The Epstein Tapes: Unearthed Recordings From His Private Island.
Boring distraction / propaganda, nothing interesting
Notice how nobody bothers to look into those THREE BOOKS that Epstein ordered on Amazon?
Notice how every time this gets brought up the thread gets slid?
Isn't it odd nobody looked into the authors?
Isn't it weird nobody looked into what items are bought WITH those books?
Isn't it strange that part was the ONLY part people have overlooked?
Shut the fuck up you stupid shitskin leaf. Literally the most worthless nation. I knew a canadian chick and she was a huge degenerate whore who fucked over 100 people. Fuck you.
bump for truths
100 people except you incel
...and its nothing
actually some good bits
>I realize what I am. I’m very comfortable in my own skin. I’m not a helicopter pilot. What I’m really free to do is I feel free to follow my own personality. As we discussed yesterday, I can’t be totally wacko in what I do. It affects lots of other people who will get angry with what I do because then it affects me again. But on my own island or on my own ranch, I can think the thoughts I want to think. I can do the work I want to do and I’m free to explore as I see fit.
Inherently satanic mindset, what HE desires is important, what is good for HIM is good. Being free from Gods shackles that are his morals and law that holds them back from what they truely are, appearently a disgusting childfucker.
>The way I saw it was physics, which was in fact based on a fixed number of rules and you did experiments in physics that couldn’t violate those rules and if your experiment worked you hit the target. Finance seemed to be a different metaphor for the same processes but when you hit your target, you were able to fly first class to Paris.
Basically an explenation on how magic works, through realizing all is one, and one is all that you can make predictions based on knowledge on other fields, realizing the patterns that make up reality, geometrically and conceptually, the laws of physics if you want so and then use it to effect a complete different field. sigils are just mathematically expressed spell, as the patterns and words and rituals on some level are all and the same.
Okay christtard. You’re mentally ill. He’s not talking about any fucking magic or being free from the lords shackles.
Maybe you should post pics or proof of whatever the fuck it is you're talking about, tard.
Nice job kike, you've deterred us all
Anyone got the recordings? I need them for... Reasons
Sauce or GTFO
I dont fuck whores faggot. Your shaming tactics dont work here. You are worth less than the shit in my ass.
Important read below for any new comers to the thread:
I went through all the tapes this morning
Unfortunately it appears to be nothing substantial.
I will update POL if anything changes in the future
The court docs said he bought books on Amazon about sex slaves
So planted there to play right into the hearts desires
I tought it was goona be a limited hangout of all the nasty, shady shit he did. But is just him saying I love making money, I´d sell any investment when it lost 10% of its value, because it´s not worth it, ! and also " I love solving puzzles, solving math puzzles makes you happy, when you figure it out but solving puzzles in the area of finance make able to fly to Paris first-class
So basically , is right, , basically a finacial advice and a human-intrest story a about a very famous guy,
Because America does not have any whores right?
Must be the CP from the servers they've found.
He may even have a copy of all Clinton emails.
I imagined he would sound like Anthony Bourdain. but he sounds so god damn Jewy.
Please stop living
Did I ever excuse America? You shitskin kike lovers will get torched soon. Keep trying to shame me nigger. Your kind is on a limited timer. The awakening has already started.
it's just a dumb old interview... jfc
>cant read between the lines
Why are these terrible people allowed to raid the home of a dead man? He must find peace.
What people don't understand is this is the only way for Jews to get laid.
Yeah, I thought the same thing. Very Brooklyn-Jew.
schizo christcuck detected
Ahhh god damn Jews
>As a money manager, Epstein earned fees for investment advice, tax services and estate planning. He bragged about how his decision to charge flat fees freed him from the pressure of incessant trading and differentiated him from stock brokers in an era when trading was commission based.
