownigger shit? People taking care of their own is glownigger now? You are a massive cuck who will be one of the first to die in a collapse. You should just kys now
holy shit someone with an actual understanding of the markets
>At least I can buy my own things Muhammad. I don't rely on someone or something else to provide for me.
You rely on someone else for everything fagget
I would expect nothing less coming from a leaf
>Trump did this
fuck off you brainlet nigger
I bet you fucked yourself before you gave yourself birth and then drank milk from your onions tits lol
Rage more shitskin
By that same logic he all didn’t improve the economy either. You don’t get both
> wagecucks & Magacels think they have “freedom” under the current hyper capitalistic system
nigga you cant even leave your house with a spoon lol
saying muh recession is self-fulfilling prophecy, you mong.
>reeeeeee shitskin my skin is cracked white pimples and I can’t get laid so I’m an incel nao
I never claimed any of that in your green text. And I'm not a Trump supporter. It's clear you are only fishing for (yous) now though, so here is your last one from me.
You sound like a beta cuck, can’t even wear a maga hat because you had too much anxiety to leave your basement to vote lol
What are your predictions, anons? Will the markets be lower next week or bounce back?
>What are your predictions, anons? Will the markets be lower next week or bounce back?
It could bounce up a little bit, but the trend is now down.
FIRE economy was mistake
>wants another Benghazi
That’s not good.
How is voting for gibs to niggers and the flooding of the labor market in my economic interest as a middle class person who works for a living?
Eurofags were perfectly happy insulting Americans up until they started proving they're more sexually liberated, and stopped having children, and proving they're not racist, and started importing migrants. Now they have the same problems Americans have, and also socialism.
Do you grow your own food? Purify your own water? Build your own electronics?
NOPE, you don’t do shit.
The conservatives have are beingfooled by the Koch Brothers, Merzers, Rubert Murdocks of the world.
The true base of the Republican party is the wealthy elites. In order for them to gain votes they pretend to be Christian to get that Evangelical vote.
Use the southern strategy to fool whites into blaming everything on brown people. Meanwhile Trump and the rest giving tax breaks to the rich. Cutting regulations so they can send more jobs to China.
Arming Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia who fund terrorists and Turkey. Helping the Communist Kurds for proxy wars. The Republican leaders are the biggest hypocrites. The friend who backstabs the conservatives in the back.
Yeah it has nothing to do with the fact that the US subsidizes those countries which allows them to spend fun money on socialist pet projects. Also, almost all medical innovation comes from the US due to its private system which Europe then gets to use.
Universal health care is shitty health care. If you get cancer you’re fucked, god forbid some genetic disease.
Good to see you still posting. Thought you had passed away from your ebola infection. Any future plans to visit the Congo and your favorite tribe of infected monkeys?
WWG1WGA LMFAO, if America's economy crashes, britcucks and the rest of the world with feel the repercussions, get fucked!
>We default on our debt
Ah yes, the Argentinian route. Showcasing that you're entirely untrustworthy to loan money to is a good tactic for a nation to engage in.
Trump has nothing to do with how the world economy is run and why its headed into recession.
nice rollcon, shill
Feel the Bern-Occasio solution to American economic powerhouse.
Green Leap Forward comrades!
Commie Mobster Nigger Kike Unions Anyone?
>Trump has nothing to do with how the world economy is run and why its headed into recession.
He absolutely does. His tariff policy sped up the downfall.
>Epstein murdered
>Unsealed documents getting red
>"Welp time for an economic crash!"
You're not fooling anyone, kike
Oh my god the stockmarket is down 600! This has never happened in the past! Nope, never has ever happened.
Surely, our society will embrace a different, more reasonable economic framework after this next depression.
Dead cat bounce. We're heading towards a recession and more quantitative easing aint gonna fix it. Unemployment is at record lows but conversely underemployment is astronomically high. Markets will freeze and the slowdown of economic activity during the recession will burst the college bubble and kickstart a full depression. Hope you're ready.
If Trump doesn't pass a massive stimulus package, it's over.
Isn't this just kicking the can down the Keynsian road? Digging a little deeper into the same hole that got us here?
>Isn't this just kicking the can down the Keynsian road? Digging a little deeper into the same hole that got us here?
No. The money didn't go to the people who need it outside of some basic shit like food stamps. This is going to have to be a Main Street bailout.
Consider student loans. When this piece of shit goes under, most of them will be in default.
>the absolute bestest way
what fucking psuedo-intellectual retard wrote this retard shit wtf
>what is a solecism
Retard. Try arguing against ideas.
>kickstart a full depression
Follow up question: WHEN do you guys predict this will happen? 18 months: over/under?
Theyre always right? So where is this recession I keep hearing about from 3-4 years ago? Give me a fucking break
Recession, shit, never had a session to begin with
>I hope American anons have stocks of rice and beans laid in
why the fuck wouldn't you have at least some months of grub stored away? that shit is fungible; ie if "nothing happens" you can eat it. besides its not Market Correction time yet
just more of the same really. Things already suck it'll be barely noticeable this time around. Majority of people don't have money to spend anyways. Historically Oct is the worst month for recessions.
I don't know where you got this graph. But I am from Chile, currently living in Switzerland. Chile has no Universal Healthcare.In Switzerland you have to pay an insurance,but there are social programs though.
>I have some cans of beans
>No rice though
This is racist code for bring in the cheap mexicans to grow our food but keep out the smart asians who might be able to take my job
Fucking racist!
>economy has been reaching ATHs year after year since 2013
>look how well Trump is doing, he's definitely responsible for all this growth
>economy took a hit which can be directly attributed to Trumps actions
>no no no, you see, the economy was always going to do this, Trump is totally not responsible
When will this faggotry stop. The Trump meme is dead, stop larping you fucking boomers. Leave this fucking board and never come back.
>Majority of people don't have money to spend anyways.
If a majority of people don't have money to spend, that makes everything worse!