The final argument about the christian question. Is christianity true, or not?

The final argument about the christian question. Is christianity true, or not?

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Other urls found in this thread:–10th_century_CE

Absolutely true.

which denomination?

Truth is of no importance in matters of faith, of which Christianity is. What matters, first and foremost, is belief, no matter it's basis in truth or lack thereof.

It is but one version of the truth.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." M.10:34

Gnosticism: Jehova is the devil who pretends to be god. Jesus was sent to the jews by the true god to make them stop praying to the devil. They put Jesus on the cross and sealed their fate: Kalki (The white horseman) will slay them.

Jesus Christ's teachings.

You'll go through different stages of red pills, most likely starting from the Holocaust, then Hitler, then the jews, then you'll start to get blackpilled and with God's grace you'll get the real and final red pill, which is Christianity.

John 14:6 is the absolute Truth.

Cucktianity is jewish

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this. I feel bad for all lost souls. They have NO idea what God has in store for them and what awaits them in the inferno

>The final argument about the christian question. Is christianity true, or not?
Islam is a false religion. Christianity is the one, true religion

Yes, save yourself

yes, but christ was a incarnation of vishnu who tried to stop the jews from their literal satanism. Saul of Trasus wrote the bible to his liking though.

>if you don't worship a dead Jewish rabbi with provably no divinity, you're going to a place the Greeks invented

Pretty Much every religious leader since Christ has been down with Christ. They may not like Christians but they like Christ.

Jesus was not a jew but a Israelite or Nazoreans. Modern day jews are not Israelite. Your meme is BS. Seems you are the one that’s cucked.

The concept of hell has been around way before the Greeks. It's something that you can understand or grap without the need for divinie revelation. But in order to understand what exactly it is and what goes on there, we need some hints by God.

>Is christianity true, or not

Absolutely, undeniably not true

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>The concept of hell has been around way before the Greeks.

The Jewish version of "hell" is Gehenna, which is a physical actual place outside of Jerusalem where ancient Jews used to burn babies alive as part of their usual blood rituals. "Gehenna" is even used in the original Greek, not "hell", despite "hell" being a Greek concept and "Gehenna" being a Jewish one. When Rabbi Yeshua spoke of a bad place where naughty goyim go, the word used was γέεννα. γέεννα and kόλαση are different things.

>a fucking sand nigger
Yes the earth is flat and 5000 years old.

It's almost like when your entire existence revolves around the illusion of two Jewish choices—a Jewish religion or a Jewish material secularism—both of which are detrimental to you, society inevitably collapses.

The Egyptians were already talking about hell and so were the Sumerians talking about demons burning people in hell.
That's never been a physical place in the Hebrew culture, only modern Judaism considers it a physical place.

>oh no people get freedom and separation of church and state in exchange for a utopia!

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FPWP, it's horrible.

Based meme evidence

There is a multitude of Christianities.
Christians are also not sure about themselves.

In my experience they're actually not religious (spiritual) people who want to find out things outside of their dogmatic bubble. They're literalists and institutionalists, never finding out the true God-view of our ancestors.
There is only this lame blather about historical bs that doesn't matter at all (Jew or not, based Jew, Jews not the original Jews and so on and so on - their heads are filled with Jewish materialistic superficial non-spiritual shit whether they realize it or not), they focus on one single alleged superman outside of themselve that is supposed to liberate their lazy asses. That is not the ancient message of a European Aryan spirit. It makes them passive and menial.

The Edda and Bhagavad-Gita kept our racial spirit much better.

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The Egyptians were talking about an underworld, but it isn't the same nonsense that was invented by Catholics and Jews. Egyptians believed in Duat, which was basically an interdimensional airport terminal where you waited your turn to be judged. If you were naughty, you just ceased to exist. There were no demons roasting you over a George Foreman grill.

>That's never been a physical place in the Hebrew culture

surely if more people followed the ancient sandnigger manual life would be better

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entirely true

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It is a set of policies you can use to guide your life, it's as true as you want it to be and as useful as you can make it become

Every culture had its own wrong understanding of Hell
>The Sumerian afterlife was a dark, dreary cavern located deep below the ground,[13] where inhabitants were believed to continue "a shadowy version of life on earth".[13] This bleak domain was known as Kur,[14]:114 and was believed to be ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal.[13][15]:184
>Ereshkigal's sukkal, or messenger, was the god Namtar.[14]:134[15]:184 Galla were a class of demons that were believed to reside in the underworld;[14]:85 their primary purpose appears to have been to drag unfortunate mortals back to Kur.[14]:85

>At death a person faced judgment by a tribunal of forty-two divine judges. If they had led a life in conformance with the precepts of the goddess Maat, who represented truth and right living, the person was welcomed into the heavenly reed fields. If found guilty the person was thrown to Ammit, the "devourer of the dead" and would be condemned to the lake of fire.
Note the " lake of fire." phrase, the Egyptians had a better understanding of it.

