I’m going in

Wish me luck - LM

Attached: C9D888A0-304C-4844-A16E-C8F69F0BA90C.jpg (532x425, 25K)

but why though

Fuck it.

It's your job to clean my toilet, I'm not wishing you good luck with that

You should go be a glownigger somewhere else.

Attached: 9c959d53652ffe930170dac5d86d42e441fb6e67bf636955f5195df064714bea.png (720x480, 286K)

Fuck off glow nigger, pol is a board of peace

Fuck off fedposter

Godspeed European Mexican

Fake and gay.

Attached: OP Should An Hero.jpg (500x327, 51K)

You forgot to put the memeflag on stupid polack