Change my mind
Southern Europe > Norhtern Europe
Matthew Adams
Grayson Martin
>t.brown skin, eyes and hair.
Nords are the true master race
Austin Miller
>muh eye color bixnood muhfugga
N*rdoids are literally a mirror of niggers lmaooooooooooo.
Also reminder that med women with big pretty brown eyes are the most beautiful women on the planet.
Jackson Taylor
Too bad they have mustache and hairy arm
Wyatt Ramirez
not gunna lie some of the hottest women ive seen have been Hungarian... but med women as a whole are better looking
Ryder Nguyen
Fuck off with these D&C threads, kike.
Joseph Turner
Connor Lee
They invented techniques to remove them long before your ancestors moved to Europe.
Juan Price
Literally everywhere on the planet > Leafland
Change my mind.
Pro-tip: you can't.
Anthony Williams