Should I do it?

I might kill myself anons. My whole family hates me, I’m entering high school with no friends, and I my mom is constantly badgering me about always being online.
>that phone is dragging you down in life user.
Well it’s the only thing keeping me alive.

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no, pussy.

Boogaloo on the jews on your way out faggot.

Stop being 14 yrs old first

Underage b&

kill jews

>I’m entering high school
Go ask Club Penguin.

Yes cianigger get the bullet

Cianigger kike


Everybody has those feels in high school, user. Trust me, life gets better. Plus, if you kys, you'll miss out on all the upcoming habbenings and memes.

Suck it up pussy. Diet and work out. The reason you have to go hard and do shit is for yourself, not for anyone elses approval. Youll be stuck in your cave until you start living for yourself. Also the vast majority of people dont think like your stupid ass. Theyre not better than you and youre not worse than them.

Ofc not. Earth is beautiful see past humans destructon and I'll will and enjoy the fruits of nature. There is some beauty in man's achievements as well. Take care.

You're just starting high school and already giving up? The fact that you're on Jow Forumsmeans you're somewhat redpilled which gives you a tremendous advantage over your peers. Take a critical look at yourself and your life and identify why your family hates you and why you have no friends. Both of those can be rectified. Also, search the catalog for SIG (self improvement) threads and get to work.

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It wont help you keep comming back till you learned all your lessons.

Don’t do it... Go find help and get your emotions under control user

Underage b&. Kill yourself.

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No, been there a lot. You never know when things might turn around for you. But you won't know if you skip out this early

dude you are only like 14 or 15? 34 year old white guy here. I can tell you that life gets better after high school, and life especially gets good after age 28 for MEN.

MEN develop slowly, we only begin to reach our peak after age 28.

Fuck this feminist society that abuses young men.

life is so much better after you graduate user. the high school years will be gone and forgotten after you graduate. and don't go to college for some bullshit degree. go work/put yourself thru a trade school and do what you want. not what is expected.

no one cares memeflag faggot

Dont do it. I'm a Buddhist and I can tell you that you will just be in the same spot in 20 years. You'll reincarnate in a similar shitty life and have similar shitty problems and that will go on forever until you deal with your shit

So stop being lazy and deal with your shit

Your 14 bro, wtf! Listen, you still need to lose your V car which is based, start hitting the gym, start leaving redpilled printouts (pic related), user pranks in school (glue quarters to the floor), make some ramps for your BMX, learn Jeet Kune Do, Learn toplay a guitar so you can join a cool band like Radiohead used to be, go on tour and get nonstop action backstage w groupies when you're old enough, or learn to make trap beats and become a dye hair'ed soundcloud mumble rapper who larps as depressed emp lil xan type and pull in millions, then use money to drop redpilled fliers from helicopters over cities and pay for redpill billboards

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to OP

make money, learn skills to make money

then expat, and move to Thailand

then you can fuck literally a new hot 18 year old asian woman every single day

nah just suck up the next few years. pick something that makes money (a regulated industry) and make money and go be happy knowing you didn't cripple yourself in too much debt by entering the university system.

Women are mostly all crap so make money and then poop on them literally. lol

don't listen to satan user. he fucks little kids. he is evil. don't listen to this pig

Look forward move forward if not for others then carry the feels until you arrive at the promised chan

Stop being a retard.
Get the fuck off of the internet
Work out
Meet up with people
Read books
Enjoy better life.

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enjoy your ban

your life is about to change so much in 4 years, with the capacity for that change to be awesome. ride it out you raging homosexual. be someone. do something. don't be an faggot

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Suffering makes strong men
Suffer and endure, prove your strength to your ancestors and the world. I believe in you bud.

your family doesn't hate you they want whats best for you, you're just disappointing them yourself

I agree with this

Im bout to give you the ultimate red pill friend

>start smoking weed

You're literally 14 get some hobbies learn to socialize plz dont shoot anyone

Buy Crypto. All in on Sentinal before in moons and makes you instamillionaire

Lol it’s hilarious how high school fags think high school is the biggest thing that’s gonna happen to them. It’s gonna get a whole lot worse my friend.

