Why is college in america so ridiculously expensive?

Why is college in america so ridiculously expensive?

>in the rest of the civilised world, tuition is either affordable, free, or in certain countries like Denmark the government literally pays you to go to school
>meanwhile in America, young adults are regularly burdened with 5 - 6 figure debt because of college or university

How can we fix this?

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Because trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests

If everyone has a degree, then no one has a degree.

Get the govt. out of student loans.

Look to break up the textbook monopoly.

It's a scam. It's not meant to help anyone. Hell, it most resembles ancient Rome's Wage Slave training program

Because the jews subverted the education institutions.

We can federally mandate a decrease in the cost of college. My grandparents, adjusted for inflation, paid 1/4 what I did for college and they went to a better school than I did. The increase in cost is absolutely ridiculous. College should cost $100/semester, it DID for a long time, and now it DOESN'T because they're greedy fucks.

That's not how education works, friend. People go to college to learn things that are hard to learn. It's not as if "if everyone knows Newton's laws, nobody knows Newton's laws". Sure, there may be no market advantage -- but if you're going to college for job training, just drop out and go learn a trade.

We tend to charge very high prices for worthless things here. If you were to put an actual value on a college degree, you would probably be better off buying pic related, at least it's useful. Hell buying scratch off would even be money better spent.

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My college liberal friends unironically used the price of their colleges as dick measuring for prestige

Then they graduated and I haven't seen a lot of that anymore

>People go to college to learn things that are hard to learn.
I’m a college graduate and this is a fucking lie. All I did was read books for 3 years, most of which are publicly available for free

This, to some extent. Inflation created enough of a smoke screen for the colleges to collectively skyrocket the price of tuition and the resources necessary to participate such as textbooks; similar concept to american ambulatory companies and medical services. With the added benefit of boomers defaulting on their student loans en mass the government deemed educational 'bankruptcy' is no longer in the cards. This is all exacerbated by the fact that spite of wages stagnating over the last 50 years the population ever increases, and as such the bar for entry in fields accessible with any specific degree. Slavery, in essence. Only rivaled in its function by fractional debt-based currencies.

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Debt is everything, silly. The privately owned jewish and talmudic banks that have trillions of dollars worth of currency have it through debt. Governments ask for loans from these private banks, and go into ddbt, and the masses ask for loans, get "educated))), and go into debt. Its a cycle of money siphoning to the top dog zionists in the world to then use as they see fit and push whatever narrative they want. The entire world is under the fist of the largest centralized form of power in history.


citation needed

It is a government bond program designed to make money.

>having an american education
>having to PAY to get an american education

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>Become an adult.
>Decide to make adult decisions.
>6 years later of fucking around.

Didn't fall for the college meme, didn't fall for the expensive car meme, didn't fall for the "spend it as fast as you get it" meme. Doing well, $350 in debt because I used a card to buy something the other day, will be paid off next week when I get paid, bills are low and manageable.

Cousin? $150 in debt and raising cause she wont pay it, lives with a man leeching him dry, has nothing, had to beg for her grandmothers car so she now cant go anywhere, livin the dream of struggling to buy dog food cause "my dogs are my children."

Free money from the government directly to schools can make them charge whatever the fuck they want.

A bachelors is only

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that may be true for STEM subjects but it isn't for humanities
most jobs that are available for those graduates just require a bachelors - any BA as long as it's humanities, regardless if it's languages, sociology, history, media, communications, gender studies, whatever
obviously what you learn during your courses doesn't really matter apart from maybe, just maybe adhering to the scientific method and learning how to properly do research (which you have down after the first semester)
so you have jobs that don't require university level knowledge (how could they when the actual subject is irrelevant) still requiring a unversity degree

whoops my bad, 150k in debt is what I meant to say.

>what is personal responsibility
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that debt is bad, and that you shouldn't get a useless education. I left school in grade 8 and am debt free, and own a nice house on a nice bit of private ocean front land (1.2 acre) pic related.
>grade 8

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Inflation is a lot of $$ chasing a small amount of goods. Thanks to easier financing More students have been able to attend college than ever before and if you don’t learn a trade it is pretty much a requirement unless you want to do a skill-less job. So easy money in the form of loans plus increased demand and a supply that hasn’t grown at the same speed as the increasing demand has driven prices up.

Does being smug like this make you feel better? Does shutting off any form of sympathy or thinking about bigger factors leading to large scale debt problems ease your mind at night? Just wondering.

Because idiots take out tens of thousands of dollars in loans to study underwater basket-weaving. College is an investment.