All the understanding you have of Ghenna comes from the Kabbalah, which was written in 300AD.
Try to read the Old Testament to understand what Hebrews considered Hell.

This is the most fake deep thing ive ever heard. In what way is truth not important for matters of faith? What do you have faith in? That what you believe in is true. If what you believe isn't true thats pretty important

Genesis is literally about Homo Sapiens (Adam/Eve)

Eve sin was having sex with the Neanderthal (Fallen Angels, Sons of God, Watchers, Serpent in the Garden) probably in the middle east.

That sexual union produced the evolutionary cross breed Cro-Magnon, biblical Cain (Nephilim, Giants)

Then fast forward a couple thousand years & onto Noahs generation.

All supposed to be viewed in a Macro and Micro sense, for the best understanding.

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There's no good reason to believe it's true, no.

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Every link I just posted sources understandings of Gehenna which come from roughly 800 BCE, so no. And again, the OT and NT both use "Gehenna", not "hell". This was already addressed, I won't go over it again. Hell is a Greek invention, Gehenna is the Jewish version. Gehenna is what is in the original Greek text, not hell.

>Note the " lake of fire." phrase
It's not an astounding phrase, sorry to tell you this. Ancient Jews lived at the intersection of Greek, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian civilization, which is why there was so much cultural contamination. Jews, for example, stole the Ten Commandments from the Greek Delphic Maxims, because the original Ten Commandments described in Exodus 34 are just your usual Yahweh is going to kill everyone and you can steal their stuff, give me lots of baby sacrifices, tripe. Since ancient Jews were polytheistic, it's not really a surprise they might have stolen something like that from the Sumerians.


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Your eternity depends on whether you embrace that Truth, or reject it.

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Prove it.

The truth is linked to faith.
Read the bible, understand what is the truth in the world and base your faith on that.

Based on this image all signs point to yes. Its true

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Faith is garbage at determining truth.

It doesn't matter. Christianity is a useful tool to unite a people. If paganism was more prevalent, it could serve the same purpose, but it isn't, therefore we should use Christianity.

You're getting your understanding of history from ignorant sources.

Every civilization in the past has tried to understand the universe and how it works, that's why we see so many similarities. It doesn't mean someone stole from the other. They all tried to understand the supernatural by thier means, so we see a lot of common traits between different civilizations that live oceans apart, that have never come into contact with each other.

The Old Testament talks about sheol which was divided into two compartments, one for the righteous dead and one for the wicked dead. This was a basic revelation and it was going to get more specific only in the NT.

Off this board Ahmed

An user of rational thinking.

virgin christ cucks ruined this board

Christianity can be a unifying force within denominations, but it's a dividing force between denominations and with other religions. Expecting everyone to believe the same thing is not realistic, so really you just end up causing division.

>does antediluvial sky wizard true????
Sand people are worse than boomers

Christianity united Europe for 1500 years

>implying cuckstianity is the truth

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I can't believe you nerds are still discussing this. God is dead idiots. Now go and vote for Bernie to save the US of A

No it's not true, plain and simple as that. If one excepts me to believe such, I'm going to need proof.

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What are you smoking? Europe experienced all sorts of wars and conflict.

This is true.

The ones that recognize Christ as Lord.

There will always be wars and conflict because we are sinners. The fact still stands. Europe was united under one true religion and one true Church.

>There will always be wars and conflict because we are sinners.
There will always be wars and conflict because of our divisions and conflicting interests, of which religion is one.
>The fact still stands.
It literally doesn't. The fact that there was infighting means that it wasn't united, by definition.

>You're getting your understanding of history from ignorant sources.
Just your opinion. Not an intelligent one, either, considering your OT/Jewish Torah is the source.

>Every civilization in the past has tried to understand the universe and how it works, that's why we see so many similarities.
If anything, the different civilizations trying to grasp the universe is the reason why we have a diverse number of gods and thousands of different understandings. This does not make it *more* likely your version is correct. The similarities are products of cultural contact through geographical proximity.

> It doesn't mean someone stole from the other.
That's virtually how all technology spread, including the domestication of grain.

>so we see a lot of common traits between different civilizations that live oceans apart, that have never come into contact with each other.
The Egyptians were right next door to ancient Jews and had different ideas, so no. Many cultures completely omit the Jewish penalty box and suggest when you die you automatically go to the afterlife. You're grasping for some special context that just doesn't exist.

