IVANKA is in charge now


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she will be president one day, mark my words.

and it won't be good for anyone but the "elites."

she will be tasked with bringing left and right together after her father divided the country like never before (I know he hasn't and isn't, but that's how it'll be spun).

President ivanka 2024

inb4 it's actually ivanka trump who is the antichrist.

With the state of the Democrats today, Trump's re-election should be a guarantee.
It's not.
He needs to cut back on the nepotism if he wants an eight-year contract.

Madame President Ivanka will the biggest daddy I want a pony moment in history.

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I hope this backfires and the democrats cut off their nose to spite their face and tell her to fuck off. However, most republicans are m'lady cucks that will go with what she says in hopes she'll touch their penises.

Can't wait for more of those Unwanted Ivanka memes.

Trump's side whore will never be POTUS.

tRust the plan,,.. TRump needs our guns to fight the deep state,,.. Think rationally

>and it won't be good for anyone but the "elites."
no shit
she literally sucks kushners cock

This. seriously, his entire presidency is oh so obviously a primer for her future presidency. I don't believe she'll be the true power behind it though, I actually believe it'll be kushner. I think he's the brains, she's the face. the world is no longer as receptive to a white man in power as it was say 20 years ago, but a beautiful white woman in power. a beautiful white woman being the ultimate ideal today apparently. now that, would be popular.


She is trying so hard to impress people who will never accept her. Why does she not understand this?

Jow Forums would be all over this story but the goddamn /ptg/ niggers do not want anyone to talk about the kike trash in the White House pushed the worst cancerous agenda possible

Be sure to tell every goddamn nigger in /ptg/ to kill themselves

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I legitimately wish HRC would have won at this point. The GOP would have at least pretended to be against gun control and fought back when she tried to push anything.

Now we have the fucking lifelong NYC Democrat who has absolutely no values and is willing to say or do whatever it takes to get re-elected doing "something" (as in, anything that he can point to and say he did something to help stop mass shootings) and there go yet more of our gun rights while the trumptards cheer him on.

Father didnt divide shit. Thats obamas legacy. A brit wouldnt understand.

Shes a woman


i bet ivanka offered to get kushner to suck their dick for a vote against the second amendment

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This. She isn't going to be shit after Trump is out.

Oops. I think you forgot about Jesus Sanders

re-read what I said bro, I said I know he didn't. but that's how they'll spin it because that's how they're already spinning it.

I'm starting to think Trump really is trying to lose the election.


It's because (((they))) are prepping her for a Presidential run after Trump's second term and one Democrat term to take the fall for the 2025 global currency collapse. It's the main reason (((Trump))) ran for President in the first place.

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>DAAAAAAADDY!!!! Take the goyims guns right now!!!!

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B-based right?

>Venezuela is next, then Iran


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She's already in charge...
Of my dick!

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Sex slave

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>it's actually ivanka trump who is the antichrist.

The day a kike is president is the day the war goes hot.

one word gun if so


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I don't remember voting for this whore.


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This is dumb. I have no interest in Ivanka making policy. Let her run for office and prove herself publicly. I did not vote for her and Jared's liberal views. They are only of value in that they are messengers that Trump can trust to deliver his messages cleanly and bring back a clean message. That is it. I hope that is all she is doing here.

I don't get it, is there anything wrong with her talking to congresspeople? They don't have to listen to her.

There are way too many of these creepy trump father-daughter photos. What was he thinking?

Daddy ban guns now!!!!!

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NFW! She's a complete airhead