
Why is this still a thing?
How did it start? And why?

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If the government wanted to do something nefarious it would be the easiest way to do it. Just because they (probably) haven't caused any issues yet doesn't mean they won't be an avenue for it in the future.

Because parents are in love with the idea of that they're the absolute experts about everything regarding their child up to and including their literal biology. They postulate and act all knowing right up until things actually go wrong, at which point they go around and search for someone/thing to blame.

It's the sort of thing that occasionally makes you wish people needed licenses to be parents. (not for real tho, but just the sentiment)

>oh no anti-vaxxers are going to infect my children who have already been vaccinated and therefore should be immune to the disease

Those diseases would be extinct if we didn't let in third worlders

>Why is this still a thing?
>How did it start? And why?

Because someone like me, who is 35, got about two dozen shots in total while growing up.

Kids today are expected to get seventy, 70 shots.

So who is to blame for this reaction from certain parents?

What do you mean by "antivax"?
People who want safe vaccines for their children?
Funny "antivax", who want vaccines, don't you think?

>Injecting a tiny baby with metals and chemicals
>First step into big Pharma

Aside from a few, they are not needed. Anyone over 18 had a fraction of the vaccines that kids get nowadays.

this is how you know people are being brainwashed by something
when it sounds retarded

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That could been the case, but I'm sorry.
Read that a flight attendant died from measles. Just got me thinking.

Ever since vaccines clown world started.
Man needs disease and death to keep its population under control.

There are also many hidden cases where babies die or become brain dead after getting certain vaccines. The stipulations that state that the vaccines were not fully tested and prevent you from suing the manufacturers is another big red flag.

>new vaccines appear as medical science develops and progresses
Oh my fucking god mind = blown! And here I am thinking leeches will cure me of everything!

You retard.

Vaccinated healthy people are fine, aids patients and the elderly/newborns are the problem.

Better kill yourself first and and set the example for us all.

Russia pushed the anti vax agenda because they are trying to destabilize america.


Valid point. Swede here and can't recall that absurd number. But then again, getting close to 30 and it's been awhile since last time.

>muh metals and chemicals
Watch out for that dihydrogen monoxide, user.
Sodium and Chlorine are super dangerous too, can't have any of that!

New vaccination for what exactly, retard?

Almost a third of the shots are the flu vaccine which does not fucking work. Yet they still give it to every kid every year. Or what about giving blanket Hep shots to newborns, like we're in the fucking third world? Or giving every dude some Papilloma vaccine so that girls can get slutting it up?

Vaccines are well past being used purely to help the public health, they're now all about maximizing profit at the cost of the state and the kids.

>Mercury has the same effects as Salt

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how did your big pharma cuck fetish started?

Can someone shop this where the virus is on the other side of the border and jews are cutting down the fence? Preventable diseases should be labeled something like diseases from shithole countries we shouldn't have to vaccinate for any longer.

Take aids for example. We really dont need a cure for this. It exists for a reason. We should be making it stronger so it kills faster.

If your vaccines are working, you are immune, you're safe, right ? So, why do you care if I'm not immune ? Why do you care abour my safety so much that you want to inject me against my will ?

We wiped out the third world diseases so people didn't want to vax when the autism rose (a made up disease)
It only matters because the third world is being imported to the first world, bringing the diseases back

This. Eradicating smallpox fucked the natural order, just like killing all the wolves in yellowstone. So instead of a balanced population we will have resource exhaustion and mass famine, like the unhunted elk.

>makes you wish people needed licenses to be parents
Yeah and don't issue them to Jews or shitskins.

How is your country still a thing?
How did it start? And why? Just become Arabia.

This and /thread

The point is that compounds have different properties than their constituent elements, you smoothbrain mongoloid. Vaccines don't have pure elementary mercury.

Imagine being so stupid you dont understand how genetic mutation works. I bet you are a christain

Because vaccines select for weak immune systems and using them like we do is basically setting up an extinction level plague in 3 to 5 generations.