As your lawyer I would advise you against such a rash move. Don’t worry about your family, if they aren’t 100% behind you no matter what then they aren’t really your family! Search out like minded people, immerse yourself in books or a hobby, lay off the internet for a bit, find a piece of pussy that’s just as fucked up as you and have crazy hate sex! Things will get better you just have to trust that!

Listen to this guy. be a non-violent critical thinker. Dont let glows trick you, only peaceful protesting. All of this is satire in minecraft anyway

Thanks fags, I’ll stay alive so I can fight the Jews.

don't do it. life sucks a good deal of the time but so what. be a man and wait for your moment. don't throw your life away. much love to you little brother.

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... Families are just people, like others. We find connection based on like mindedness and not blood. Sounds like you don't have the support you want... and that sucks! Sorry. If you're angry, I get it, and if you kill yourself they will be in a living hell and regret all the shitty things they did and all the chances they let pass to help you, but then you're dead and can't enjoy your revenge... Health and success are a better revenge.

>entering high school
Ride the tiger underage and b& faggit

stfu bitch!

Literally no one remembers or gives a fuck about high school my dude. Give it another 20 years.

Look kid, I know you prefer to be on your phone a lot because it's comforting or dopamine feedback loops or whatever, but you really need to get out of your comfort zone. Kids are sociopaths so you'll probably have a lot of missteps but it'll be worth it to learn how to interact with people, you'll be happier in the long run.

Get off your phone faggot

You have to be 18 to post here

You obviously don't want to kill yourself or you wouldn't come to this cesspool of edginess asking if you should.
Seek help from a professional.


Sounds to me like your mother loves you and cares about your well-being; She's right, the internet is a poison.

14 was a rough age for me, too. I was in the same situation. Just try and make every day better than the last.

Fake and gay

Underage ban when

Summer-chan is the worst

This is why kids needs to be in school in the summer too

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No, its retarded to kill yourself when there is still tons of time for things to change for you.






Distract yourself with a hobby and practice it unyil you can make money on it. Like programming

It cannot be understand just how unimportant high school is. It's four years you pussy, ride it out.

if you kys dont use a gun, you only add to anti gun statiatics.

also make a live stream ofit facgot.

you shouldnt be here in the midst of puberty

I’m in a very similar situation as you. I think we should just keep livin’ this shit life, entering the abyss at this young age is way too soon. Even if it’s meaningless we can make whatever we want of it.

Shoot up your school

>southeast asian women

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If I’m ever suicidal I’ll just remind myself to stay alive to fight the Jews. I proud of you fags

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but that's what women do, user, they constantly criticize and destroy without ever actually doing anything to improve what they don't like. If she really cared she'd do her job as a parent and help you become self dependent but you've gotten to this point with her as a parent it's probably not going to improve. Disregard thots, disregard bullies, find something you enjoy and fuck all the haters.

1. If you feel feminine or weak, get your T levels checked.
2. Stay away from onions
3. Eat as much garlic as you can
4. Hit the gym
5. Stop fapping or limit it to once a week
Once you get your T up you will feel better, more confident, be in shape.

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Hell yeah brother

I was really shy and didn't have many friends in school. No real friends at least, just a couple of other "losers" and "loners" to talk to or sit with at lunch because no one else wanted us.

Give yourself a honest chance dude, I didnt "come out of my shell" until I was about 20. Suicide is a fine option, but wait till you are like 30 dude. At least 25. Fucking pussy

Oh, you’re yet to enter high school?
You’re in for a major shitstorm, if you don’t kill yourself now, you probably will sometime soon after going into high school.
We might as well start planning OP’s funeral

Fuck off zoomer

No, life gets way better. Everything bad becomes smaller and you’ll find days you’re really glad you’re not dead for.

I would be your friend if you weren’t a filthy memeflagit user.

Don't do it user. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem
We're here to shitpost with you, we can't do that if you're gone

Don't do it. You're so young. Chances are you have 60+ years of life to live.

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