What did they means ?
lmao you've clearly never met brooklyn jews, this is just brooklyn accent
No whats really strange is the media and everyone acts like we'll never know what happened now because he's dead. It's like they almost forgot he was locked in a back room with FBI agents for who knows how long the first go-around spilling all the beans in exchange for his sweetheart plea deal and immunity for all his co-conspirators. It sure is strange no one is asking these FBI agents to testify before congress.
any other goyim feeling sleepy all of a sudden
ist just a breadcrumb to soothe the hunger...
I expected him to have a much deeper voice.
What does this have to do with stocks and investing?
What's really strange is you not explaining yourself faggot, so fuck off and kys
Two big towers, maybe xenons maybe 2 NAS drives on the left?
Okay, BDSM and sex slave partner books. What items did he purchase with them?
we know hes a perv, why don't you explain rather than calling people incel, or is it a red herring?
dl links for these books
Mueller was sitting right there, right in front of them.
They did not want to ask the responsible FBI official why he dealt with Epstein so lienently.
If Kimdotkim was getting them in real time, so was the no such agency.
you don‘t fuck anything at all incel
False flag when?
Who are the Authors?
These are all just death grips tracks
They're already sliding
dude check out its bill clinton in a blue dress totally inside epsteins apartement in ny totally not a painting
legit photo right there cant you see in our 4kx20 totally legit pic
check at least 3 slide threads along with all that freshly leaked google stuff altering search results and blacklisting unwanted content...
fuck you retard.
Here's a fucking clue: if Bloomberg is publishing it, it's not going to contain any information detrimental to the elite. JFC.
not sure if want
the only one I kinda recognize is Christina Abernathy? who are the other two?
>I knew a canadian chick and she was a huge degenerate whore who fucked over 100 people.
Kek, surely it must be her nationality that made her a whore. Incredible logic you have there.
They're listed under the titles.
obviously you leaf, I'm asking for that user's insight into not only their names but any other pertinent info the user has on them.
to my dutch/belgian dudes our rapper lange frans already spoke about a pedo ring amongst us back in 2015 in his second verse
anybody look at the old (2015) radaronline stuff? they have Virginia guiffrie's diary & some other court docs. talks about 12yr olds. not sure if these are the same as the recently released docs cuz I haven't looked at those.
Why was Radar Magazine publishing dirt on Epstein when he was among the original founders of Radar?
>what is photoshop
good point, I can only guess: controlled opposition or greed.
I wouldn't have even looked at them if a different court document didn't mention that Radar had guiffre's diaries. from what I can tell, they never published the diaries in full - just portions here and there.
So basically laundered money from his people disguised as investment advice. Sounds about right.
why so many glasses on the table? Weird
3 glasses per person: water, white wine, red wine. they would remove the unused red or white wine when the people were served.
Still seems odd to me, 20+ glasses
yeah it's weird, there were probably other people seated that were told to get out of the pic
For the different wines for each course you neanderthal. You don't put red wine that comes with red meat in the same glass with white wine that comes with the desert.
>even the manga at all
terminal shit taste detected
good stuff
the man, the lizard, the alien in his own words
just a typical usury jew tbqh
i recommend saving the audio clips they give a great insight into the figure
>You are worth less than the shit in my ass.
you are not from european descent
if a nation isnt responsible for its people, who is nigger
>Basically an explanation on how magic works
just a magician trick
follow rules, make gambles, obtain results
but it is an insight in to the man's psych
especially in the pauses and stumbles in his speech
geez you guys dont know how to read people
so basically his greatest stunt was to pass off for a billionaire when he was a mere paltry halflet with his 500 million
no there's nothing substantial but they're great for meta-language analysis
he does say a lot between the lines about who he is
i'll takeyour money and you wont pay me for what i'll make you earn, just for the privilege of me (((managing))) your stupid goy's assets
k.. keep me posted
jeff knows what makes women tick: control
he's a boy
a grown up boy
Same shit in the end, though
Whether he's a Satanist or just an immoral atheist, he's saying he's free to be his true self on his island, which is narcissistic and as we know, evil
New York accents suck.
Bumping based and redpilled thread
>ladybug poster
stap user what are you doing to me?