Isn't it weird that the daughter of a Freemason family stirs up the (((media))) by shilling for eco-brainwashing?

Isn't it weird that the daughter of a Freemason family stirs up the (((media))) by shilling for eco-brainwashing?
How sick do parents have to be in the brain to use their disabled aspie-offspring for their concerns?
Why do white zoomers fall for the (((climate hoax)))?

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(((last four letters of his name)))

God low key at work cursing Freemasons with potato offspring kek

>implying her first name is actually Greta
My guess is Sarah or Rachel.

She said that Coal could not possibly be ended as an industry in the terms of the deadline date set for eu.
I'm over here laughing!

Remember that this is her family.

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Inbred potato

You are such a cynic.
Obviously this is a bottom up grassroots spontaneous response by the masses and our noble objective media outlets to a truly enlightened young soul who has endeavoured so eloquently to make us privy to the great truths of our time regarding our frail climate. Listen well!

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She looks like a literal retard

remaking Pippi Longstocking
and she is white?

Nobody believes what some down syndrome dude thinks

He looks like a fucking chick, too.

I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body

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SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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*steals your gasoline cans*

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>female freemason

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She's lauded for being a puppet while the Polish kid who stood up to the fag parade is being smeared for going of his own volition

Its called the order of the eastern star.

She should be the face of a more appropriate awareness movement

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backrubs are good for the environment
if you know what I mean

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Do you ever feel like a complete retard for vilifying an organization you are obviously clueless about?

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hmm never heard of them before thanks

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She isn't actually stirring or making a real effort to convince any form of zoomer of the climate holohoax.

That is just the poor excuse your government (and many others) will use to charge you a green tax (no real purpose as you can't pay mother nature to look the other way), to make you pay more for fuel (than you should do/ hyperinflation and already hyped product) and go vegan (possible insect diet coming up).

The clear conspiracy (Freemasons) and oven dodging factors are just a distraction so you don't riot and attempt burn down the countries capital city as is the situation is with Paris.

There's no toilets aboard the ship. She needs to poop and pee to a bucket. The royal captain will watch and monitor closely that everything goes well.
Would you send your daughter to such voyage?

its not the masons its the jews

The governments need more money so they can pay interest on the debt theyve borrowed from the central banks due to all those wars.

They are gonna get that money by taxing the very air you breathe.

Understand that these bankers are meglomoniacal. They dont care that society will collapse in on itself due to their greed, they just want more money, more power, more control. Its like their addiction, a sickness that cant be quelled no matter how much they aquire.

If they actually wanted to create a substainable future, or save the environment, then why dont they invest in re-forestation? Why dont they work actively towards stopping the spread of plastic in the oceans? Why dont they limit the building of megacities, and limit concrete usage(which kills and limits the insect population)?

Instead its about "carbon" because that way they dont have to create pro-active solutions, only retroactive punishmens (taxes) which enables them more control, more money and more power.

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yeah, they're fucking gangsters, my dude

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its all about money, influence and attention.. They don't care for that child which should be in school rn

its not the jews its the jesuits (and zionist occultic jews)
>she is freemason
checks out (symbol of eye in middle of a hand = sacrifice)

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Are you stupid? He means Thunberg.

I can't fucking stand this ugly little brat and the left wing media making a huge kerfuffle about her fills me with antipathy

They have done exactly the same with food. We now have a tax on sugar in the UK....


The evil of using a brainwashed child to push an agenda is total,
"how could you criticise and attack this special child"?
>play adult games, win adult prizes
Similar to the Hogg phenomenon

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>Forget it, Jake, it's semitism

These is beyond the power of (((freemasons))).
The levels of retardation and superficial leftism hero worship are such that this does not seem to come from freemasons.

This is retarded journalism and left wing stupidity at its best.
It's like they were hoping for such a retard child to be deified as an example.

I mean, okay... freemasons might have something to do with it, but it got a life of its own.

It's "progress" Jake and "progress" is a masonic code word
>you can't stand in the way of progress, Jake

Let's hope she takes a detour to Davy Jones' locker

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Here's one of the things that confirmed this for me.
I did some work for a top cop, had to drive him around and had free reign to drive as fast as I liked without fear of the law, he liked my driving and he spoke in a strange rhythm when he said
>good're always making progress
I thought it odd at the time, it was only later when I learned more about the Masonic agenda that I realised I was being prompted, from my response he would know whether I was on the level or not

>Why do white zoomers fall for the (((climate hoax)))?

Why do schoolkids think atoms are like little literal planetoids with electrons literally orbiting them like literal moons? Because some stupid faggots decided that's how they would teach kids about atoms.

Is Greta the future of ecofascism?

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>Freemason family
you retards say this about literally everyone

she was adopted by her fake parents after performing satanic ritual abuse on her

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