Side note, I met a Chinese student who came here for school. She worked at a grocery store. Got to talking to her one day, and asked her what she was here for. She said photography classes at the local college, and I laughed assuming she was joking. She wasn't... she came here from China to take horrible B&W photos of shopping carts. She showed me her portfolio. Taking photos of nothing.

Guess who went back to China in debt, and still works at a grocery store?

The problem with US education system in tertiary level is that it is a business and they don't care they're churning out more graduates than the economy needs. So all the meme degrees are useless as hell but some dumb fuck is willing to pay. Business as usual.

Because thats what you get for being a little cuck pussy too scared to join the military.
>i want free college wannnnnhhhh
Shutup weakass cuck, go join Uncle Sams Misguided Children and earn your degree like a fuckin man.
Weak frail pussies everywhere these days baka.

>People go to college to learn things that are hard to learn.
No they don't. People go to college to get paper, because employers and professional organizations say you can't have a decent job without it. It's not about learning so much as making an elaborate show of submission to the establishment, spending years jumping through hoops that saddle you with debt and make you desperate to keep your place.

>if you're going to college for job training, just drop out and go learn a trade.
Some tradies get lucky or have family connections, but most earn much less than college grads and are more likely to end up unemployed, and the more people go that route, the worse it's going to get for them. A college degree is the new high-school diploma. It doesn't mean you're something special if you have one, it means there's something wrong with you if you don't.

Because over the decades colleges and universities became less institutions of higher learning and more big businesses that churn out degrees with the focus on profit over real learning or sustainability. This is partly why academia was so easily infiltrated by leftist SJWism. Because liberal arts are easy enough to attract the most braindead morons who can bring in money while the unis can give them a degree and indoctrinate them without really giving them any skills.

It's sad that IQ/aptitude tests and on the job training would eliminate this, but, of course, the higher ed racket would cease immediately.

Or you could be a nigger who can throw a ball. No PTSD, Grievous wounds, or dying for Israel needed!

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>I left school in grade 8 and am debt free, and own a nice house on a nice bit of private ocean front land (1.2 acre) pic related.
Why do dumbasses make posts like this without saying how old they are? This is normal for boomers.

in the US, colleges and universities are paid for by the government. then, they charge tuition. tuition pays for bigger staff buildings to handle the volume of tuition in finances. this way, they can charge more for tuition.

>Why is college in america so ridiculously expensive?
Because universities/colleges know they can get away with charging what they want and the guppies are dumb enough to take on tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for their "Diversity is our strength" degree in African American studies

>How can we fix this?
There is no we and there is no reason to fix it. If you are dumb enough to take on the extreme debt for a worthless degree then you deserve to be stuck with tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt

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>pay tens of thousands for useless philosohpy degree
>unable to pay back loan
>multiply this by the sheer # of dipshit hipsters with useless degrees
>college must get funds from somewhere to at least break even with current standards (i.e, charge higher tuition rates to make up for debt from said dipshit hipsters)
There is your answer. /thread

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> As president in the 90s, Bill Clinton made it so no one could file for bankruptcy because of student loans.

> Higher education tuitions universally spiked afterwards.

> High Schools create an expectation that all students would go to college. Regardless of how useless the degree, 17 year old students take massive loans and off they go.

> Eventually interests rates for loans spiked with the economic failure in 2008. ( 2.0% in '07 - 6.9% in '08)

> Higher education institutions pay no taxes, and grow like healthy businesses. This perpetuates the ever increasing tuitions.

> Virtually stagnant common wages for thirty+ years.

> Not to mention one can teach themselves virtually anything using the internet.

* Maybe pick one and fix it.
* Or Destroy the whole thing and start over.

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>With the added benefit of boomers defaulting on their student loans en mass
>but also college was super cheap for boomers
at least scapegoat consistently

>t. Little commie fag boy

It’s an investment with a 6.8% interest rate

I feel no pity for you. You overpaid for a luxury good, consumed the good, and were surprised when the paycheck came. In a better world every person with college debt would be forced to work it off.

>How can we fix this?
Get government subsidies out.

>a 6.8% interest rate
Which they tell you before you sign, it's not a surprise

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there is no free lunch, college is expensive because it is subsidized not the other way around and the federal financing goes into the bloated administration department where they make the big bucks

how could you get a job at 14 years of age

I’m an electrical engineer and needed my degree to get my job, I commuted and I’m still in 6 figures worth of debt.

I can’t start a family because of this
I can’t buy a house because of this
I can’t contribute to our economy in the ways I want because I’m stuck paying Jew loans sharks absurd amounts of money just because I needed a degree to have any success.

It’s the interest rates that are killing us anyways, making minimum payments is like spinning your tires for 30 years. So I have to overpay each month if I ever want this nightmare to end.