Sheol is also associated with Gehenna. Gehenna being invented first, before Sheol. Gehenna being a concept as far back as 800 BCE (probably longer), and Sheol invented in 500 BCE.

God is long long dead and you all know it! Vote for Bernie to save this country

Europe was ruled by Monarchies. Every Monarch was a Catholic and they all believed in Christ.
Those are facts, you can try to jew your way out of this if you want, but the facts remain.

>Europe was united
Europe has never been united. Not since the Roman Empire. Some of the biggest wars in Europe's history were over religion and which version of Yahweh worship was correct.

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After mankind was separated from the Tower of Babel, they started to lose sense of what really happened and get their own view of it. That's why we see a worldspread myth of the flood. Going from the Hawaii to the Middle East and Asia.
The same thing applies to humans effort to understand the supernatural. It doesn't mean they stole form each other, mostly because they were too far. I'm talking about Indians having a sense of spirits and soul and Greeks also definding a sense of the soul living in the body.
This understanding stops at a certain point because you need Divine Revelation in order to understand the truth. The same thing applies to Hell. The Hebrews had a basic understanding until Jesus, who is the Son of God, explained more in depth what Hell truly is.

>Those are facts
I'm not denying those facts, what I'm denying is your conclusion, that Europe was united. Those Christ-believing monarchs were constantly fighting and competing with each other. They were not unified.

All that matter is that untill we have the artificial womb and thus we can break women monopoly on reproduction, we keep the absolute male rule over his wife.
Patria potesta worked till the jews demonized it back in the day.

Religious wars started in the 15th century. Europe was united under Christendom for more than 1000 years.

>Christian dark ages
Atheistfag here, and I fucking hate this meme. The dark ages happened because Rome imploded and took most of the western world with it.

I'm not a christcuck but you could have pointed out the scant accomplishments of the dark age rather than post a meme infograph. There's no way to prove scientific progress through history without facts.

Quick question:

What are Christians views on people before Christ? What happened to the majority of humanitys population before Christ? Did they go to hell? Why didn't God make his existence known to them? What about Neanderthals? Did God love them? Sincere question

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Monarchs fought over political matters (with small scale wars that can't be compared to pre-Christian era massacres). Its irrelevant to my point that Europe was united under Christianity.

What Jesus said was factual. The interpretations that the apostles/disciples transcribed from his dictations, that formed the basis for Christianity, was inaccurate. Plus, the Arab and Jewish presence throughout that epoch lends credence to a heavy handed manipulation and false/subversive translation of the original teachings. Islam, on the other hand, is entirely based on a false prophet's dictations. Couple that with a large populace of low IQ, sun drenched, high libido having violent morons, and Islam begins to become crystal clear. One religious platform had a misinterpretation, while the other is a cancer to the stability of the entire human population. Have a good "1"...

>Europe was united under Christendom for more than 1000 years.
Probably the most historically ignorant laughable statement I've seen posted on Jow Forums.–10th_century_CE

That list of course omits raids, sieges, random counts and dukes fighting each other, internal wars, and other Christian-on-Christian murder. Christianity demolished the Roman Empire and ended Pax Romana, which was arguably the last time Europe was united and had a lasting peace. Once the Romans fell, Europe became a backwater of feuding Christian warlords for centuries.

>What are Christians views on people before Christ? What happened to the majority of humanitys population before Christ? Did they go to hell?
>Why didn't God make his existence known to them?
He did, read the Tower of Babel story.
>What about Neanderthals?
Studies have shown that Neanderthals were humans with thick skull bones because of very old ages.

Jews hate him and Muslims want to enslave his followers

They'll unironically say everyone but the Jews went to hell.

>Its irrelevant to my point that Europe was united under Christianity.
The whole point of the discussion is that an user said that Christianity was a unifying force. It's pointless to say that they were all Christian when they were still fighting.

If your historical knowledge comes from wikipedia, then you'll always have a jewish version of the middle ages and Christendom. I suggest that you read actual books written by people who have studied those ages. The more books you read, the more you'll start to understand what really happened.

I agreed with you that there were fights because we are sinners and some King wants more power or land than the other King etc. That doesn't undermine the whole picture that Europe was united under Christianity.

Christianity is decidedly untrue.

However, if it is true, we live in Hell. The universe is Hell.

This conversation is going nowhere.

It’s a false religion that worships a circumcised rabbi.

But Christians will not seize existing, so who cares. Let them be, so long as they leave non believers

If there is something then there has never been nothing. This is because you would need to get something from nothing - you would have to exist before you existed to cause yourself to come into being. Obviously that's impossible, so nessisarily if there is something in the world, there must have never been nothing.

That something must have always existed, because if it didn't always exist, there would have been a point in which there was nothing - therefor if there is something, there is a something that has existed eternally.