You cannot feasibly refute this.

Hmm.... Autism in 1985 only 1 in 4000 children, Autism in 2017 was up to 1 in 45...
You tell ME how antivax started!

I'm called a anti-vaxxer because I won't buy their flu shots

>aids patients
>the problem

Agreed but not for long.

By chance. Makes me feel good.


Of all the pressing issues of this forsaken Earth, why do you fags go for the least significant?

I wonder why Jews make the vaccinations but don't vaccinate themselves.

>aids patients
Caring about AIDS patients, really ? That's your argument ?

>They give flu shots to every kid every year
No "they" don't. It's optional

>litterally nothing else changed from then to now except vaccination rate

Sweden sucks

TAYQ, think about contemporary antivrus software.

Imagine not being able to defend your stance against basic biology so you clinge to a typo instead


>kids need vaccinations for chicken pox
>vaccinating for hpv instead of just keeping your kids away from jewish pedophiles

Why should weak genes be allowed to survive?
We were beautiful 100 years ago, now the average "man" is a skinnyfat betaboy.
Bring back the times were women had 7 children out of which the two strongest survived into adulthood.

Diseases are good to keep our population under control.
Everything in nature, which we are part of, needs to be balanced.
If we keep this disbalance, by intervening artificially with vaccines and medicine in general, the reastablishing of natures balance will express itself with stronger catastrophes, than just diseases.


1 in 4000 cos 3955 didnt survive. how fucking stupid are you

Imagine not being a Christian

100% of South Africans are going to die due to lack of food. How are the dirt burgers treating you?

The anti-vaxx movement was artificially created by big pharma to delegitimize criticisms of big pharma, you can't talk about the potentially dangerous but cost effective additives in vaccinations without being associated with the retarded boomer anti-vaxx movement they fabricated and perpetuate.
Herd immunity.

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>Not accepting forced immunizations

Don't you want to be part of the herd immunity

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Imagine having such small faith in human kind that you think a newborn baby needs to be injected with drugs as soon as they come out of the womb.

Literally just had a son last night. Still in hospital, and the nurses say I AND the baby need whooping cough vaccine.

What's the consensus boys?

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It's quite simple shill kike, basically the medical industry is the largest business in the world and it generates money from sick people while simultaneously promoting disgusting agendas such as mutilating baby boys genitals at birth and then medically castrating them at age 8.
Why the fuck would any sane person let them inject you with something? Let alone 70 somethings (the current number of vaccines in the vaccine schedule)

Tuskegee experiment that time that the us gov injected a bunch of people with syphilis to see what happens
That time that the Jews injected all African migrants with a long acting birth control and told them it was a vaccine

Well, if it mutates then vaccines that were used won't do shit anyway and given how the southern invasion group literally just keeps bringing that shit up with them, then lax border security is far worse than the anti vax crowd of idiots.

White people are retarded and if presented with enough authority, they will always follow like sheep.

Let me understand this, if you are vaccinated you have nothing to worry about correct, then why concern yourself if others are not? People who are not vaccinated have no effect on those who are, so why insist on making it mandatory?

Yes goy buy my vaccine, it will makes your mantits bigger.

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Most of these fags might be retards but that doesn't mean all vaccines are safe (or even effective to begin with).
I stopped getting the flu shot and now I don't get colds or sinus infections anymore, when I used to get them every single winter. I doubt it's unrelated.

Nope. My kid is almost 3 and has had ZERO shots. We're good.

Dipshits think viruses mutate like bacteria.

Social media basically. We are in an era where some literal nobody can rant and rave about shit they have no expertise in.

Enough retards talk about bullshit, and the "journalists" see it as an opportunity to sell it as some sort of legitimate scientific debate.

More low IQ normies see that fake news, and start to get ideas.

im not black dude. but thanks for playing, better luck next time.

