Just found out about taxes... Damn that shit sucks

Just found out about taxes... Damn that shit sucks

Attached: Professora de anatomia.jpg (1024x683, 73K)

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Brown eyes = mutt

Taxation is theft but it's a necessary evil. It should be more efficient though. There should only be a flat VAT/sales tax and it should be directly allocated to the relevant public services without bureaucracy.

> Professora de anatomia

That is about the time I turned from a college hippy liberal into whatever I am now

so 99.9% humans are mutt. t. blue eyed pure pollak

Tax and interest are the two biggest bunches of bullshit user. Welcome to Pol.

No longer a neet? Good, neets get the acid

A faggot

Welcome to the world. I nearly shit myself when I got my first real paycheck.

Poles were never white, get off your high horse you slavshit kike

t.nordicist retard

There’s nothing like giving hundreds of your hard earned money to the kikes, so they can feed their niggers every week.

>paying taxes
women like niggers are net tax eaters.
the modern woman stills live of the labor of men, they just got the government to serve as a middle man so they are not so oppressed as to only have sex with the man who pays for everything they have.

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Furthermore, abolish all taxes, they the niggers starve, and the Jews bankrupt. We can bring back taxes when we have a reich to call home


I want Mara to tax my penis

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t. paying for holohoax survivors and other vermin on the side
I doubt you can imagine how I feel

I worked in Boston, so I got to see my tax dollars at work every day passing the niggers in Dorchester on the train. Porch monkeys sitting around doing fuck-all all goddamned day.

hahahhahahahha fuck you nigger

fuck off mutt. Im 100% european and you have nigger genes. cope

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>Just found out about taxes... Damn that shit sucks
Thinking about how to teach my kid about why we pay taxes.

Our money are taken with threats of violence, by people who rarely spend the money on what they promise.

I don't think I will be able to explain it without seeming like a cuck, unless I am active in some sort of civil war faction fighting the state.

>brown ID

Stop responding to meme-flags. Fuck D&C kikery.

get married you slut.

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good luck if you are in the US

It's so much worse than it seems. Set aside the fact that the government is taking a large share of what you're earning, and consider that the government is draining currency out of cycles of trade. Imagine an isolated, self-sufficient town, which can take care of itself entirely without imports, recirculating its dollars forever. Now add income taxes: the state quickly confiscates all dollars, and when the townsfolk switch to barter, it demands more dollars. Since they have no dollars, the state begins confiscating their land and commercial property, and selling them to outsiders. Soon, the independent town is reduced to a factory farm and a Wal-Mart, its young people leave, and its old people go on welfare.

The system of transaction taxes, which we might call vampiric taxes because they drain the lifeblood of the economy, creates a situation of economic totalitarianism. Nothing is permitted to survive which doesn't directly or indirectly serve the state, and the state isn't required to allow anyone to serve it. Thus the state arbitrarily reallocates property at will, confiscating it from those not in its favor, and giving it to those in its favor.

We are descended from settlers who came here for land. They developed the land and passed it to their descendants. Through vampiric taxation and other dirty tricks, the value of the land was stolen away and given to the rich, reducing us to an employment-dependent pool of wage slaves who pay rent or mortgage payments, with nothing we can keep and no way to live if we are rejected by those favored by the state.

Taxation isn't necessary at all, certainly taxation in currency and taxation on transactions aren't necessary. The alternative is for the state to own some productive property, and be able to command a share of labor from the population, like the medieval system where a lord had his land, and the peasants were ordered to work on it for a certain number of days per year.

What country doesn't have fuck you levels of taxes?

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Dubai has no tax on income, property, or capital gains.

At least they stay on the porch. We have feral pavement apes jiving about, checking door handles and looking in windows of parked cars. You should unironically be able to set them on fire if you see them do that

Taxes aren't a necessary evil. The United Stated didn't need or use taxes before world war one. The only reason taxes are even a thing today is because of IRS share holders lobbying as hard as they can while being backed by international entities. It's just a way to give luxury to a few people who don't even know how to use it.