This is a world you no nothing about, I’m literally enslaved, they will come after my parents if I tried to flee. So try having some empathy for your fellow citizens, you fucking dickhead

At the ripe age of 18. Go fuck yourself kike

>I'd consider this, but I'm already 40
kids these days

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Government backed loans
Same reasons the rothshills loaned to governments, not normies.

We fuxk Hillary in her corrupt ass. What are you even talking about, tranny. Dialate!

>It's sad that IQ/aptitude tests and on the job training would eliminate this, but, of course, the higher ed racket would cease immediately.
That's also incredibly racist..
Civil Rights drive the Higher Education bubble...

Col. Sanders had less regulations to be fucked with. Employers only want wunderkinds with debt because they can easily control them.

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We fucked Hillary in her corrupt ass. What are you even talking about, tranny. Dialate!

Nah people literally dont join the military because they are scared of waking up at 4am everyday and running 5 miles.
To them its worse than getting shot or maimed.
Bunch of weak pussies.

Uh. Does the potential for being educated and better paid than those who aren't likewise college graduates not give THEM a smug sense of superiority?

>That's also incredibly racist..
If it's racist to call niggers dumb, then facts are racists. Oh well.
>Civil Rights drive the Higher Education bubble...
Sadly so. It should be market driven, but that kind of thinking would only work in a sane world.

Shout out to this scared chipmunk I helped move outside and back into a tree out front.

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>how fix this?
Don't fall for the college meme lmao

>tfw wake up at 3am and bike 5 miles to work daily
Kids just need to show some gusto.

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>There is no we and there is no reason to fix it. If you are dumb enough to take on the extreme debt for a worthless degree then you deserve to be stuck with tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt
I wish I could agree here but the issue is when half the student body isn't paying back their fair share, the colleges have to charge higher tuition. We could likely have reasonable tuitiom rates if Aiden would pay back the $150k for his degree that taught him than being white is inherited sin. But he won't, so the responsible ones end up paying the difference. It's why liberals are the cancer of the world, always want somebody else to compensate for their failures.

>Trump's fault
Is this the full power of liberals?

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>at 18 I was too stupid to use any sort of loan calculator to better understand
your own dumb ass fault

>making minimum payments

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Based, youre a chad and deserve a scholarship then.

Because of the distorting effect of government money entering education. Stop it and let education find its nominal price.

Expose higher education as a debt ponzi and watch it implode. Only then can it return to a fair price.

China, India, The Caribbean. They're all caught up in the foreign student scam.

Get education without a college degree, i find some people with high education dumb as rocks, mainly because they fall in the "i will be boss, not a worker" mentality and mostly this kind of mentality comes from a costly school

Sadly, my skin isn't dark enough. Maybe when whites become a minority will I be eligible for a scholarship (nah, that wont happen).

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The simple truth is that not everyone needs to go to college. And yet western culture has fostered this idea that college is the ultimate goal for everyone no matter how uninterested or unintelligent you are or how unnecessary it is for your career. Even if you're a fucking retard your parents will pressure you into at least attempting college before dropping out with a ridiculous debt. Tradies don't need college, laborers don't need college, service people don't need college, artists don't need college, feminists sure as hell don't need college. As stupid as it sound it would honestly be a better way to spend the money by just giving people gap year loans instead because at least it's possible that people might make a start to a career in that year off. Not that I'm advocating that, but it would be more intelligent than handing out college loans. College loans should be like scholarships in that you need to convince the person giving it to you that you're a worthwhile investment that has what it takes to actually go all the way and make a career out of it, not just handed out to every idiot who qualifies for a course.

The colleges get paid up front. They don't provide credit. Student loans are provided by the government, either directly or through private banks that get to keep the profits when the student pays, and don't lose anything when the student fails to pay.

The cost of education expands to consume all available funds. What is the real, necessary cost of a top-quality college education? Rent on a place to sit, and about one twentieth of a professor's salary. The place to sit is commonly provided through the donations of the community.

Before the government started dumping (usurious) money into education, students could work their way through college, paying their tuition and living expense with evening and summer jobs, without going into debt at all. Who would even lend money to a penniless student? Once the money truck backed up, colleges found a million new "necessary expenses", such as elaborate administrative hierarchies that mostly inconvenience everyone, including each other, and thus perpetually "need more people" to keep up with the extra work made by the last additional batch of adminstrators. Thanks to the government's efforts to make education available to poorer people, it's now about ten times more expensive, and still growing.

A five figure debt isn't that much.

>Why is college in america so ridiculously expensive?
Ask Obongo and the US government.


Isn't that stuff considered haram where you live?

The government created this crisis by subsidizing. Why do this? Create a crisis and convince the populace that the only way out is through the government. Give the government more control and they'll "save" you from the problems they created in the first place

For some reason, people think more govt. is the answer to bad govt.

