

do teachers believe they deserve $360,000 per year

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I mean, m father was a teacher and by the end of his 36 years he was making over $100K a year. You have to put in extra work for your masters +30

no. teaching is the bottom of the barrel as far as jobs are concerned. literally anyone can do it unless your functionally retarded. if they were good teachers they would work at a college making real money. high school and lower teachers are government funded baby sitters already, and their low pay shows how replaceable they are

Most the teachers I knew in college were ditzy party girls. If teachers started getting paid like doctors they would lose their jobs to the influx of PhDs.

Imagine having your paycheck ripped away to pay for incompetent overgrown children to brainwash your kids

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It costs like at max 50k to become a teacher and you can have a salary of at minimum 53k starting. If you work up, you can get to about 90k or so excluding the private education system and charter schools. Some teachers at the top end make about 120k.

College/uni profs make between 62k to 120k depending on field and previous work experience. This is in addition to various funding for career objectives like post doctoral papers.

Yes they beleive it.
Do they deserve it? Of course not.
If they start teaching why whites are the master race and that Hitler did nothing wrong they might though.

this. i’ve been with 3 women who were teachers. 2 high school, one middle school. they were all the most retarded people i’ve ever met. i do a test to see if a girl is retarded by asking some basic questions. my favorite is “if a man was standing on the moon and was holding a pencil with his arms straight out and then he let go of the pencil, what would happen to it”. i’ve only ever had one girl answer correctly that it would fall to the ground. everyone else said the pencil will float away. go ahead and try this question on everyone you know. you will be surprised how many people are basically completely retarded. how could you not know there’s gravity on the moon past age 5?

That just means now my kids will be properly educated by actually smart fuckers.

I don't understand being against better wages for teachers if it'll attract higher quality teachers and I want my children and the general population to be better educated. Do you not value education or having an educated community?

Might get a better calibre of teacher if they did.