Just found out about taxes... Damn that shit sucks

Just found out about taxes... Damn that shit sucks

Attached: Professora de anatomia.jpg (1024x683, 73K)

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Brown eyes = mutt

Taxation is theft but it's a necessary evil. It should be more efficient though. There should only be a flat VAT/sales tax and it should be directly allocated to the relevant public services without bureaucracy.

> Professora de anatomia

That is about the time I turned from a college hippy liberal into whatever I am now

so 99.9% humans are mutt. t. blue eyed pure pollak

Tax and interest are the two biggest bunches of bullshit user. Welcome to Pol.

No longer a neet? Good, neets get the acid

A faggot

Welcome to the world. I nearly shit myself when I got my first real paycheck.