Now we know why white nationalists are so obsessed with IQ

Now we know why white nationalists are so obsessed with IQ.

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>white people invented slavery
>white people invented conquest
Eat shit and die, kike.

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Is it because it has a direct observable correlation with social success and living standards between nations?
Oh No you were just making an ad hominem attack against an irrelevent celeb, my bad.
Carry on faggot

Plus niggers obivously have higher testosterone

In reality, there is virtually no white nationalism and it is the 1% alone, left and right, who justify their behavior in terms of IQ rather than character.

>I need to make up fake quotes in order to justify violence and censorship against whites
Why do you hate whites?

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>I need to dehumanize all non-white people to make myself feel better

t. white male

white nationalist / white nationalism are just code for "white people who want to take care of their own just like any other race do" - and this is not allowed because white people are apparently a lesser race because of past historical exploits, that every other fucking race attempted, that we were just better at doing, and actually used to benefit everyone, not just ourselves.

I'm not a white supremacist. but the world owes, well, the fucking world, to white people. without white people. the world would be a much darker place, pun fucking intended.

p.s. I'm not even fucking white, I'm a jew. if I can realise this, you can. if you don't, you probably don't want to because you hate whites.

I can fit four fingers in my ass.

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Um, this is what asians do sweetie, but it's ok for them?

the west is the best because it was built on white european values, ethics, principles, culture, religion, social systems, I could go on and on and on and on and on.

the entire world has emulated the west because the western schools of thought are the most prominent and most advanced, and always have been.

our heritage, and I say our because although I may not be white, technically, I'm a westerner and have lived here my entire life and have no ties to anywhere else aside from maybe israel by blood, is the only heritage worth it's salt in the grand scheme of things. everyone wants to be like us, everyone wants to live like us, everyone wants to be where we are, everyone wants to emulate us.

the west is the best and everyone fucking knows it.

anyone that denies it and hates white people knows it. they just want to steal this and remove white people from the equation.

stop replying to b8, retards or at least sage it

let me rant in peace goy

Wouldn't they be more likely to be asian nationalists then?

it's about empathy my mutt friend. Lets say that a disaster strikes (and it will), do you believe that a nigger or chink will help you? Those people are like insects, they only care about their own well being and very often their thought doesn't concern distant future. And dont come on me with those cherrypicked examples. We're talking averages here.
This is getting rid of future evil by using evil.

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Why do you hate whites?

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Your fingers? If that's the case there's no merit in it. The challenge is getting a stranger to fit 4 fingers in your ass.

To have a society like white people you need people with intelligence and empathy
Various races lack these, and it explains their behaviour, societies and situation in life

Molyneux is a kike.

True said, we need to wipe out the whole East Asia and every fucking insect that lives there!

oi m8 u got a fucking LOICENSE for that genocide

Terrorizing black people??
Wooooooo look at this scary electricity and running water woooooooo scaaaarrryy.

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thats the guy that constantly harps on IQ differences between muds whites and asians, I find that quote hard to believe

>retarded leftwing shitskins who hate white people make up bullshit because the truth doesn’t fit in with their bullshit

Why would we care about genocidng infeiror people like you? That’s all people have done throughout history. Why should we care that subhumans complain about us doing to them what they’ve done to each other?


t. Low IQ nigger who can’t accept his inferiority

>one of the most retarded memeflags

Blacks literally terrorize each other intraracially at rates unheard of in human history until recently they are the most violent humans that ever existed on our planet.

When did he say this? It sounds awfully a lot like when a Jew boasts about how they run everything.

"We white people"?

Have you ever been around a nigger?

You are a kike. They are like humans, but dumber and they stink.

Fake and Gay

oi, you got loicence for that snarky comment you cheeky wanker?

>checks loicence papers

All right, carry on then.