I have no idea where this came about, but it's quite confusing.

Fuck off troll

Who's "we"?

One bubble is created to keep another from popping. If banktruptcy occurred across the board for education based loans it would have a domino effect in the housing and rental market centered around students. Forget about the loans from the govt and banks for a second and think about the effect such a situhtion would have on the cost of living or landlords/mortgages suddenly not being paid. Yes the government guaranteeing loans it issues for Stacy and Tyrone also make college admissions staff know they can gouge the taxpayer if Stacy and Tyrone fall through, but the money ultimately ends up circulating back into housing and commercial real estate and the stock market because professors, landlords, and banks create a feedback loop by demanding more money and investing in methods which bring their money full circle. What happens if the gravy train stops? How can infinite growth and muh gdp recover?

Truth hurts, does it?

Kids get a dozen years of all-day government indoctrination in how college is the only way to have a decent future and whatever it costs is worth paying. With no life experience, and basically no warning to be cautious about the debt (rather, being constantly told that it has effectively a negative cost because it will reliably increase your income by more than your loan payments), they are encouraged to accept a stricter sort of debt than is available to anyone else at any stage of life.

We don't let anyone else go into debt without possibility of escaping through bankruptcy except ignorant children. Bankruptcy is how we prevent debt from becoming slavery: you can always walk away from debts that are more than you can reasonably pay off, it was the lenders who were at fault and who will take the loss for taking a bad bet. The entire point of the current college-for-a-future system is to create debt slaves.

>government gives young, stupid people loans for college
>more young idiots go to college
>college raise prices
>government gives bigger loans
>college raise prices

Thats pretty much how I see it. Its a racket

I was in the military so I got my STEM degree for free so idk I'm basically a boomer at this point. The only civilian guy I know with a happy story paid for college with money from one of his dead relatives.

American universities regularly dominated the top ten lists of education.

There's a reason we went to space while you idiots were getting buttfucked by the Soviets.

>There's a reason we went to space
The United States customary system. No one has put a man on the moon by using metric units.

I'm 35.
I didn't; was homeless until age 21 when I decided to get my shit together.
Went to a shelter with a phone number. Started applying for jobs. First job was backshift at Tim Horton's. I worked hard, got a reference, and applied for a better job. Then repeat.
It helps not being retarded, and knowing how to speak to people. Most homeless people are total retards.

Because they want to make maximum dollarage before they collapse the nation through socialist indoctrination. Also the person taking out the loans is responsible for the debt. They did not have to go to college, they could have worked, and saved to go later.

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I didn't go to college because I had no interest in being a doctor or an attorney.
It's always funny seeing people who got a general degree start working my job years after without all the raises and with loan debt

So in other words, you fucked up too badly to get into college and were a total basket case until around the age when people graduate, yet you pat yourself on the back for being clever enough to decline the option.

>uneducated people don't have student loans
>voting against sel finterest because student loans
i guess we know why college didn't land you a job

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Truth is, I’m still doing well, even in a rigged system. I’m not mad, just disappointed in you anons

8 years of Obummer and it was still high priced. Try again.

> if everyone is literate, then no one is literate

Please give me bank account info so I can send you my portion of the money we get from you, you need it more than I do.

You can make 5 figures in a couple months at minimum wage, what the fuck are you doing.

Good... if college was more affordable, you would have even more retards attending. Thank god it's pricey, too many go to college anyway.

Disappointed for what reason?
Adults who make shitty decisions deserve to suffer the consequences of those decisions. People with vomit inducing student loan debt literally did it to themselves. There is no justification to pity them.

Yeah pretty much the same for me. I am semiretired as a heavy equipment operator making upper five figures from six, but hurt durr, l am the stupid one without debt, and three homes.
I really wish l had gone to college like all of the cool kids, so l could pay worthless loans for a five figure salary job forever.

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Loans are government backed, meaning if you default on your student loan, the bank can still get their money from the government. Because of this they have no qualms with lending any amount of money to prospective students, regardless of what their major is and what their potential earnings will be after graduation. Then, because their customers, the students, have an effectively infinite source of money through unlimited student loans, the colleges themselves just keep raising prices.

Damn dog, you're shooting for the stars, I make enough to live working 3 days a week at amazon so I enjoy my loads of free time shitposting on the internet

Isn't 80% of collage education in America nothing but indoctrination that WHITE MAN BAD, HOMOGENOUS SOCIETY BAD, PROMISCUITY GOOD?

With a five figure debt and a useless gender studies degree, that just shows you are gullible and an idiot.
If I see an application with activist or organizer as a skill set, I just throw that application in the trash.