Whooping cough can actually be fatal for infants, so yes. Don't let them push a huge amount on you, though.

You didn't have him circumcised, right?

read about solubility, they probably didn't cover it in middle school in your flyover fuck state

If your child is vaccinated there is no issue.
What, are you an anti-vaxer?

>the government is blatantly filled with evil kikes that have an agenda
>willingly letting these same evil kikes put needles filled with unknown substances into little kids bodies

Flu mutates too fast for the vaccine to keep up IIRC.

My niece is 11 with no vaccines and is super healthy, my nephew is 12 and has had all of his vaccines. My nephew is plagued with ear infections, fungal infections, allergies, and Hyperhidrosis. Purely coincidence I'm sure.

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Lmao, Imagine being such a dumb pussy that you think you need 100 Jew shots to survive

Because they make you retarded and gay.

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>Herd immunity
Good goy

Same reason why women and cucks demand that non western migrants with a violent culture are allowed into the west. They have no point of reference; they think the hard earned relative freedoms and luxury's they enjoy are the norm. They think these things are just there. The same goes for low child mortality and catching infectious diseases, they think it's the norm, so why would you need these 'dangerous' vaccines?

It's obvious you're not a statistician.

How are you not aware of this?

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To protect my newborn before they are old enough to get vaccinated you selfish retard.

>Little Paco sneaks over the border with all kinds of 3rd world cooties
>Blame little Seth for the measles outbreak

So you'll die by the black man then.

>The Government mandated school taught propaganda reaffirms the government mandated drug

Who'd have thought. Babies still can't process the metals the same as adults due to their underdeveloped bodies and systems.

If you want herd immunity, you need to close the borders, regardless of vaccines.

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Got an argument?

Can you get mecury poisoning from vaccines? And are we birds?

Because the Jew intends to poison every non-Jew with additives to the vaccines and these additives are linked to bad things. Why? Jew wants to fleece the populace WHILE making them into slaves, or at the very least neutralize them as a threat as they continue fleecing and enslaving. (((Their))) excuse is so that the vaccines would have a longer shelf life. No doubt they know of the side effects, but the shekel-saving properties of the autism-inducing additives is more important (the whole fleecing the goys component of their plan). If they really meant well, they wouldn't have used said additives or be okay with not having vaccines with long shelf lives. But no. And you're probably aware of academia-media apparatus to psychologically mindfuck people. The hormones in the water/plastics/etc., the mind toxins in medicines/vaccines/etc. and so on are to mindfuck the people chemically.
>The dick chopping is the physical, because you know the mind will snap and realize chopping wangs was a mistake, leading to suicide
Fucking Jews. Perhaps in their envy because they're often born with some sort of mental illness, they think it's just that goys be as mentally ill as they are. DotR cannot come soon enough.

Omg now i realize how retarded pol is.

Because the parents became traumatized to needles when kids

Also, probably because in recent events we are never seen a devastation caused by disease as our ancestors, therefore vaccines are not the saints of salvation as they became in the past

By i think is needle phobia

Also this is wrong. Vaccines do not offer 100% protection to the people that recieved them. So it's still possible that your child gets sick from some anti vaxxers kid.


Lots of these dumb shits believe they will legitimately die if they don't get vaccinated every year. I've noticed the majority of them are notorious city dwelling freaks who are afraid to get their hands dirty


Naw bro, my kid's dick isn't going to be made into facial cream for rich Hollywood Jews.

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Fantastic sample size of 2 (two) Professor Myopia

It started because white people have higher IQs. Ever meet a non-white antivaxer? See oneon TV? Didn't think so. Superior race for sure.

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Except vaccinations literally arent safe.

Everyone I know got measles and is fine. Used to be a common childhood disease which only killed the infirmed.

Because vaccines aren't necesarilly 100% effective, tard, and the more people are vaccinated, the harder it is for a disease to spread through a population.