Serious problem Argentina style cont

Thread was nice so i decided to continue it here

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This is the future.

Attached: johannesburg.jpg (2048x1150, 1.74M)

Literally my car


Normal Audi A6 wagon here.

Year? Engine?
I’m in love in A3 sedan and have a really big bonner for A5 coupe, but... basic a3 was in the same price range as my gti, and it wasn’t thatmuch better
VAG is VAG after all

It's an A6 Avant 3.0 from 2016. Just a normal family car. It's also just leased. Getting a new one next year, will be an Avant again most likely (we have kids).

As a kidstroller i bought Pacifica. It was considerably cheaper than R class
Good. It’s cheap enough and you can change cars every few years

That's the plan. With the current political situation I sure as hell won't bind much money for such non-sense as a car. Also its useful since I have to declare some spending for my company.

A5 looks really good. Which engine?