>muh low birthrate
>muh divorces
What's wrong with small birth rate? What's wrong with high divorce rate? Just stay single your whole life, there is nothing wrong with that. Society might burn and collapse because small birth rate but society is not a person therefore it can't suffer. Only individual can suffer and individual should accept suffering because life is all about suffering, if you accept it, it become more bearable and you can find a meaning in it. Also women suffer more from loneliness so who cares?
Muh low birthrate
I am going to have children no matter what, even if it is the worst experience of my life. The white race must live on.
Small birthrates and high divorce means the population wil decrease overall and the less population the less workforce which leads to worser condition. Hank you jews for this bullshit
We can overcompensate with automation. In 10 years all driving jobs will be gone, in 20 most jobs at all will be gone. There is no need for high population no more.
Low population means higher wages
This is how you get an eroded national culture, the promotion of homosexuality, the spread of diseases, and cultivate mass shooters. You're begging for collapse on par with Rome.
>implying you have a choice
hope you like eating insects
Pure protein