Ben Shapiro replacing Tucker Carlson

Possibly the last honest man on msm to be
replaced by another fucking Jew

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-14 at 1.06.03 PM.png (589x434, 79K)

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Ben would do a great job tho. Better than Tucker's gormless face everynight

Doubtful. Tucker's ratings are through the god damn roof. I could see fox hiring benji, but not getting rid of carlson

kys. eurotrash faggot

Dont take the bait


Do you actually believe kikes value ratings over
their propaganda?

Ben owns his own business...why the fuck would he take another job and be a employee for someone? He is smarter than that.

who the fuck wants to listen to a weaselly manlet jew harp on about how the American goyim should die for Israel.

>Replacing bad goyim Tucker Carlson with a kike
Imagine my shock

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