Hey guys, RBG is dead. You guys are going to get the news in a little bit. Don't ask me how I got this

Hey guys, RBG is dead. You guys are going to get the news in a little bit. Don't ask me how I got this.

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I thought she died months ago.

ah shit here we go again

thanks for telling me ahead of time bro i owe u one

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Anyone whose bullshit detector doesn't immediately sniff this out as a shitpost no lie needs to drown any children they've cursed the world with and then drown themselves.

Shitposting needs to start being an instant ban.

Sure Rich

Pretending that someone is alive long after they died is some banana republic bullshit

When LARPS become true

Bump for the hell of it

fake & gay
She's been dead a year

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I think this would push the left over the edge. Please be true.

You learned this by being a sodomite, didn't you? That's why you don't want to talk about the "how".

Epstein ended up being dead so bump

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Please be true I've got money on predictit riding on this

K. Keep me posted.

i'll cap it for shits n giggles

No it doesnt, weeds out the newfags and give me the big laff


Jow Forums: The broken clock of the internet

>Don't ask me how I got this
Why do all LARPs end with this phrase?

cute but fake and gay, just like a trap

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Threads like these cause us to lose credibility. I am skeptical at best. Odds are OP is a normy tumblr user.

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get a load of you

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Hey guys. OP is a faggot and he never stops sucking dicks. You guys are going to get the news in a little bit. Don't ask me how I got this.

We're not supposed to have credibility. The veneer of satire and shitposting is the smokescreen that allows the real shit to take place.

Sweet, my collectable just doubled in value.

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Raped to death by DRUMPF?