By our best evidence, it would seem that our physical universe has come into being, and did not always exist, therefor something that did always exist that is not physical must have created it.

The cause of our universe must have always existed or terminate in something that has always existed, as necessarily there must be an eternal something that is the cause of our universe coming into being.

2nd, the cause of our universe coming into being must not be physical, for if we are talking about the creation of nature, we are talking about the creation of physics itself. How could the creator of physics be physical, if physics didn't even exist yet before he made it? It's absurd, whatever made the physical world cannot itself be physical.

This implies a timeless, spaceless, imaterial, which is to say non-physical and transcendent cause of the universe coming into being.

In other words God probably exists, and atheists are eternally btfo.

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>God gives humans free will
>God gives a painful and eternal punishment for those who chose to exercise that free will
If God is real then he must be a vicious sociopath, and not the malevolent God everyone claims he is.

>I suggest that you read actual books written by people who have studied those ages.
I have many. Entire shelves, in fact. Do you? Clearly not, or you wouldn't have made such an insane statement. Shall I tell you about the origin of the Austrians, and how their CHRISTIAN count marched into the Swiss Alps to slaughter CHRISTIANS before being slaughtered by CHRISTIANS themselves? Or the ruling brothers killing each other? The court intrigue? The Bohemian CHRISTIANS killing Austrian CHRISTIANS and vice-versa? Go ahead and ask me to, I can quote entire sections at you. The book is only three feet from this desk.

Because he's legitimately insane or a fundy. Which is the same thing, really.

>and did not always exist
This is where you stumble, as space and time are connected by what we can tell. The physical universe came into being yes, but time also came into being with it. In other words, there would be no time at which the universe didn't exist, so it always existed despite having a beginning.

>tower of babel
What about the people who died before this? What I'm getting at is why would God condemn people to hell when he didn't even grace them with his existence?

Like Neanderthals. You say Neanderthals were human, which I'll grant you for sake of argument. But, did they all go to hell? Is there any theory on why God let so many of his children be doomed to the pits of hell based on his own doing? He didn't even give them a chance?

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Look around you. Realize that you are in the clutches of H.E.L.L. right now. The methodology of life that everyone prescribes to currently, is exactly what H.E.L.L. is described as being. Religious zealots (a few of which orbit these threads regularly) arrogantly posture themselves as having achieved Salvation. When in reality, they are further from enlightenment than anyone else. They do not have actual certainty, but they are masters of the proverbial "fake it 'til you make it" complex. It's disturbing to think that these zealots think a simple "I'm with Jesus" iteration could grant that anointment without real hard work, sacrifice, and dedication, but that's how arrogant they are. They're about to get a wake up call. Have a good "1"...

Not to mention the autistic infighting it caused inside nations, where people disliked each other based on beeing part of a different church

I am the way the truth the life.

>Is christianity true, or not?
It's true and Angels walk among us, living and growing as human men and women, watching getting ready to pass the word before judgment.
It's required because watching is not the same as living, living gives a better understanding of what it's like living on earth, how the flock has been deceived. Should those that have been deceived suffer the same fate of the deceivers?
Seems most are not aware of the true word due to satanic deception.

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Out-fucking-standing my friend! Could not have said it better myself. Exceedingly accurate and impeccably astute. I'm very impressed by this encapsulation. Have a fantastic "1"... You are definitely on the short list. Screenshot deserved!

This is as close to hell as we will get.

It is as close to heaven as you will get.

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I'm talking of a period going from 300AD to 1400-1500AD. That's what generally known as Christendom. Just before the Reformation.
Of course there were fights between Kings, there will always be fights in every single civilization. The fact is that Europe was created and united by Christianity and it was Christian.
The armies who fought the muslims were made of various nationalities, like English, French, German, Italian. The only thing that they had in common was their faith in the true religion. The same thing applies to the Crusades.
You've just read books from secularist and modernist scholars who see Christianity as a problem to their masters agenda.

I think you should read the Book of Genesis. Its all explained there.

you mistake the experience of time with what time physically is. All time is is change. Upon the creation of time, the world enters a new, changed state that is different than the one before it. Because this new state is after, the state before can rightly be called "before".

This state before was without space or matter, nothing physical could exist. The only non physical entities capible of power is a short list indeed - it's minds. Do you want me to prove non-physical minds exist/ that minds are non-physical?

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>I'm talking of a period going from 300AD to 1400-1500AD
Mmkay, my book is from that time period. Shall I quote the book at you now? Will you like to hear about the Christians slaughtering each other that you pretend never happened because your worldview depends on it?

>You've just read books from secularist and modernist scholars
The book is from the 1800s by the way. You're really failing hard.