Confederatefags BTFO

Confederatefags BTFO

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Lynching niggers

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Right of representation

If the Civil War was about slavery doesn't that mean 625,000 white men sacrificed themselves to end slavery?

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Who hurt you user?

States rights to buy niggers.

trade with foreign powers beyond galveston and the northern railroad robber baron's? I mean, slaves were part of the states rights fight, but certianly not the entire reason.

A state’s right to all other powers not explicitly given to the Federal Government in the US Constitution. Aka the 10th amendment.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Universal Healthcare? Stupid imo, but a state’s rights issue. Most of this leftist crap can be and should be handled at the state level. The 10th amendment was designed to keep these United States together. It allows citizens to vote with their feet and for state’s to try new things without risking the stability of the whole Federal Union. Furthermore, states should be financially independent as well. Federal aid is AIDS and a destructive force acting upon our Federal Union of State’s.

Diverse societies like ours don’t do well under Unitary/centralized systems. One size fits all governance doesn’t work in countries like America. Differently people want different flavors of government.

Btw you do know America is a Constitutional Federal Republic and not muh “democracy”, right? Pure Democracies only last until the citizens learn they can vote themselves the treasury.

The state's right to not industrialize.
Slavery was a lynch-pin not the main clause.

My thoughts exactly when my eyes started to open and I stopped being a child.

Enforce the 10th amendment nigger

States rights to make their laws on the state level and not give most of it up to the Federal. Ignore my memeflag btw I'm not using it because of this specific thread

To own slaves. Because niggers aren't human.

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It was over secession. Secession was over slavery. Not the same thing.

only half of them did.
the other half sacrificed their lives in a vain attempt to preserve it.

To not pay duties. South paid 80% of taxes at the time. Civil War was not about slavery you brainlet.

if radical claims are presented without evidence, they can be dismissed without evidence.
the civil war was 100% about slavery.
see: bleeding Kansas, the Missouri compromise, and John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, you absolute mouthbreathing buffoon.

To imply that the state should have more freedoms than the individual doesnt seem very conservative to me.

fuck off, you kike, cunt, and or nigger

But that's a strawman, you stupid faggot.
No informed person says it was about states rights OR slavery.
The US civil war objectively, irrefutably began over tariffs.
Literally, read a fucking book you dumb nigger monkey.

States right to control who they sell their exports too, you fucking jew / jew slave

>anyone arguing that slavery was not an important shatterpoint
Even my nigger history teacher didn't teach that the Civil War was solely about slavery- the American industrial revolution & resultant suppression of rural pops played a huge part.

literally only retards believe that:

probably a nigger is the only one who COULD teach that the civil war was about anything other than slavery. Anyone else would be fired

Arguing with anyone on this board is pointless because the hiveminds collective IQ is ~75.

I mean, we're talking about people who think Facebook quality memes are a valid source of information.

The only response you'll get when you try to have an actual discussion is "LOL KIKE NIGGER FAGGOT" because a solid majority of Jow Forums doesn't know what they actually believe or why they believe it

i do it for the ones who lurk.
i refuse to let right wing retardation go unchecked.

>cites a blog
Lol, you fucking retarded faggot.
Try again, but this time, don't be a dipshit.

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>cites nothing at all

I thought radical claims needed no citations to be refuted :^)
Literally every history book on the matter cites tariffs as the cause.
You're the radical here, numbnuts.

I'll paste the meat of the blog entry for anyone who ain't clicking that shit:

1. The tariff issue, on those rare occasions in which it was even mentioned at all, was utterly overwhelmed by the issue of slavery within the South’s own secession conventions.
2. Precisely because southern states began seceding from December 1860 onwards, a number of southern senators had resigned that could otherwise have voted against the tariff bill. Had they not resigned, they would have had enough votes in the Senate to successfully block the tariff’s congressional passage.

except i presented evidence.
try to keep up with the conversation if you want to participate, kid.

Nothin personnel, kiddo

you inbred white trash piece of excrement.

Holy shit, the left really can't meme

The south had a 2:1 kill ratio, so about 400k cucks died to defend niggers.

Oh boy, you cited the same blog AGAIN, I'm soooooooooooooo BTFO, how will I ever recover??????

To imply that killing 750,000 Americans and devastating half the country with fire and hails of bullets is preferable to reaching some sort of compromise that averts civil war doesn't seem very progressive to me.

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i mean, unless you can refute the basic historical facts presented therein, you're just blowing hot air.
fuck off, Shlomo. we know this is how you recruit mass shooters to further your agenda.

I'll call your blog and raise you one news article.

>some small town paper from butt fuck Viriginia
so, the blog actually mentions this article, and absolutely destroys it.
try reading next time instead of typing lots of repeated characters.

citing a blog isn't better than citing nothing because you try to stand on your superiority of citing a blog as if it gives you some kind of leverage when talking about not being a liar.

Citing a blog is the work of a jew or a jew at heart and a bad person

>literally all blogs are exactly the same
sure smells jewy in here.

>random faggots are more competent than journalists
Apex delusion.
Cope it up loser, lol,

niggers have literally tried to kill me 4 times so I think I have good reason to hate niggers and want them all gone

>Bill of needs

unlike you i'm not trying to prove any point about anything other than that you are a jew, which is easy to prove by noting your behavior

the sickness is inside you

so are you denying that several states seceded before the tariffs were passed?
that's a basic historical fact, and no amount of kvetching will change it.

>niggers have literally tried to kill me 4 times
shit, and here i thought the third time was supposed to be the charm.
they probably had good reasons.

There were export duties on southern crops for like 60 fucking years before the civil war, you retarded ape.
It wasn't just suddenly BOOM, tariffs out of nowhere, time to secede.
Also, this truly bizarre narrative you're pushing that Jews want people thinking the civil was WASN'T about slavery (as if it wasn't already the commonly accepted reason until like 2013) to somehow generate killers is the weakest shit, LMAO.
Take your meds.

Yeah they had to get dat money, niggers deserve death and so do you.

>Jews want people thinking the civil was WASN'T about slavery
not "people"- right wing retards.
they need to create a boogeyman to fight.

Also, how do you explain Lincoln never once saying he wanted to end slavery for any reason other than to defeat the south?

>There were export duties on southern crops for like 60 fucking years before the civil war, you retarded ape.
this would really be a lot simpler if you'd actually read that article i posted.
it really is very well researched and lists all of its sources.

Yea, I'm gonna have to ask you to take your meds.

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This would really be a lot simpler if you weren't a pilpul-spewing kike who either doesn't know or pretends to not know US history such as the Tariff of 1828.
This user knows what's up.

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Yep, you're a faggot without a single fact-based argument.
P.S. No one here is going to give your retarded blog clicks, Shlomo.

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>good reasons
five dollars in my 13 year old pocket, lol fuck niggers hope you all hang

Bruh, I wouldn't call charlottesville "butt fuck" virginia